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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 34/March 1889/Literary Notices

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The Eulogy of Richard Jefferies. By Walter Besant. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 384. Price, $2.

The name of the subject of this book may not be familiar to all the readers of the "Monthly." An insight of the quality of the man may, however, be given by the fact that Mr. Besant started to write his life without ever having seen him, and ended by calling the biography a eulogy. Mr. Jefferies was born in 1848, and died in 1886, only thirty-eight years old, and in only ten of those years did he do work suitable to his powers and fitted to bring him recognition; but the work of those ten years has given him a place among students of Nature and masters of English writing alongside of Gilbert White and Thoreau. We doubt if he has ever had a rival as an accurate describer of Nature in her various aspects and minute details, who could at the same time command the sympathies of the reader in what almost runs into "cataloguing." His early surroundings and training were most favorable to the cultivation of those habits of close observation which he brought into play in his later writings, and it was his misfortune that he spent so many of his few years in vain efforts to do what he was not fitted for. Mr. Jefferies was born, being descended from a long line of independent farmers, at the farm-house of Coate, near Swindon, in Wiltshire, in a country of downs and abounding in ancient monuments. Of the territory around the old house he knew "every inch of ground, every tree, every hedge," and the land of it which lies within a circle of ten miles radius "belongs to his writings," The family "seem to have inherited, from father to son, a love of solitude and a habit of thinking for themselves." Richard's father, who is drawn in his books as Farmer Iden, and a man of this sort, "took him into the fields and turned over page after page with him of the book of Nature, expounding, teaching, showing him how to use his eyes, and continually reading to him out of that great book." He early showed an inclination to literature, and the position as reporter on two or three of the local newspapers enabled him to make a kind of a living while he tried to write novels, work for which he had none of the essential qualifications. The account of his life for several years is a record of ambitious attempts, high hopes, and bitter disappointments, as story after story was submitted to publishers and refused. His first success came in 1872. The relations of the farmer with the agricultural laborer had become a living question, and Jefferies, feeling that he knew all about the subject, wrote a long letter upon it, which was published in the "Times," with an accompanying "leader," and was answered and commented upon in other journals. In the next year he published an article in "Eraser's Magazine" on "The Future of the Farmer," and that attracted attention. It was followed by two other papers of similar character; and in 1876, Jefferies, having discovered his true field, began that series of papers which, afterward published in books, bid fair to give him a permanent place among the most famous descriptive writers of rural nature and of animal and plant life. The first book, "The Gamekeeper at Home," secured him recognition at once, and brought proposals from publishers. Among others, Mr. Longmans invited him to write a book on "Shooting." He could not do it, because he could not work up ideas that were not of his own originating; but the thought was the seed of "The Badminton Library." The character of his later books is correctly described by Mr. Besant when he says that in them "the whole of the country life of the nineteenth century will be found displayed down to every detail. The life of the farmer is there; the life of the laborer; the life of the gamekeeper; the life of the women who work in the fields and of those who work at home. He revealed Nature in her works and ways; the flowers and the fields; the wild English creatures; the hedges and the streams; the wood and the coppice. He told what may be seen everywhere by those who have eyes to see," and he began "to write down the response of the soul to the phenomena of Nature, to interpret the voice of Nature speaking to the soul. . . . He draws as no other writer has done the actual life of rural England under Queen Victoria." The secret of the perfect execution of these works is found in examining the note-books which he habitually kept, recording daily observations and phenomena, a few specimens of which are printed, and the reading of which "is like reading an unclassified index to the works of Nature." Jefferies was disabled by illness during the last five years and a half of his life, and had to work by the hands of others. Yet some of his best essays were produced during this time. Among them were "The Red Deer," a minute account of the natural history, etc., of these animals, to observe which he had gone all over Exmoor on foot; and the essay entitled "The Pageant of Summer," in which he reached his highest point, but which "was written while he was in deadly pain and torture." He died poor, and a subscription was taken among the admirers of his writings to place his family in a comfortable position.

Burial-Mounds of the Northern Sections of the United States. By Cyrus Thomas, Ph. D. Washington: Bureau of Ethnology. Pp. 119.

