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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 15/July 1879/Literary Notices

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The Evolution of Man: A Popular Exposition of the Principal Points of Human Ontogeny and Phylogeny. From the German of Ernst Haeckel, Professor in the University of Jena, author of the "History of Creation," etc. Tn two volumes, with 330 Illustrations. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 970. Price, $5.

This work is now the great text-book of a great subject. Darwin wrote on "The Descent of Man," and Haeckel, with greater learning, writes later upon the same subject. The interest in these volumes will mainly depend, of course, upon the reader's interest in the questions it considers. Those who wish to know how the problem of the origin of man now stands in the light of science, whether they believe in the doctrine of evolution or not, will turn to this exposition of it by one of the first of living biologists, and thus satisfy their curiosity and post up in a discussion which is beginning to engross a large share of the attention of thoughtful men all over the world. Those who accept the doctrine of evolution and wish to become familiar with its higher applications to organic life, and whose concern with the subject is strictly scientific, will also turn to this work to get the latest and fullest knowledge that has been reached concerning the development of man, and with no other solicitude than to obtain the truth. Yet the book in its subject matter is so greatly in advance of the intelligence and liberality of the age that multitudes will care nothing about it. The mass of people have but precious little curiosity as to where they came from, or how they got here. They generally have some belief about it, which they acquired early, and hold satisfactory, and do not care to have disturbed. To all such, scientific inquiries into these questions are mere impertinence. Then there are others who have a strong antipathy to all these investigations into the germ history of man. As Professor Haeckel remarks: "If we say that each human individual develops from an egg, the only answer even of most so called educated men will be an incredulous smile; if we show them the series of embryonic forms, developed from this human egg, their doubt will, as a rule, change into disgust." It will obviously be a long time before such prejudices are overcome and there arises a general desire to know the facts concerning the genealogy of man, and his real place in nature. People must apprentice themselves a long time to the study of evolution among the lower forms of life, before they are willing to include themselves in the inquiry. Meantime there are many who are alive to the magnitude and import of the investigation, and these will cordially welcome a treatise from Haeckel on "The Evolution of Man."

Professor Haeckel some years ago published a comprehensive work on "The Natural History of Creation." It was an exposition of evolutionary doctrine through the widest circle of biological phenomena, and was of a much more general character than the present treatise. The development of man is, of course, confined to a consideration of the genesis of the human race. This subject, however, can not be treated alone; and, although it is in a certain sense a sequel to the first work, it is nevertheless much occupied with questions belonging to the general domain of life. The derivation of man is a question of kinship with the whole series of ancestral forms. Haeckel is so much of a pioneer in a great field, hitherto scantily cultivated, that he assumes the right of forming his own terminology, and hence we meet with various unfamiliar words in his pages, although he always makes them clear, and makes them contribute to the clearness of his discussion. The present treatise, devoted to anthropogeny, is divided into two parts: the first, ontogeny, or the history of individual human organisms, concerns itself chiefly with germ history or embryology; and the second, on phylogeny, is a history of the evolution of the various animal forms, from which man has descended in the course of countless ages. Phylogeny is thus a history of evolution, and embraces the sub-sciences of paleontology and genealogy. These terms mark out the divisions and scope of the work, and show that it is occupied with the radical problems of the subject.

Though strictly scientific, this treatise of Haeckel's is in a remarkable degree popular in style and form. It is written with great clearness, and with a view of rendering the subject attractive, and its profusion of elegant wood cuts and colored plates greatly enhances its interest. The time has not come when all biologists will agree with Haeckel as to the genealogical chain that he has made out from man to the moner, and much of his work may be long held as speculative. But Haeckel strenuously maintains that dissent from his array of proofs must be due to their not being sufficiently weighed, or to the bias of rival hypotheses. He writes with the ardor of a man intensely convinced, and with the lucidity and grasp of one thoroughly familiar with the wide elements of his subject. The book may be commended without hesitation to all who wish to acquaint themselves with what is doing for the advancement of biological evolution.

