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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 36/February 1890/Publications Received

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Anthropology, Miscellaneous Papers on. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 124.

Atkinson, Edward. The Industrial Progress of the Nation. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 395.

Barker, George F. An Account of the Progress of Physics in the Year 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 60.

Bell, Alexander Melville. Popular Manual of Vocal Physiology and Visible Speech. New York: E. S. Werner, 28 West Twenty-third Street. Pp. 59. 50 cents.

Benson, Lawrence Sinter, 25 Bond Street, New York. Tract on Mensuration. Pp.16.

Boehmer, George H. Report on Smithsonian Exchanges. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 24.

Bolton, H. Carrington. Account of the Progress of Chemistry in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 52.

Breneman, A. A., Editor. "Journal of the American Chemical Society." Vol. XI. Nos. 7 and 8. September and October, 1889. Pp. 16 each. $5 a year.

Broadhead, Prof. G. C, University of Missouri. Mitchell County, Texas. Pp. 4.—Missouri: its Mineral Resources. Pp. 8.—The Missouri River. Pp. 8.—The Geological History of the Ozark Uplift. Pp. 8.

Brooklyn Ethical Association. Evolution. Popular Lectures and Discussions. Boston: James H. West. Pp. 400.

Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Opening Exercises, October 2, 1889. Pp. 44.

Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 100. Analyses of Fertilizers. Pp. 28.

Cope, E. D., Philadelphia. The Horned Dinosauria of the Laramie. Pp. 3. with Two Plates. An Outline of the Philosophy of Evolution. Pp. 10.

Cornell University College of Agriculture; Experiment Station. On a Sand-Fly Borer in Wheat. Pp. 16, with Plate,

Cosmic Law, The, of Thermal Repulsion. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. CO. 75 cents.

Crooker, Joseph Henry. Problems in American Society. Boston: George II. Ellis. Pp. 293.

Dana, Edward S. Account of the Progress of Mineralogy in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 28.

Dana, James D. Biographical Memoir of Prof. Arnold Guyot. Washington: Government Printing-office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 30.

Darton, Nelson H. Account of the Progress of North American Geology in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 40.

Davidson, J. F., & Co., New York. Inventor's Manual. By an Experienced and Successful Inventor. Pp. 96. $1.

Donisthorpe, Wordsworth. Individualism. A System of Politics. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. vii-393. $4.

Drey, Sylvan. The Moral and Religious Aspects of Herbert Spencer's Philosophy. Boston: James H. West. Pp. 14. 10 cts.

Ferree, Barr, New York. The Element of Terror in Primitive Art. Pp. 20.

Flower, B. O., Editor. "The Arena." Monthly. January, 1889. Vol.1. No. 2. Boston: The Arena Publishing Company. Pp. 128. 50 cents. $5 a year.

Franklin, Christine Ladd. On some Characteristics of Symbolic Logic. Pp. 25.

Gibbons, Cardinal; Bishop Kane, Edwin D. Mead, Ph. D., and Hon. John Jay. Denominational Schools. A Discussion. Syracuse, N.Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 71.

Gill, Theodore. Account of Progress in Zoology in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 44.

Gouvy, M. A., Jr.; W. F. Durfee, translator. An Investigation of the Construction of the Various Kinds of Cupolas that have been used for the melting of Pig-iron. Philadelphia: The Franklin Institute. Pp. 53.

Hall, G. Stanley. "The American Journal of Psychology." Vol II. No. 4. Quarterly. Worcester, Mass.: E. C. Sandford. Pp. 168. $1.50; $5 a year. Harris, William T., LL. D. Introduction to the Study of Philosophy. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 287. $l.50.—The Educational Value of Manual Training. Pp. 14.—Art Education the True Industrial Education. Pp. 9. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W Bardeen. 15 cents each.

Haworth, Prof. Erasmus, Oskaloosa, Iowa. The Chemistry of Narcotics. Pp.49. 25 cents.

Henry, Mrs, S. M. I. Prances Raymond's Investment. Pp.51. cents.—Unanswered Prayer. Pp 106. 50 cents. Chicago: Woman's Temperance Publication Association.

Hill, Robert T., University of Texas. Check-List of Invertebrate Fossils from the Cretaceous Formations of Texas, etc. Part I. Pp. 20.—The Foraminiferous Origin of Certain Limestones and the Sequence of Sediments in the North American Cretaceous. Pp. 4.—Paleontology of the Cretaceous Formations of Texas. Part I. Pp. 4, with Three Plates. 25 cents.—Relation of the Uppermost Cretaceous Beds of the Eastern and Southern United States. Pp. 2.—With R. A. F. Penrose, Jr. Tertiary Cretaceous Parting of Arkansas and Texas. Pp. 4.