This monograph is an advance extract from the fifth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology. It deals with the burial-mounds of the Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, and Appalachian districts, which areas are regarded as having been occupied by different tribes. The effigy-mounds form the distinguishing feature of the Wisconsin district. The works of the Illinois region are mostly small conical tumuli, containing rude stone or wooden vaults, and further characterized by the scarcity of pottery vessels, the frequent occurrence of pipes, the presence of copper axes, etc. Among the peculiar features of the works in the Ohio district are the gi-eat circles and squares of the inclosures, the long parallel earthen walls, the so-called altars within the mounds, and the numerous carved stone pipes. The mounds of the Appalachian district resemble those of the last-named area, in containing altar-like structures and numerous stone pipes. The peculiar features are the mode of burial, the absence of pottery, and the numerous polished celts and engraved shells found in the mounds. The other regions mentioned but not treated in this monograph are the New York, middle Mississippi, lower Mississippi, and Gulf districts. This districting, however, is put forward as a working hypothesis rather than as an established arrangement. Prof. Thomas gives brief descriptions of the leading types found in the different northern districts mentioned, confining himself chiefly to the explorations made by the bureau assistants. These accounts are illustrated with forty-nine cuts and six plates. He concludes, from the results of these explorations, that each of the tribes inhabiting one of these northern districts had several modes of burial, differing with the social position of the deceased; that the custom of removing the flesh before the final burial was quite general, the bones of the common people being often gathered into heaps over which mounds were built; that usually some religious ceremony in which fire played a part was performed at the burial, but that there is no evidence of human sacrifice; that nothing in the character or contents of the mounds indicates that their builders had reached a higher culture status than that in which some of the Indian tribes were found at the coming of the Europeans; that the beginning of the mound-building age does not antedate the fifth or sixth century; and that the custom of erecting mounds over the dead continued in some localities into post-Columbian times.

An Introduction to Entomology. By John Henry Comstock. With many Original Illustrations, drawn and engraved by Anna Botsford Comstock. Part I. Ithaca, N. Y.: The Author. Price, $2.

Prof. Comstock designs that this work shall enable students to acquire a thorough knowledge of the elementary principles of entomology, and to classify insects by means of analytical keys similar to those used in botany. As the completion of the work has been delayed by other duties, the author has thought best to issue this part by itself. The first three chapters are of an introductory character. In Chapter I the general characters and metamorphoses of insects, which term the author restricts to the Hexapoda, are stated; Chapter II is a description of the anatomy of insects, fully illustrated; and Chapter III is devoted to the classification of the Hexapoda, The remaining chapters consist of descriptions of the more common or conspicuous species in each family, together with keys by means of which the student can readily determine to what family any insect of which he has a specimen belongs. In many cases tables of genera are also given. Much space has been devoted to accounts of the habits and transformations of the forms described. The needs of agricultural students especially having been kept in view, those species that are of economic importance have been described with considerable fullness. The rest of the work will be published as soon as practicable. In addition to the systematic part, in which four more orders—Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera—remain to be described, there are to be chapters on the means of destroying insects or of preventing their ravages, on the collection and preservation of entomological specimens, on entomological supplies, a classified list of entomological works, a glossary, and an introductory chapter. This part comes in paper covers. It is well printed, and is abundantly illustrated.

Gleanings in Science: A Series of Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. By Gerald Molloy, D. D., D. Sc. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 352. Price, $2.25.