Moore's Rural Life. An Illustrated Journal for Suburban, Village, and Country Homes. Conducted by D. D. T. Moore. 24 pages; $1.50 per year. 34 Park Row, New York.

The "Rural New-Yorker," an excellent paper, was long managed by Mr. D. D. T. Moore, who now brings his tact, resources, and ripened experience to the establishment of a new enterprise which is admirably initiated, and we have no doubt will meet with the liberal patronage it deserves. Mr. Moore has taken pains to make the first number (for June) of his journal represent the ideal of what the succeeding numbers shall be; and does not send out a hastily prepared sample full of apologies for defects and promises of what he will do when the project gets fairly under way. Moore's "Rural Life" is splendidly illustrated and beautifully printed, and we can give the reader no better idea of the wide and judicious variety of its contents than by enumerating the departments under which its numerous articles are distributed: "Rural and Suburban Homes," "Landscape Gardening," "The Floriculturist," "The Fruitculturist," "The Arboriculturist," "Entomological," "The Vegetable Garden," "Poultry and Pet Stock," "Editorial Department," "Sketches of Life," "Literary Miscellany," "Natural Science," "Our Book-Table," "Fancy Work and Fashion," "Domestic and Hygienic," "Out-Door Amusements," "Life in the Country," and "Young Folks' Life."

Report on Life-saving Apparatus. Made by Lieutenant D. A. Lyle, Ordnance Department, United States Army. Washington: Government Printing-Office, 1878. Pp. 156, with 54 Plates.

The life-saving apparatus, with which this report is concerned, are mainly guns and projectiles designed for the purpose of carrying a line to an imperiled vessel, or from such vessel to the land. Numerous experiments, made under the direction of Lieutenant Lyle, with different kinds of guns and projectiles, and here recorded in full detail, will doubtless tend to increase the efficiency of our life-saving stations.

A Treatise on Chemistry. By H. E. Roscoe, F. R. S., and C. Schorlemmer, F. R. S. Volume II. Metals. Part I. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 504. Price, $3.

We spoke of the character of this elaborate and sterling treatise on chemistry, in noticing its first volume, some months ago, and can add nothing now to what we said then in commendation of it, except that the present volume sustains all the promise of the first. We are, however, happy in being able to give the discriminating testimony of one of our highest chemical authorities as to the character of the present volume. Professor Josiah P. Cooke, of Cambridge, having been presented with a copy by the publishers, thus speaks of it: "I received the book several weeks ago, but have waited before acknowledging the gift until I could express an intelligent opinion upon its merits. I find that it fully sustains the reputation of its authors, and has the same merits which were so conspicuous in the first volume. The descriptions of manufacturing processes are remarkably full and clear, and the woodcuts by which they are illustrated admirable. The book will be a great aid in teaching on that account, and I shall be able to refer students to it with satisfaction. Another conspicuous feature of the book is, that it makes prominent many points in the history of chemistry which it is not only a great convenience to have collected, but also very important should not be forgotten by the rising generation of chemists. Lastly, the mechanical execution of the book leaves nothing to be desired and makes it a pleasure to refer to it. I shall await the publication of the second half of the volume with great interest."

The Art of Questioning. By Joshua G. Fitch, M. A. Syracuse: Davis, Bardeen & Co. Pp. 80. Price, 15 cents.

This is the abridged form of a little work published some years ago, by Professor Fitch, when Master of the Borough Road Training School, London, from which he passed to the position of one of her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. He is an able man, and was a skillful practical teacher. The "Art of Questioning" will be found to contain many hints and suggestions that will be helpful in schoolroom management.

First Steps in Political Economy. By Joseph Alden, D. D., LL. D. New York: Baker, Pratt & Co. Syracuse, N. Y.: Davis, Bardeen & Co. Pp. 153. Price, 25 cents.

