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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 37/September 1890/Publications Received

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Abel, Mrs. Mary Hinman. Practical Sanitary and Economic Cooking. Rochester, N. Y.: American Public Health Association. Pp. 190.

Armas y Cárdenas, José de. Medico-legal Observations on the Case of Don Estéban Verdú (in Spanish). Habana. Pp. 32.

Bean, Tarleton H. New Fishes collected off the Coast of Alaska, etc. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 8.

Browning, Oscar. Aspects of Education. New York: Industrial Education Association. Pp. 48. 20 cents.

Childs, George W. Recollections of General Grant. Philadelphia: Collins Printing House. Pp. 104.

Chisholm, George G., and Leete, C. H. Longman's School Geography for North America. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 384. $1.25.

Coast, U. S., and Geodetic Survey. Chart Corrections of the Coast.

Cox, Charles H. Protoplasm and Life. New York: N. D. C. Hodges. Pp. 67. 75 cents.

Crooker, Joseph Henry, Madison, Wis. Different New Testament Views of Jesus. Pp. 70.—The Bible and the Public Schools, or Dr. Bascom and the Supreme Court. Pp. 18.

Dall, William H., U. 8. National Museum. New Species of Land Shell from Cuba (Vertigo Cubana). Pp. 2.

English, George L. & Co., Philadelphia. Catalogue of Minerals for sale. Pp. 100.

Fall. Prof. Delos, Albion, Mich. Sanitary Science. Pp. 10.

Gilbert, Charles H. Preliminary Report on Fishes collected by the Steamer Albatross on the Pacific Coast of North America. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 78.

Goode. G. Brown. Museum-History and Museums of History. Pp. 22.—Origin of the National Scientific and Educational Institutions of the United States. Pp. 112. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.—The Literary Labors of Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia. Pp. 21.

Gurney, E. H. Reference Handbook of English History. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 114. 85 cents.

Hale, Horatio. British Association Report on North American Ethnology. London. Pp. 97, with Plates.

Howard, George E., University of Nebraska. Development of the Kings Peace and the English Local Peace-Magistracy. Pp. 65.

Howe, H. M. The Metallurgy of Steel. New York: Scientific Publishing Company. Pp. 380. $10.

Hyde, E. W. The Directional Calculus. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 247. $2.15.

Iowa, State University of. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History. Vols. III and IV. Iowa City. Pp. 130, with Plates.

Jones, Hon. John P., United States Senate. Speech on the Free Coinage of Silver. Pp. 116.

Jordan, David Starr. Catalogue of Fishes collected by the United States Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Jordan, David Starr, and Evermann, B. W. New Species of Fish from Tippecanoe River, Ind. Pp. 4.

Kiddle. Henry. A Text-Book of Physics. New York: William Wood & Co. Pp. 288. $1.

Lesquereux, Leo. Remarks on some Fossil Remains considered as Peculiar Kinds of Marine Plants. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 12, with Plate.

Lewis, T. H. Ancient Fireplaces on the Ohio. Pp. 5.

Loti, Pierre. Rarahu. New York: W. S. Gottsberger & Co. Pp. 296.

Lucas, Frederic A. Catalogue of Skeletons of Birds collected by the Steamer Albatross. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 4.

McGill University, Montreal. Annual Calendar of the Faculty of Medicine. Pp. 108.

Mackay, A. H., Halifax, N. S. Fresh-water Sponges of Canada and Newfoundland. Pp. 12, with Plates.

Mohr, Charles, Mobile, Ala. The Medicinal Plants of Alabama. Pp. 17.

Moll, Albert. Hypnotism. New York: Scribner & Welford. Pp. 410. $1.25.

Montgomery, D. H. The Leading Facts of American History. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 359 + 1iii. $1.10.

Myerovitch. The Origin of Polar Motion. Chicago: Rosenberg Brothers, Printers. Pp. 32.

Nebraska, University of University Studies. Vol. I, No. 3, July, 1890. Lincoln. Pp. 104.

New Jersey. Annual Report of the State Geologist for 1889. Pp. 112.—Final Report, Vol. II. Mineralogy, Botany, Zoölogy. Pp. 642.

New York Agricultural Experiment Station's Bulletins, Nos. 19 and 20 (New Series). Pp. 40.

North, S. N. Dexter. Bulletin of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Quarterly. Pp. 20. 50 cents.

Payne, F. F., Toronto, Ontario. The Eskimo of Cape Prince of Wales, Hudson's Strait. Pp. 3.

Pickard, J. L. School Supervision. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 175. $1.

Pyat, Felix. The Rag-Picker of Paris. Boston: Benjamin R. Tucker. Pp. 317.

Ridgway, Robert. The Genus Xiphocolaptes of Lesson. P. 1.

Sociedad de Fomente Fabril, Santiago, Chili. Monthly publication. Pp. 48. 40 cents.

Sutton. J. Bland. Evolution and Disease. New York: Scribner & Welford. Pp. 285. $1.25.

Tittmann. O. H. Table for the Reduction of Hydrometer Observations of Salt-Water Densities. Washington: Coast Survey. Pp. 3.

Townsend, George Alfred. Mrs Reynolds and Hamilton. New York: F. Bonaventure. Pp. 276. 50 cents.

Wheeler, Captain George M. Report upon United States Geographical Surveys west of the One Hundredth Meridian. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp 771, with Maps.

White. Charles A. Mesozoic Fossils from Islands of the Strait of Magellan.