With one exception, the lectures which make up this attractive volume were delivered before the Royal Dublin Society. In preparing them for publication the author has used whatever materials have come into existence since the lectures were delivered, so as to present the latest available information in each case. The subjects treated are included in the sciences of heat and electricity, except the Alpine glaciers, which are described in a lecture delivered to a young men's society. There are two lectures on the modern theory of heat as illustrated by the phenomena of latent heat, one of these dealing with the latent heat of liquids, the other with the latent heat of vapors. Lightning and thunder are treated in one lecture, lightning-conductors in another, and the storing of electrical energy in a third, while the recent controversy in England on lightning-conductors is sketched in an appendix. The electric light is the subject of two lectures; one telling how the electric current is produced, the other how the current is made to yield the light. Two lectures also are devoted to the sun as a store-house of energy: one describing the immensity of the sun's energy, the other discussing the theories as to its source. The treatments are thoroughly popular, avoiding mathematics and technical language, and, besides setting forth the present state of the science in each case, touch upon the history of the subjects and the practical applications of the principles stated. Descriptions of experiments are introduced, which the reader is helped to realize by many excellent illustrations. The lecture on "The Glaciers of the Alps" is especially fascinating, and owes part of its interest to the quotations and cuts borrowed from Mr. Whymper's "Scrambles among the Alps." The whole volume, in manner as well as in matter, reminds one of Tyndall's popular works, and will be found very attractive reading for any one who has an intelligent interest in science.

The Civilization of Sweden in Heathen Times. By Oscar Montelius, Ph. D. Translated by Rev. F. H. Woods, B. D. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 214. Price, $4.

As in most countries, the archaeological chronology of Sweden embraces a stone, a bronze, and an iron age. The stone age is regarded as extending to about 1500 b. c. In his chapter on this period the author describes a considerable variety of tools and weapons of stone which have been dug up in Sweden, and tells how archæologists have proved that such articles could be made without the use of metals. He sets forth also what information these relics afford as to the customs and habits of the people who made them. The graves belonging to the same period are also described. It appears that the Swedish common people of later times, finding these stone implements, called them "Thor's bolts," and regarded them as a sovereign protection against lightning-strokes and other disasters. "Even at the present day it is often impossible to induce people to sell antiquities of stone, because they believe that by so doing they lose a protective amulet." The articles which characterize the bronze age, extending from about 1500 to 500 b. c., were nearly all formed by casting; it is only toward the close of this period that traces of the use of the hammer in working the metal are found. While some effort toward ornamentation appears in the relics of the stone age, much more scope was given to this taste when metal came into use. The works of the earlier part of the bronze age are decorated with fine spirals and zigzag lines; those of the later part of this period do not display spirals of the same shape, but the ends of rings, knife-handles, etc., are often rolled up in spiral volutes. Prof. Montelius, in another work, has distinguished six subdivisions of the bronze age, but does not take space here to state the data on which they are based. Articles of horn, bone, wood, and leather, belonging to this period have been found, and even woolen clothing which had been buried in oak-tree coffins. The iron age is reckoned from 500 b. c. to near 1100 a. d., and is treated in four subdivisions. The author is convinced that the arts of working both iron and bronze were learned by the inhabitants of Sweden by intercourse with other nations, and not brought into the country by any immigration of a new people. The relics of this age which have been found are of great variety, and many of them bear decorative figures much more elaborate than those on the bronze implements, and include some very pleasing designs, while inlaying and plating with silver and gold were also practiced. A large number of stones bearing inscriptions in Runic letters date from this period. A map and two hundred and five cuts illustrate the text. Both this work and Dr. Molloy's "Gleanings in Science" would be more valuable to students if they were provided with indexes.

The Home-Maker. A Monthly Magazine. Edited by Marion Harland. Vol. I, No. 1. October, 1888. New York: The Home Maker Company. Price, 20 cents a number; $2 a year.