In this little volume Dr. Alden has furnished us with an invaluable common-school manual, which can not too soon or too generally be put into the hands of American youth. It is the best introduction to political economy for beginners in primary schools that we have seen, and its universal adoption as a part of the course of elementary study could not fail to result in ultimate widespread benefit. The aim of the author has been "to present simple elementary truths connected with the business activities of life," and this he has done with excellent judgment as respects the subjects chosen and with remarkable clearness and simplicity of statement. There has been a good deal of caviling recently as to whether there is or is not such a science as political economy. No doubt, the excess of modern controversial literature over unsettled questions in political economy has favored this skeptical state of mind; but any one who will look over a little summary of elementary principles like this of Dr. Alden's must be satisfied that there is a broad basis of established truth on which a strict economical science can securely rest.

Notes by a Naturalist on the Challenger: being an Account of Various Observations made during the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger round the World, in the Years 1872-'76. By H. N. Moseley, F. R. S. With a Map, Two Colored Plates, and numerous Woodcuts. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 620. Price, $7.50.

The opportunity afforded by a four years' sea-saunter in a ship, and with a party dedicated to scientific exploration, was well improved by Mr. Moseley, as is evinced by this goodly volume. Not by any means that the book embodies the scientific results of his extended observations, which when finally worked up will appear in other shapes, but it presents a great deal of interesting scientific and semi-scientific matter in connection with a readable and varied narrative of the experiences of the expedition. It is an especially well-executed book of travels, by an intelligent and thoroughly-trained observer, laboring in circumstances especially favorable for collecting interesting information. The main portion of it was prepared for family reading, written on board the Challenger, and sent home in the form of a journal from the various ports touched at. The materials have been carefully revised, but they take the character of a narrative describing the scenes, the aspects of nature, the curiosities and novelties of animal and vegetable life, and the characters, habits, and social conditions of the different kinds of people encountered along the route. The volume is written in a pleasant, unambitious style, but often with humorous touches and lively descriptions, which increase the attractiveness of its contents. The following passages express some of the impressions of the author, after his return, and are given at the close of his book:

After a voyage all over the world, there is nothing which is so much impressed upon the mind as the smallness of the earth's surface. We are apt to regard certain animals as fixed and stationary, and to contrast strongly with their condition that of forms possessing powers of active locomotion. In reality we are as securely fixed by the force of gravity as is the sea anemone by its base; we can only revolve as it were at the end of our stalk, which we can lengthen or shorten only for a few miles' distance. We live in the depths of the atmosphere as deep-sea animals live in the depths of the sea. We can, like these, crawl up into the shallows, or we can occasionally mount at peril in a balloon; but the utmost extent of our vertical range is a distance no greater than that which we can walk in a couple of hours horizontally on the earth's surface.

The Challenger traveled, on the voyage from Portsmouth and back to the same port, 68,690 miles, and this distance, taking into consideration the time consumed from port to port, was traversed at the average pace of only four miles an hour, or fast walking pace. In an express train on land the entire distance could be conceived of as being accomplished in eight weeks, and, at the rate at which a swallow can fly, in about half that time.

The earth, considered as a comparatively insignificant component particle of the universe, may be justly compared to a small isolated island on its own surface. As, in the course of ages, such an island develops its own peculiar insular fauna and flora, so probably on the surface of the earth alone has the peculiarly complex development of the element nitrogen occurred which has resulted in the various forms of animal and vegetable life.

On the theory of evolution, it is impossible that plants or animals of any advanced complexity, at all resembling those existing on the earth should exist on other planets or in other solar systems. It is conceivable that very low forms of vegetable life may exist on other planets and may have been by some means transported to the earth; the idea is conceivable, though highly improbable. But it is quite impossible that that infinitely complex series of circumstances which on the earth has conspired to produce from the lowest living forms a crustacean, for example, should have occurred elsewhere; still less is it possible that a bird or a mammal should exist elsewhere; still more impossible, again, that there should be elsewhere a monkey or a man.

