Popular Irish Stories (1850)/Ready Wit

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A traveller, fond of a joke—a corpulent, jolly-looking fellow—taking a walk in company with one of his customers, met a "rough, rude, ready-witted" Hibernian driving a small cart, drawn by a jackass, when the following dialogue ensued: —"Well, Pat, what kind of an animal is this you have got!" "Arrah, now, don't be after denying your friends when you meet with them. Sure you have not forgot your cousin, Mr. Jack Ass." "Oh ho! so you deal among asses." "Well, in troth I do, Sir." "And what is the price of a good one just now?" "In troth, Sir, that greatly depends on their appearance; a little jacky like this un might be got for a pound; but, by japers, a big fat cuddy like yourself would cost thurty shillans!"