"The Home-Maker" has an honorable and important field, A moment's reflection will call to mind a host of ways in which the character of the home acts upon the comfort, habits, health, dispositions, manners, morals, and culture of the inmates—directly by its effect upon them while at home, and perhaps indirectly by driving them to seek pleasure away from home. Much can be done to improve the character of the home by the teachings of a good magazine. A home modeled after the pattern of "The Home-Maker" would be a nice, comfortable, pretty, refined place, with much leisure and little care. Such a place would insure the wife and mother being always happy; would give the children soft and pleasant surroundings to grow up in, and would offer to the husband the most complete contrast to the hard, anxious struggle of his daily business. This magazine is adapted especially to ladies in comfortable circumstances who wish to know how to beautify their homes, and how to free housekeeping of its inconveniences. Nearly all the articles are adapted for their guidance or entertainment. But not all. The editor says that the masculine element is essential to the right composition of a home, and, beginning in the second number, this element is represented by a series of "Talks about Photography," by Mr. Alexander Black. The contents of the first number comprise editorials, an illustrated description of "Some Old Virginia Homesteads," two stories, a charade, some poetry, practical articles on "Birds and their Care" and "Cheap Living in Cities," and departments of house-work, fancy-work, games, the nursery, the care of the aged, household health, fashions, window-gardening, and book notices. The third issue is a Christmas number, and its contents are adapted to the season. Christine Terhune Herrick and Grace Peckham, M. D., are associate editors, and among the other writers are Olive Thorne Miller, Catherine Owen, Lucy C. Lillie, Margaret E. Sangster, and Rose Terry Cooke. The paper and printing of the magazine are of excellent quality, and the illustrations are numerous and have a very pleasing effect.

Garden and Forest: a Journal of Horticulture, Landscape Art, and Forestry. Conducted by Prof. Charles S. Sargent. Published weekly. New York: The Garden and Forest Publishing Company. Price, 10 cents a number; $4 a year.

With its last number for 1888, "Garden and Forest" closes its first volume, which began with the issue for February 29th. This journal, at its first appearance, took rank as a thoroughly competent and progressive representative of the arts to which it is devoted, and this character has been ably maintained. A glance at the index of Volume I shows that an immense variety of plants has been described, and a large number of other subjects has been treated in the forty-four numbers that have already appeared. "Garden and Forest" is not a florists' and nurserymen's trade-journal, but, while giving the dealers in flowers and trees, and also the fruit-growers, much scientific information of value to them, it has an interest also for the botanist, and for him who has the arrangement of public or private grounds. The departments represented in each issue are: editorials, English correspondence, new or little-known plants (illustrated), cultural department, the forest, correspondence, recent publications, and notes. Other subjects which have been given a place from time to time are: horticultural exhibitions and conventions, entomology, and the management of public parks. Each number contains three or four illustrations, one being always a portrait of some unfamiliar but valuable plant. Among the writers for this journal besides the editor, who is Director of the Arnold Arboretum and Professor of Arboriculture in Harvard College, are W. G. Farlow, Sereno Watson, B. E. Fernow, C. G. Pringle, C. C. Abbott, and William Falconer in this country, and W. Watson, George Nicholson, and W. Goldring in England. It is seldom that a periodical appears which is so well deserving of a long and prosperous life as "Garden and Forest."

The most extended paper in No. 2, Vol. II, of the Journal of Morphology, is "On the Development of Manicina Arcolata," by Henry V. Wilson, Fellow of the Johns Hopkins University. It is the result of study of these corals in the spring of 1887 at the marine laboratory of the university, which was then stationed on the island of New Providence, Bahamas, supplemented by investigations made at the biological laboratory in Baltimore. The text is illustrated with seven plates. R. W. Shufeldt, M. D., contributes two monographs: the first being "Further Studies on Grammicolepis Brachiusculus, Poey," a fish of which only one specimen is known to naturalists; and the other being "On the Affinities of Aphriza Virgata," the popular name of which is the surf-bird. Both these papers deal with the osteology of the subjects. The former is accompanied by fourteen woodcuts and the latter by a plate. "The Structure and Development of the Visual Area in the Trilobite, Phacops Rana, Green," is described by John M. Clarke, with a plate; and Prof. E. D. Cope has a paper in this number entitled "On the Relations of the Hyoid and Otic Elements of the Skeleton in the Batrachia," with three plates.