With regard to any future scientific expeditions, it would, however, be well to bear in mind that the deep sea, its physical features and its fauna, will remain for an indefinite period in the condition in which they now exist and as they have existed for ages past, with little or no change, to be investigated at leisure at any future time. On the surface of the earth, however, animals and plants and races of men are perishing rapidly day by day, and will soon be, like the dodo, things of the past. The history of these things once gone can never be recovered, but must remain for ever a gap in the knowledge of mankind.

The loss will be most deeply felt in the province of anthropology, a science which is of higher importance to us than any other, as treating of the developmental history of our own species. The languages of Polynesia are being rapidly destroyed or mutilated, and the opportunity of obtaining accurate information concerning these and the native habits of culture will soon have passed away.

Problems of Life and Mind. By George Henry Lewes. Third Series, Problem the First. The Study of Psychology, its Object, Scope, and Method. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co. Pp. 189. Price, $2.

This work was left unfinished by the author at his death last year, and it has been edited and prepared for the press, as is understood, by Mrs. Lewes, who prefixes to the volume this brief note: "The following problem is published separately, in obedience to an implied wish of the author, and has been printed from his manuscript with no other alterations than such as it is felt certain that he would have sanctioned. Another volume will appear in the autumn."

Like all of Mr. Lewes's philosophical writings, this book is worthy the attention of those interested in the subjects he discusses, for he had an acute and fertile mind, wayward if not independent, and by no means wanting in originality. But he was too versatile for preëminence. A man can not be great in all things, nor really great in anything if he dabbles in everything. Mr. Lewes was novelist, dramatist, linguist, critic, editor, physiologist, historian of philosophy, and psychologist. Much of his work was poor, much middling, and some of it excellent, but he left no impression upon any one subject such as he might have made by concentrating his powers upon it with an exclusive devotion. He was a brilliant talker, and an admirable story-teller; was sought by society, and was fond of of it, all his striking and varied acquisitions coming readily into play in cultivated social circles. In the latter portions of his life he was more secluded, and gave himself more closely to a restricted line of serious study which resulted in the publication of his maturest work, "The Problems of Life and Mind," of which the present volume is the last issued. He will probably be longest known by his "History of Philosophy," but in the present transition state of biological and psychological theory these latter works will be found well worth consulting. The volume now issued is expository and controversial with regard to various important psychological questions, but propounds little that is new, the author being content to reargue more fully various positions that he has heretofore assumed. It has undoubtedly been improved in style by passing through the editorial hands of Mrs. Lewes.

Chemical Examinations of Sewer-Air. By Professor William Ripley Nichols. Boston: Rockwell & Churchill print. 1879, Pp. 20.

Dr. Nichols is careful to employ the term "sewer-air" instead of "sewer-gas," inasmuch as the latter phrase gives rise to the erroneous idea that in sewers there exists a distinct gaseous substance possessed of marked distinguishing characteristics; whereas the fact is, that the gas or air of sewers is a continually varying mixture of the gases which makeup the atmosphere, blended with a relatively small proportion of certain other gases formed by the decomposition of the sewage, together with aqueous vapor and vapor of organic compounds. The noxious substances in sewer-air would appear to be either minute solid particles or else particles of vapor, and not gaseous.

Practical Physics, Molecular Physics, and Sound. By Frederick Guthrie, Ph. D., of the Royal School of Mines, London. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 156. Price, 60 cents.

This is one of a series of hand-books now being published, and which are said to be designed for students and general readers. The grade of these works is intermediate between the so-called Primers and the larger works, professing to give detailed views of the respective subjects. The author in his preface says that his object is, to get beyond mere word-knowledge of the subject. We do not think he has succeeded in this with his book. As a practical and experimental teacher, he may take students through a course in his laboratory and use the book, but the guidance will be given by the instructor and not by the volume. It does not seem to us to be at all a satisfactory guide to that "practical work" which Professor Guthrie says it has been the object of physicists of late years to bring into their teaching. Such books should be skillfully constructed to promote the self-help of pupils, and we see no trace of this quality in the present hand-book. There is a good deal of scientific information in the volume, of course, but much of it runs into mathematical expression which makes it unsuitable for general readers and ordinary students. The illustrations are indifferent, to say the least; the elementary experiments to illustrate sound and waves are postponed to the close of the volume, and no figures are given to illustrate them. A list of the materials required to make such experiments closes the volume. In short, the book seems to have been produced by an inexperienced educator, though its author has evidently a good knowledge of its subject.

