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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 1/Index

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I N D E X.

Action of Dark Radiations 202
"of Sewage-Gas on Lead Pipes 251
Addresses, The Presidential 752
Agassiz's South American Observations 505
A Giant Planet 286
A Glass of Water 655
Alcoholic Hallucinations 638
Alcohol, The Physiological Position of 219
A Marked Man 249
American Plants, On the Derivation of 724
Anaesthetic, A New 373
"Ancient America," Baldwin, Notice of 244
A New Entozoon from Common Eel 758
Animal Movements, Nervous Control of. (Illustrated.) 344
Anthropology and Ethnology 419
Antiquity of Man. (Illustrated.) 208
A Phosphorus-Lamp 252
Arrow-heads in New Jersey 253
Artificial Production of Stupidity in Schools 129
As regards Spiders. (Illustrated.) 674
Astro-Meteorology 335
Atmosphere of the Sun 251
Atoms 245
August and November Meteors 385

Balance of Life in the Aquarium 434
Binary Stars 759
Body, Temperature of, in Health 247
"Botany for Beginners" (by Maxwell T. Masters), Notice of 370
Bowlders of the Long Island Drift 757
Brain-Injury, Curious Effects of a 635
Brain, The Unconscious Action of 544
Bread, Detection of Alum in 509

Caffeine, Physiological Action of 253
Calmucks, Characteristics of the. (Illustrated.) 419
Carbolic Acid from Plants 766
Carpenter, Dr. William B., Sketch of 745
Cave Explorations, Recent 378
Centenarians, Physical Condition of 253
Chameleonization in Frogs and Reptiles 376
Chemical Influence of Light 766
Cholera, Origin of 381
Civilization as Accumulated Force 602
Clever Fishes 529
Coal as a Reservoir of Power 738
Coal-Gas, Purification of 503
Coal-Lands of the Rocky Mountains 632
Coal, Weather-Waste of 374
Coast Survey, The Work of the 763
Comets, What becomes of? 246
Concerning Atoms 245
Concerning Crookes 126
Condiments, Physiological Influence of 701
Consanguineous Marriages and Idiocy 250
Consciousness after Decapitation 252
Cooling and Ventilation of Railway Carriages 251
Copper in Organized Structures 253
Corals and Coral Architecture 257
"Corals and Coral Islands" (by J. D. Dana), Notice of 241
Corpulence 445
Cow's Milk, Fungi in 636
Culture of Wild Plants 376

Dana, James D. (with Portrait) 362
""Honors to 253
Darwinism and Divinity 188
Detection of Alum in Bread 509
"Dictionary of English Etymology" (Wedgewood), Notice of 118
Difficulties of the Social Science Objective Difficulties 641
Discovery of the Elements 474
Disease, Gull on the Nature of 122
"Propagation of 509
Disinfection and Disinfectants 55
Dyspepsia, the Causes of 75

Early Superstitions of Medicine 95
Earthquake Waves, Measurement of 586
Eastern Thibet 379
Eclipse of the Sun. (Illustrated.) 17
Education, Modern Studies in 496
"Place of Science in 624
Effects of Faulty Vision in Painting 174
Emotion, the Physiology of 274
English against the Classics 707
Evolution, Mr. Martineau on 313
Experiments on the Solar Spectrum 631
Exploring Expeditions, Northern 508

Facts in Relation to Rainfall 504
"First Book of Botany" (by E. A. Youmans), Notice of 120
Fish as Food 247
Flying Reptiles of the Chalk Formation in Kansas 380
Food, Nutritive Salts of 405
"Forms of Water" (Tyndall), Notice of 245
Fossil Flowers and Insects 252
Four-legged Fish 636
Frogs and Reptiles, Chameleonization in 376
Fungi in Cow's Milk 636

Gastric Juice, Late Researches on the 372
"Geological Surveys of Ohio," Notice of Report on 630
Germany, Scientific Advance in 251
Germination, Cold in 254
Gray, Prof., Sketch of (with Portrait) 491
Gun-Cotton, Spontaneous Explosions of 376
Guns, Length of 372

Has our Climate changed? 665
"Healthy Houses," Eassie, Notice of 628
Herbert Spencer and Dr. Carpenter 754
Higher Education, Modern Literatures in 396
Hints on House-building 126
Hooker, Dr., and the Kew Gardens 762
"How Plants behave," Gray, Notice of 502
Human Nature, The Study of 327
Hydrogen Flame, Observations on the 377
Hydrophobia, Chloral Hydrate in 507

Imported Enemies 620
Impure Water, Tests of 250
Insects and Flowers 758
"Instinct" (by P. A. Chadbourne), Notice of 117
Intellect, Town and Country as Producers of 600
Iron and Civilization 339
Is there a Social Science? 159