In The Journal of Physiology, Vol. IX, No. 4 (Cambridge, England, Scientific Instrument Company), J. S. Haldane, M. A., M. B., presents a brief account of investigations on "The Elimination of Aromatic Bodies in Fever." There is another brief paper by Vincent D. Harris, M. D., and Howard H. Tooth, M. D., "On the Relations of Micro-organisms to Pancreatic (Proteolytic) Digestion"; and a "Note on the Elasticity Curve of Animal Tissues," by Charles S. Roy, M. D., F. R. S., with a plate. The most extended paper in this number is "On the Nature of Fibrin-Ferment," by Prof. W. D. Halliburton, M. D., who states, as the principal result of his researches in this direction, that "the fibrin-ferment, whether it be prepared by Schmidt's or Gamgee's method, is a globulin derived from the disintegration of the white blood-corpuscles and identical with a proteid I have previously named cell-globulin, which is the principal proteid contained in the cells of lymphatic glands." This number contains also a communication on "Some Points in the Physiology of Gland Nerves," by J. Rose Bradford, D. So. Nos. 5 and 6 form a double number, which contains three papers: "On Digestion in Hydra, with some Observations on the Structure of the Endoderm," by M. Greenwood, with two plates; "On the Phenomena of Inhibition in the Mammalian Heart," by Prof. John A. McWilliam, M, D., with two plates; and "On the Normal Duration and Significance of the 'Latent Period of Excitation' in Muscle-Contraction," by Prof. Gerald F. Yeo, M. D., with cuts of tracings.

Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X, 1887, consists of technical descriptions of fishes, birds, etc., illustrated with thirty-nine plates and a number of text-figures. Appended to the volume is a "Catalogue of the Contributions of the Section of Graphic Arts to the Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition, Cincinnati, 1888." These contributions represent processes of engraving and printing for pictorial purposes from the sixteenth century to our own time, wood-engraving in the United States, etching in the United States, and modern photo-mechanical processes.

The Report of the Entomologist, of the Department of Agriculture, Prof. Charles V. Riley, for 1887, is devoted chiefly to an article by L. O. Howard on the chinch-bug, giving a complete account of the species, and an article on the codling moth by the same writer. The use of the kerosene emulsion, the only recently devised remedy for the chinch-bug of any importance, is treated in some detail in the first article. Other papers accompanying the report relate to silk-culture, scale-insects, and other locally noxious species, apiculture, etc. The report contains eight plates, showing the insects treated of, methods of fumigation, and the Cattaneo mulberry-tree.

In The Cat and its Diseases, Dr. E. M. Hale, of Chicago, has published a useful and convenient paper on this animal of highly domestic habits and the treatment which it is entitled to receive. Brief accounts are given of the origin and history, traits, and varieties of the cat. Under the heading of "Health of Cats" are discussed their food, including grass, their drink, housing, and the care of their fur. Several diseases are described, and the special treatment that should be given for each.

The report on Mineral Resources of the United States, 1887, by David T. Day (United States Geological Survey, 50 cents), is the fifth of the series on this subject. It extends the information contained in the previous volumes to include the calendar year 1887. The statistical tables have been brought forward, but with this exception only such information as is supplementary to the previous volumes should be looked for. The principal statistics concerning the more important substances have already been published in special bulletins. Prom this report it appears that not only was the production of iron and steel in the United States very much larger in 1887 than in the previous year, but we consumed virtually all that we produced, besides many thousand tons of old iron worked over, and imported more than in any other year except 1880. For several years we have consumed more iron and steel than any of the great European countries. Our production of gold shows a decrease of about two million dollars from 1886, while silver shows an equal increase. During the greater part of the year the copper market was very dull, yet our production shows an advance over the highest previous figures. The output of lead went far ahead of the largest previous quantity. Zinc also shows an increased production. While there was practically no production of pure aluminum in 1887, the amount of aluminum bronze produced has risen from 4,000 or 5,000 pounds in 1885 to 144,764 pounds in 1887, and the amount of ferro-aluminum from 2,500 pounds in 1886 to 42,617 in 1887. The total production of all kinds of commercial coal shows a marked increase, owing partly to the nearby use of natural gas, stimulating coal to seek more distant markets, and partly to the advance in the iron manufacture. The restriction of the output of petroleum in the Pennsylvania and New York fields was compensated by the increase in the Ohio field, with some help from West Virginia and California. The consumption of natural gas can be got at only approximately. The amount of other fuel displaced by it, estimated at the value of less than five million dollars in 1885 and ten millions in 1886, had risen to over fifteen millions in 1887. The value of the precious stones produced in the United States is not an important item, being estimated at only $88,600 in 1887. The production of salt shows a slight advance, while that of mineral waters appears to have been stationary.