Hearing, and how to keep it. By Charles H. Burnett, M. D. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston. Pp. 152. Price, 50 cents.

The multiplication of health-books is a good sign. If they were not wanted they would not be published, and if they are bought it is to be inferred that they are read. Attention is therefore being drawn to the subject, and, when it is sufficiently thought about and permanent interest in it awakened, great practical good will be certain to result. Dr. Burnett's volume is the first of a series of "American Health Primers," and if the subsequent works are as good as this the series will be valuable. The first part of his little volume is devoted to the structure and physiology of the ear, and it is illustrated by excellent diagrams. The second part is devoted to diseases of the ear, with hints regarding their management, and to the care of the ear in health. It is a judiciously written and very useful little monograph.

The Art of Singing. By Professor Ferdinand Sieber. Translated from the German, with the Addition of an Original Chapter on the Hygiene of the Voice, by Dr. F. Seeger. New York: William A. Pond & Co. Pp. 175.

Professor Ferdinand Sieber's "Catechism of the Art of Singing" is a standard work in Germany, where it has passed through many editions, and Dr. Seeger has done an excellent service to the community in translating it. His familiarity with the structure of the vocal organs and his wide experience in treating them when out of order have drawn his attention to the art of singing as related to health, and induced him not only to render into English Sieber's valuable work, but to prefix to it an interesting and instructive essay on "The Hygiene of the Voice." Those interested in the art of singing, either theoretically or practically, will find this volume well worth consultation.

A Popular Treatise on the Currency Question. Written from a Southern Point of View. By R. W. Hughes, United States Judge of the Eastern District of Virginia. New York: Putnams, 1879. Pp. 222.

The author of this essay argues against "inflation," and warmly approves the national banking system. He condemns the demonetization of silver, and holds that "the public debts of the world can not be paid, nor even their interest met, in gold at an appreciated value. . . . The legal-tender quality," he predicts, "will ere long be restored to silver throughout Europe." But, if that quality is not restored, then "there will be left the alternatives of diluting the currency there with paper money, or the civil convulsions which the Socialists and Communists stand ready to inaugurate."

Report of the Public and High, also of the Normal and Model Schools of Ontario, for the Year 1877. Toronto: Hunter, Rose & Co. print, 1879. Pp. 251.

There is much in this report to which we should like to call attention, but we can find space only for a few passages from the section entitled "Physical Science." "We are pleased," write the Inspectors of High Schools, "to be able to report that the teaching of physical science is making real progress in the high schools. After some experience of the practically inoperative and too expensive programme which was universally in force some years ago, it was decided by the Council of Public Instruction to limit the amount of work prescribed in this department, with the view of having a little done well. It was accordingly determined that only one of the physical sciences should have a place in the programme of lower school-work. On account of its intimate connection with the other physical sciences, and its great practical value, chemistry was selected, and the results have justified the policy adopted. . . . In a considerable number of schools enthusiasm for chemistry is manifested by both the teacher and his pupils. . . . The number of teachers capable of teaching chemistry has largely increased, and the number of pupils who are afforded the opportunity of beginning the study of that branch of knowledge in a proper manner is greater than ever before."

Word and Work: or, Scientific and Mosaic Geogony compared. By P. G. Robert, a Presbyter of the Diocese of Missouri. St. Louis: W. B. Chittenden. 1879. Pp. 29.

The writer of this essay would be a mediator between Science and the Bible, but fails to exhibit his credentials as referee from either side. The world of science surely is not prepared to accept his exposition of the facts of geology; and his exegesis of Scripture passages is altogether too light and airy to meet the approval of Biblical scholars. As for the class of devout believers in the letter of the sacred word, they must be shocked at the author's temerity in explaining away the manifest meaning of the inspired record.

