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Political History of the Devil Upon Two Sticks/Chapter 4

From Wikisource

THE DUKE OF ORLEANS, in the earliest part of his life chose the most notorious characters for debauchery and irreligion as his associates. In this glorious course he soon outstripped the most experienced. To lead ingenouus youth from the paths of virtue into the stream of vice, to triumph in the ruin of innocence, is a refinement in wickedness, which was flattering to the ambition, and delightful to the heart of the Duke of Orleans.

The implacable hatred he has manifested against the King, his cousin, and the virulence with which he joined the savage Persecutors of his queen originate thus. When the beautiful Marie Antoinette was shining in all the splendour of united attractions, our gallant made a proffer to her of his person, which she rejected with contempt, and even reported it to her husband, who upbraided him with his baseness. This virtuous nobleman, to gain a seat in the convention, changed his name to that of Mr. Equality; was one of the most forward to condemn his king; and at last, by the jealousy of Robespierre, met that fate he so justly merited.