The chemist who would profit by A Correlation Theory of Chemical Action and Affinity, by Thomas Wright Hall, M. D. (Remington & Co., London, 7s. 6d.), must first learn a new dialect, for the author's strange conceptions are made still harder to grasp by his eccentric language. We are not certain that the present generation is prepared to profit by this book, even if the language were as clear as the "Dayshine," whose influence the author rates above all other forces. "If you narrow and dwarf," says he, "the Photothermal Force to heat and light alone, or to cold and shade alone, or to the petty needs and feelings of Man, or to the ken of his workshops, of his pyrometers, thermometers, photometers, then, indeed, is the August Photothermal Force or Firemight shorn of its true and boundless majesty and value. Not so, however, if it dawn in Science that the sidereal and the planetary shine powers are the Giant Springs of the Firemight which in oscillatory static balance with each other in actual Ethero-molecular matter, and in free Ether evolve the Quintessential Form and Photothermality of the Earth—evolve the Dayshine and Nightshine and the Shapes and colored Loveliness of our Home, the Earth." The above sample will show the character of the book better than a long description.

Mr. James E. Talmage's First Book of Nature (The Contributor Company, Salt Lake City) is a little volume embodying a brief description of the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms and the heavens. The doctrine of evolution is not referred to in its pages. The complexion of the book has been determined by the author's desire to show that "Nature is but another name for the will of God as expressed in his works." The volume is illustrated, and is adapted to the reading of young people.

Although relating largely to the election of 1888, True or False Finance (Putnam, 25 cents), in the "Questions of the Day Series," presents the subject of taxing imports on a basis which has a permanent interest—i. e., as a question of raising revenue. The author starts with the proposition that a true system of finance will enable a government to adjust its revenue to its expenditures without the slightest difficulty. He then shows how the growth of commerce has made former tariff exactions enormous at the present time, and gives the ways proposed by protectionists for getting rid of the surplus now in our treasury. The Democratic policy is next stated, the Mills Bill is described, and the effects it would have on the workman, the farmer, the wool-grower, and the country at large are told.

No. 10 of Shoppell's Modern Houses (Cooperative Building Plan Association, New York, 25 cents) has come to hand. It contains designs for twenty-one dwellings and a bank, giving in each case a perspective view, floor-plans, and a brief description. The cost of carrying out these designs is stated in each case, and ranges from-$500 to $15,000. Some general advice on building is given and information concerning the plans, specifications, estimates, etc., which the "Association" is prepared to furnish to those about to build.

Miss Parloa's New Cook-Book (Estes & Lauriat) comes to us in the form of a largepaged pamphlet, crowded with recipes, briefly worded and in small type. A great variety of dishes is described in each of the divisions of soups, fish, meats, vegetables, pies and puddings, cake, dessert, etc. Miss Parloa's name is sufficient guarantee for the excellence of the book.

A Code of Morals, by John S. Hittell (The Bancroft Company), is a little didactic treatise, modeled after the manuals of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. "Standing on the shoulders of the eminent men who wrote those immortal books," says the author, "making use of their labors, and striving to appropriate the knowledge of our time and to put myself in harmony with its spirit, I have here tried to do for my age what they did for theirs." The manual consists of forty-five brief sections on separate topics, grouped in five chapters, viz., on individual duties, social, industrial, political, and religious duties.

Die Gegenwart (The Present) is a German monthly, twenty-four-page periodical, for the people, devoted to the discussion of questions of the times, entertainment, and instruction, published at Chicago by Th. G. Steinke. With the January number for 1889 it entered upon its second volume. Subscription price, $1 a year.


Abbott, Samuel. Editor. "The Collegian." Monthly. January, 1889. Boston: New England Intercollegiate Press Association. Pp. 100. 30 cents. $1 a year.

Anthropological Society of Washington. "The American Anthropologist." Quarterly. Vol. II, No. 1. Washington, D. C. Pp. 96, $1.$3 a year.