The Wisconsin Tornadoes of May 23, 1878. By W. W. Daniells, Professor in the University of Wisconsin. Pp. 41, with Plates.

The meteoric phenomenon described in this pamphlet was the simultaneous occurrence of three separate tornadoes in a comparatively narrow belt of country in southern Wisconsin. That there were three separate tornadoes appears evident from the observations made on the spot by Professor Daniells. The perpendicular velocity of the wind in such tornadoes can be appreciated from certain calculations made by the author of this pamphlet. At a point in the track of one of these three tornadoes a horse, weighing about 1,100 pounds, was carried over twenty rods; in another place a horse, of about the same weight, was carried eighty rods. Now, a horse of this size would not expose a lifting surface to the wind of over fourteen square feet. To lift such an animal, then, would require an upward pressure of the air of 110014 78·5 pounds per square foot. This pressure is produced by wind moving with a velocity of 124·6 miles per hour.

An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, arranged on an Historical Basis. By Rev. W. W. Skeat, A.M. In Four Parts. Part I. A—Dov. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1879. Pp. 176. Price, $2.50.

A knowledge of the etymology of words is of essential importance in fixing their meaning; hence a work like that named above can not fail to be useful, if only the author brings to his task the requisite scholarship and tact. We have read but a few of the titles in this dictionary; but so excellent did they appear, both in substance and in form, that we have no hesitation in warmly commending the work to our readers.

The Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms. By Mrs. N. B. Walker. New York: Wilbur & Hastings print, 1879. Pp. 18.

The author points out the advantages to be derived from the study of natural history in public and private schools, and makes some sensible observations on the mode of interesting young pupils in such studies.

Bulletin of the United States National Museum, No. 10. Contributions to North American Ichthyology, No. 2. The same, No. 12. Contributions to American Ichthyology, No. 3. Washington: Government Printing-Office, 1878.

The first of the two volumes named above is by Dr. David S. Jordan, and consists of two parts, viz.: 1. Notes on Cottidæ, Etheostomatidæ, Percidæ, Centrarchidæ, Aphododeridæ, Dorysornatidæ, and Cyprinidæ; 2. Synopsis of the Siluridæ of the Fresh Waters of North America. In Number 12 of the "Bulletin" are published two papers, viz.: One on the distribution of the fishes in the Alleghany region of South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, with descriptions of new or little known species—the joint work of Dr. Jordan and A. W. Brayton; and another, entitled "Synopsis of the Family Catastomidæ" ("Suckers"), by Dr. Jordan.

The American Statistical Review. Vol. I, No. 1. Quarterly. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 120. Price, $5 per year.

The purpose of this publication is, says the editor, Mr. Charles S. Hill, in his "salutatory," "to enable the capitalist, the tradesman, the farmer, and the mechanic to possess a condensed work, regularly issued, giving facts and official figures that affect their immediate interests, for their convenient reference."


The Reign of the Stoics: History, Religion, Maxims of Self-Control, Benevolence, Justice, Philosophy. By Frederick May Holland. New York: Charles P. Somerby. 1879. Pp. 248. $1.25.

Problems of Life and Mind. Third Series. By G. H. Lewes. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co. $2.

Color-Blindness. By B. Joy Jeffries, M. D. Boston: Houghton, Osgood* Co. . 1879. Pp. 329. $2.

Spiritual Communications. By Henry Kiddle. New York: Authors' Publishing Co. 1879. Pp. 350. $1.50.

Man's Moral Nature. By R. M. Bucke, M. I). New York: Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 210. $1.50.

Conversations on Art Methods. By Thomas Couture. New York: Putnam's Sous. 1879. Pp. 262. $1.25.

Sportsman's Gazetteer and General Guide. By Charles Hallock. With Maps. New York: "Forest and Stream" Publishing Co. 1879. Pp. 908. $3.