Hitchcock, Romyn. The Action of Light on Silver Chloride. Pp. 6.

Hough, Walter. The Preservation of Museum Specimens from Insects and the Effects of Dampness. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 8.

Huxley, Thomas H. The Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 42.

Janes, Lewis G. The Scope and Principles of the Evolution Philosophy. Boston: James H. West. Pp. 26. 10 cents.

Kellerman, W. A. Preliminary Report on Smut in Oats. Kansas State Agricultural College Experiment Station, Manhattan. Pp. 24, with Four Plates.

Libbey, William, Jr. Account of the Progress of Geography and Exploration in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 12.

Marcou, John Belknap. Bibliography of North American Paleontology for 1836. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 60.

Martin, H. Newell, and Brooks, W. K., Editors. Studies from the Biological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. November, 1889. Pp. 64. 75 cents; $5 a volume.

Mason, John W., Commissioner. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to June 30, 1889. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 218.

Mason, Otis T. The Human Beast of Burden. Pp. 56.—Account of the Progress of Anthropology in 1886. Pp. 44.—Cradles of the American Aborigines. Pp. 72. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 44.

Michigan, Agricultural College of; Botanical Department. Experiments and Observations on the Jack-Pine Plains. Pp. 10.

Missouri Botanical Garden. Announcement concerning Garden Pupils. Pp. 8.

New England Meteorological Society. Monthly Bulletins.

New York Academy of Sciences. Annals. Pp. 56.

Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin, Technical Series. No. 1. Studies of Insects and Pond Life. Pp. 46, with Two Plates.

Photo-Engraving Company, 67 to 71 Park Place, N. Y. Specimens, with Twenty-one Plates.

Pilling, James Constantine. Bibliographies: Of the Siouan Languages. Pp. 85.—Of the Muskhogean Languages. Pp. 114.—Of the Iroquoian Languages. Pp. 208.—Of the Eskimo Language. Pp. 116. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution).

Porter. Dr. J. H. Notes on the Artificial Deformation of Children among Savage and Civilized Peoples, with a Bibliography. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 12.

Posse, Nils. Douglas Graham, Massage Translation into Swedish, Lund. Boston C. Schoenhof.

Potts, Edward. Report upon some Fresh-Water Sponges collected in Florida by James Willcox, Esq. Pp. 3.

Pratt, C. S., and Ella Farman, Editors. "Wide Awake." December, 1889. Monthly. Pp. 120. Boston: D. Lothrop Company. 20 cents, $2.40 a year.

Pratt Institute Record. Founder's Day Number. Pp. 53.—Thrift Association. Pp. 10. Brooklyn. N. Y.

Rockwood, C. G., Jr. Account of the Progress of Vulcanology and Seismology in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 24.

Shufeldt, R. W., M.D. Contributions to the Comparative Osteology of the Families of North American Passeres. Pp. 32, with Plates.—Anatomy of Speototo Cunicularia Hypogæa. Pp. 11, with Plates. Boston: Ginn & Co.

Society for Political Education, New York. Questions for Debate. Pp. 40. 25 cents.

Stearns, Robert E. C. Ethno-Conchology: A Study of Primitive Money. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 36, with Plates.

Transfer, The, of the U. S. Weather Service to a Civil Bureau. Boston: Alfred Mudge &, Son. Pp. 32.

Upham, Warren, Somerville, Mass. Marine Shells and Fragments of Shells in the Till near Boston. Pp. 16.—The Structure of Drumlins. Pp. 14.—Glaciation of Mountains in New England and New York. Pp. 82.

Wiley, John, & Sons. Now York. Catalogue of Books on Chemistry, Electricity, Physics, etc. Pp. 60.

Willard, Frances E. The Year's Bright Chain. Chicago: Woman's Temperance Publication Association. 50 cents.

Winchell. N. H. Natural Gas in Minnesota. Pp. 39.—The History of Geological Surveys in Minnesota. Pp. 37.—Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Seventeenth Annual Report. Pp. 273. St. Paul.

Woman's Temperance Publication Association, Chicago. Crusader Programmes for the Loyal Temperance Legion. Pp. 188. 25 cents.—Songs of the Young Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Pp. 96. 25 cents.

Woodhull Zula Maud. The Proposal: A Dialogue. London. Pp. 82.