Bartlett. John E., New York. Plans for an Auxiliary Supply of Pure Water, under Pressure, to the Cities of New York and Brooklyn. Pp. 117, with Plates and Maps.

Brinton, Daniel D., M. D., Philadelphia. The Ta ki: The Svastica and the Cross in America.

Brown. Harold P., New York. The Comparative Danger to Life of the Alternating and Continuous Electrical Currents.

Chavannes, Albert, Adair Creek, East Tenn. Vital Force and Magnetic Exchange. Pp 45.

Children's Aid Society of New York. Thirty-sixth Annual Report. Pp. 112.

Clarke, John M. Structure and Development of the Visual Area of the Trilobite Phacops rana, Green. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 18, with Plates.

Conklin, Benjamin Y. English Grammar and Composition. New York, Boston, and Chicago: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 296. 75 cents.

Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report for 1888. Part I, pp 87. Bulletin No. 96. On the Valuation of Feeding Stuffs. Pp.

Cornell University. Department of Agriculture Bulletins III and IV of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Pp. 20 and 16.

Dawson, N. H. E. Report of the Commission of Education for 1886-87. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 1170.

Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Chapel Hill, N. C. Journal for 1888. Part II. Pp. 84.

Emery, Titus Salter. Inorganic Coal and Limestone in an Electro-Chemical World. Pp. 137.

Empire State Association of Deaf-Mutes. Proceedings of the Twelfth Convention, Rochester, August. 1888. Thomas J. Fox, New York, Secretary. Pp. 48.

Evermann, Barton W. Birds of Carroll County, Indiana. Pp. 30.

Eyerman, John. On the Mineralogy of the French Creek Mines in Pennsylvania. Pp. 4.

Fitch. Charles H., Denver, Col The Fallacy of Free Land. Pp. 16.—Womanhood Suffrage. Pp. 12.

Gill, John Systems of Education. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 312. $1.10.

Hall. G. Stanley. Editor "The American Journal of Psychology." Quarterly. November. 1888. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 192. $1.50. .$5 a year.

"Harvard Law Review." Vol. II, No. 1. Pp. 44 35 cents. $2.50 a year.

Hill, Robert T., University of Texas. Some Recent Aspects of Scientific Education. Pp 25.

Hinds, Prof. J. L. D., Lebanon, Tenn. Charles Darwin. Pp 15.

Hinrichs, Dr. Gustavus. Tornadoes and Derechos. Pp. 28.

Howard, J. M., D. D., Editor. "Cumberland Presbyterian Review." Quarterly. Vol. I No. 1. Nashville, Tenn. Pp. 128. 75 cents. $2.50 a year.

Illinois. University of. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 8. Pp. 10.

Hunt, Mrs. Mary H. Scientific Temperance Instruction in Schools and Colleges. Pp. 60. Boston: W. S. Best.

Iowa Agricultural College. Experiment Station. Bulletins Nos. 2 and 3.

Iowa State Board of Health. Semi-Annual Meeting, November 29, 1688. Pp. 18.

Irelan, William, Jr. Eighth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, California. 1888. Pp. 948.

Jordan, David Starr. Report of the Alumni Trustee to the Alumni of Cornell University, June, 1888. Pp. 13.

Laing, Samuel, A Friendly Correspondence with Mr. Gladstone about Creeds. London: Watts & Co. Pp. 20.

Langley, Samuel P. Report as Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for 1887-88. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 121.

Laux, James B., Greensburg, Pa. The Life Immortal (Poem). Pp. 12.

Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish Ballads. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 299.

M. M. "The Southern Whig." New York: Crichton & Co., 221 Fulton Street. Pp. 7.

MacAuley, Clay. The Seminole Indians of Florida. Washington: "Government Printing-Office. Pp. 64.

Maine, Henry Sumner. International Law. New York: Henry Holt &. Co. Pp. 233.

Malone, J. S The Self: What is it? Louisville, Ky.: John P. Morton & Co. Pp. 138. 75 cents.

"Manufacturer and Builder," Vol. XXI, No. 1. New York. Pp. 24. 15 cents. $1 a year.