Judges, Juries, and Insanity 440
Jute 761

Knowledge, Loose and Accurate 238

Labor, The Source of 40
Lagoon Islands, Elevation of, in the Pacific 506
Lead Pipes, Action of Sewage-Gas on 251
Length of Guns 372
Lessons from a Brick 633
Liebig's Extract of Meat 373
Life in the Aquarium 434
Lightning-Rods, The Office of 639
Long Island Conglomerate 632
Loose and Accurate Knowledge 238
Lyell, Sir Charles (with Portrait) 231

Magnetic Variations 254
Man, Natural History of, The Antiquity of Man. (Illustrated.) 208
"""The Unity of the Human Species 61
"""Migrations of 299
Man as an Object of Scientific Study 366
Man, Quetelet on the Science of 45
Man as the Interpreter of Nature 684
Measurement of Earthquake Waves 586
Meat, Liebig's Extract of 373
"Preservation of 637
Medicine, The Early Superstitions of 95
Mental Exertions governed by Law 762
Meteors of August and November 385
"Michael Faraday," Gladstone, Notice of 627
Modern Literatures in the Higher Education 396
Modern Studies in Education 496
Moral Contagion 618
Morse, Prof., The Work of 115
Motions of the Stars 541
Mount Seward, Ascent of 636
Musical Mice 323
Musical Mice 510

Natural History of Man 61
Natural History of Man 208
Natural History of Man 299
Nature of the Social Science 513
New Jersey, Arrow-heads in 253
Niagara, the Past and Future of 564
"Niagara" (by G. W. Holley), Notice of 756
Northern Exploring Expeditions 508
Nutritive Salts of Food 405
Notes 128
Notes 254
Notes 383
Notes 511
Notes 640
Notes 767

Observations on the Hydrogen Flame 377
On the Derivation of American Plants 724
Origin of Cholera 381
Our Need of a Social Science 1
Oxygen, The Discoverer of 368

Painting, Effects of Faulty Vision in 174
Past and Future of Niagara 564
Permanent Photographs 250
Petroleum in Santo Domingo 766
Photographing the Eye and Ear 766
Physical Condition of Centenarians 253
"Science, the Study of 451
"Degeneracy, the Causes of 482
Physiological Action of Caffeine 253
"Influence of Condiments 701
"Physiology of Man" (by Prof. Austin Flint, Jr.), Notice of 756
Place of Science in Education 624
Planets, Do they vary in Color? 374
Popular Geology 613
Power, Coal as a Reservoir of 738
Prehistoric Times. (Illustrated.) 101
Preservation of Meat 637
"of Wood 508
Propagation of Disease 509
Providence in Physical Affairs 638
Purpose and Plan of Our Enterprise 113

Quetelet on the Science of Man 45

Radiations, Action of Dark 202
Railway Carriages, Cooling and Ventilation of 251
Rainfall, Facts concerning 504
Rats, Anecdotes of 375
Recent Strikes 623
"Cave Explorations 378
Relations of Death-rate to Temperature 378
Rising of Circumpolar Land 510

Sanitary Reform in India 373
School Dietaries 590
"Life and Eyesight 760
Scientific Advance in Germany 251
"Associations 637
"Dabblers 594
Science and Immortality 26
"of Man 45
"Science Primers" (Chemistry, by Prof. Roscoe; Physics, by Balfour Stewart), Notice of 371
Scrutable Providences 217
Seychelles Islands, Notes on the 505
Sight and the Visual Organ 457
Singing Marmot 509
Sleep, Physiology of 411
Society, the Science of 116
Sociology, the Study of 1
Sociology, the Study of 159
Sociology, the Study of 513
Sociology, the Study of 641
Solar Spectrum, Experiments on the 631
Southern Alaska 124
"Spectrum Analysis" (Schellen), Notice of 242
Spontaneous Explosion of Gun-Cotton 376
Spots on the Sun. (Illustrated.) 144
Stimpson, Dr. William, Death of 502
Stimulation, The Question of 239
Sun, Atmosphere of the 251
"Recent Eclipse of. (Illustrated.) 17
"the Spots on. (Illustrated.) 144
Sympathetic Vibrations 765

Temperature of the body in Health 247
"Relations of Death-rate to 378
The Deepest Well 253
"Theory of Heat" (by J. C. Maxwell), Notice of 500
The Female the Better Half 764
"The Lens," Notice of 629
The Leaf a Vicarious Organ 766
"The To-morrow of Death" (by Louis Figuier), Notice of 118
Thibet, Eastern 379
Town and Country as Producers of Intellect 600
Training, Effects of 252
Tyndall, Prof. 751

Unconscious Action of the Brain 544
Unity of the Human Species 61

Vegetable and Animal Food, On the Digestibility of 308
Ventilation, and the Reasons for it 356
Vesuvius 227
"Late Eruption of 379
Visual Images in Darkness 734

Waste, A City's 761
Water, Impurities of 248
Weather-Waste of Coal 374
Were the Ancient Italians Cannibals? 632
Wild-Plants, Culture of 376
Woman and Political Power 82
Wood, Preservation of 508
Writing Machine, A New 374

Yeast 573
Yellowstone National Park 381

Zoology of the Galapagos 633