Pott's Disease. By N. M. Shaffer, M. D. New York: Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 82. $1.

The Great Fur Land; or, Sketches of Life in Hudson's Bay Territory. By H. M. Robinson. With numerous Illustrations. New York; Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 358. $1.75.

Money in its Relations to Trade and Industry. By Francis A. Walker New York: Holt & Co. 1879. Pp. 339. $1.25.

Ueber die erzführenden Tieferuptionen von Zinnwald-Altenberg. Von Ed. Reyer. With 5 colored Plates. Vienna: Alfred Hölder. Pp. 60.

Hall & Benjamins Illustrated Catalogue of Chemical and Physical Apparatus. New York: Hall & Benjamin, 191 Greenwich Street. Pp. 216.

Report of the State Board of Health of Wisconsin (1878). Madison: Attwood print. 1879. Pp. 183.

Neurological Contributions. By Drs. Hammond and Morton. Vol. I., No. 1. New York: Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 104. $1.

Mémoire sur le Fer natif du Groenland et sur la Dolérite qui le renferme. Par Laurence Smith de Louisville. Kentucky. With Plates. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. 1879. Pp. 54. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. Laurence Smith relatif, etc. Commissaires: Saint-Claire Deville, Des Cloizeaux, Daubrée. Pp. 6. Also, Note sur un remarquable Spécimen de Siliciure de Fer par M. J. Laurence Smith. Pp. 4. Both from the "Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris."

The Privy System of New Orleans. New Orleans: Hansell print. Pp. 21. 1879.

Industrial News and Inventor's Guide. Vol. I., No. 1. Monthly. New York: American Industrial Exhibit Co. 1879. Pp. 20. $2 per year.

Journal of Physiology. Vol. II., No 1. With Plates. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 90. $5.25 per volume of 500 pages.

Register of the Lehigh University (1878-'79.)

Report of the Hartford Retreat for the Insane (1879.) Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. print.

A Contribution to the Geology of the Lower Amazonas. By O. A. Derby. From "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society." Pp. 24.

Influence of Light upon the Decomposition of Iodides. Pp. 14. Relations between the Temperature and Volume in the Generation of Ozone. Pp. 11. By A. R. Leeds. From "Journal of the American Chemical Society."

Brief Compend of French Grammar. By J. W. Mears. Syracuse: Davis, Bardeen & Co. 1879. Pp. 37. 50 cents.

Guides for Science-Teaching: About Pebbles; Concerning few Common Plants; A First Lesson in Natural History; Sponges; Common Hydroids, Corals, and Echinoderms. Boston: Ginn & Heath. 1879.

Emergencies; How to avoid Them and how to meet Them. By B. G. Wilder. M. D. New York: Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 36. 15 cents.

The Story of the Earth as found in the Rocks. Photographed Chart of the Geological Strata. By B. F. Patterson. Pottsville, Pa.

The Berea Sandstone of Ohio. By Professor E. Orton. Pp. 9.

Report of the Geological Society of Philadelphia (1879). Pp. 30.

Aspergillus in the Living Ear. By C. H. Burnett, M. D. From the "American Journal of Otology." Pp. 36.

Polydactyle Horses, Recent and Extinct. By O. C. Marsh. From the "American Journal of Science and Art." Pp. 7.

National Education in Italy, France, Germany, England, and Wales. By C. W. Bennett, D. D Syracuse: Davis, Bardeen & Co. 1879. Pp. 28. 15 cents.

The Microscope in Medicine and Cerebral

Pathology. By J. N. De Hart, M.D. From the "Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner." Pp. 12.

On a Mode of measuring the Velocity of Sound in Wood. By M. C. Ihlseng, Ph.D. From the "American Journal of Science and Arts." Pp. 8.

A New Form of Compass-Clinometer. By I C. Russell. From "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences." Pp. 2.

In the Matter of Certain Badly Treated Mollusks. By R. E. C. Stearns. Pp. 10.