Massachusetts Agricultural College. Hatch Experiment Station. Bulletin (Tuberculosis, G. C. H. Fernald). Pp. 20.

Mays. Thomas J. . M. D. Pulmonary Consumption considered as a Neurosis. Detroit, Mich.: G. S. Davis. Pp 63.

Mendenhall, Prof T. C., Terre Haute, Ind. On the intensity of Earthquakes. Pp. 8.

Michigan Forestry Commission. First Report of the Directors. Lansing. Pp. 92.

Minnesota State Board of Health. Official Publication, Vol. IV, Nos. 9 and 10. Pp. 14.

"Modern Science Essayist." Monthly. Vol. I Nos. 1 and 2. Boston: New Ideal Publishing Company. 10 cents each. $1 per vol.

New York State Museum of Natural History Trustees Report, 1887. Pp. 390, with Plates.

O'Rell, Max, and Allyn, Jack. Jonathan and his Continent. New York: Cassell & Co. Pp. 313. $1.50.

Packard, Alpheus S. On Certain Factors of Evolution. Pp. 14.

Palmer. Charles T. Artificial Persons (Corporations). Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 16.

Phythian, R. L. Report of the Superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 24.—Charting the Sky. Pp. 4.

Platt, James. Business. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 289.

Pohlman, Julius, Buffalo. N. Y. Cement Rock and Gypsum Deposits in Buffalo. Pp. 4.—The Life History of Niagara. Pp. 17.

Pope, Ralph W., and Stockbridge, George H., Editors. "Electric Power." Vol. I, No. 1. Monthly. Pp. 24. 25 cents. $3 a year.

Schultz, Carl H. Answer of Defendant in Suit of City of Carlsbad and Others vs. Carl H. Schultz. Pp. 11.

Seymour, Mary F. "The Business Woman's Journal." Bi-monthly. Vol. I, No. 1. New York: 35 Park Row Pp. 32. 20 cents. $1 a year.

Shufeldt, R. W. On the Affinities of Aphriza Virgata. Pp. 32, with Plate—Further Studies of Grammicolepis Brachiusculus, Poey. Pp. 24. Boston: Ginn & Co.—Notes on Horned Mammals, etc. Pp. 8.

Sluys, A. Manual Training in Elementary Schools for Boys. New York: Industrial Education Association. Pp. 37. 20 cents.

Smith, D. T. The Philosophy of Memory Louisville, Ky.: John P. Morton & Co. Pp. 89.

Smith, D. T., Editor. "The Educator." Monthly. Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 16. Buffalo, N.Y. $1 a year.

Spanhoofd, A. W., Editor. "Germania." A Fortnightly Journal for the Study of German. Manchester, N. H. Band I, Nummer 1. Pp. 16. 15 cents. $3 a year.

Stevens, C. A. Living Matter: Its Cycle of Growth and Decline in Animal Organism? Norway Lake, Me: The Laboratory Company. Pp. 107.

United States Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Report for 1887-'88. Pp. 123.—Regulations concerning Analysis of Foods and Drugs in the District of Columbia. Pp 31. Washington: Government Printing-Office.

Van der Smissen, W. H., and Fraser. W. H. The High-School German Grammar. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 453. $1.50.

White, Horatio Stevens. Lessing: Ausgewãhlte Prosa und Briefe (Selected Prose and Letters) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 236. $1.

Von Klein, C. H., Dayton, Ohio. Address on Rhinology. Pp. 12.

Williams, Albert. Useful Minerals of the United States. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 124.

Wood, Henry. The Relations of Corporate Shareholders to the Management, Legislation, and the Public. Boston: W. B. Clarke & Co. Pp. 10. 50 cents a dozen; $3.50 per 100.

Young, Charles A. A Text-Book of General Astronomy. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp 557. $2.40.

Calendars. Smith & Anthony Stone Company, Boston, Mass.—The "Don't Forget It" Calendar, Daily Record, and Blotter. New York: E. B. Treat. Price, 20 cents.—New York: Hanover Fire Insurance Co.—Gurney Hot Water Heater, Boston.