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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 39/August 1891/Publications Received

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Adams, Charles F., Worcester, Mass. Examination Questions for Normal Schools. Pp. 42.

Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports: Connecticut. Grass, Onions, and Cream. Pp. 11.—Georgia. Crop Report for May. Pp. 23. Commercial Fertilizers and Chemicals. Pp. 34.—Massachusetts. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 4.—Michigan. Kerosene Emulsion and New Insects. Pp. 16. Foot-rot in Sheep. Pp. 6.—New York Estimate of Feeding Materials. Pp. 20. Fertilizers. Pp. 32.—Ohio. Corn Pp. 88—Purdue University. Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 16.

Allen, Grant. What's bred in the Bone. Boston: Benjamin R. Tucker. Pp. 238.

Barrett, Jay A. Evolution of the Ordinance of 1787. Putnams. Pp. 95. $1.

Bonney. G. E. Electro-platers' Handbook. D. Van Nostrand Co. $1.20.

Boughton, William H. Abyssinia. Pp. 9.

Bower, John A. Science of Every-day Life. Pp. 128. Science applied to Work. Pp. 128. Cassell & Co. 50 cents each.

Brooklyn Institute Biological Laboratory. Circular for the Season of 1891. Pp. 14.

Burt, Stephen Smith. M. D., New York. Ethics of Experimentation upon Living Animals. Pp. 4.

Call, R. Ellsworth. Artesian Wells in Iowa. Pp. 6.

Cams, Dr. Paul. Fundamental Problems. Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 373. $1.50.

Central Park Menagerie. Report for 1890. Pp. 45.

Culin. Stewart, Recording Secretary. Report of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. Pp. 86.

Currier. Andrew F M. D. Electricity in Gynæcology. Pp. 20.—The Unrestricted Evil of Prostitution. Pp. 19.

Davis, Floyd. Elementary Handbook on Potable Water. Silver, Burdett & Co. Pp. 118. $1.

Dolbear, A. E. Chemism. Pp. 16.

Edwards, Charles L. Tales from Bohemia Folk Lore. Pp. 14.

Evening News Association, Detroit. Quarterly Register of Current History. May, 1891. Pp. 120. 25 cents; $1 a year.

Fernow, B. E. Report on Forestry for 1890. Washington.

Fewkes, J. Walter, Editor. Journal of American Ethnology and Archaeology. Vol. I. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 133.

Fletcher. Robert. M. D., Washington. The New School of Criminal Anthropology. Pp. 38.

Foster, Michael, and others. Editors. The Journal of Physiology. Cambridge, England. Six shillings.

Fraenkel, Carl, M. D. Text-book of Bacteriology. Translated by J. H. Linsley, M. D. New York: William Wood & Co. Pp. 380. $3.75.

Frazer, Persifor. Tables for the Determination of Minerals. Lippincott Co. Pp. 115. $2.

Geographic Names. United States Board on. Bulletin No. 2. Washington. Pp. 12.

Gilbert, Charles II. Fishes collected at the Galapagos Islands. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 8.

Ginn & Co. Catalogue and Announcements for 1891. Pp. 96.

Goss. John Dean. History of Tariff Administration in the United States. Columbia College. Pp. 89. 50 cents.

Greely, A. W. Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1890. Washington. Pp. 718.

Groszman. Maximilian. Workingman's School, United Relief Works. New York. Pp. 36.

Honner, Rev. James W. Theoretical Astronomy from a New Base. Fleming H. Revell Co. Pp. 56.

Henry, M. Charles. Harmonies de Formes et de Couleurs. Paris: A. Hermann. Pp. 65.

Hensoldt, Dr. H., New York. The Limits of Scientific Inquiry. Pp. 8.

Hervey, E. W. Flora of New Bedford and the Shores of Buzzard's Bay, New Bedford. Pp. 80.

Howard. John R. Henry Ward Beecher: A Study. Fords, Howard & Hulbert. Pp. 161. 75 cents.

Index, American Periodical. New Haven. May, 1891. Pp. 80. 10 cents; $1 a year.

Japan, Imperial University, Tokio. Journal of the College of Science.

Keen, W. W., M. D., Philadelphia. Five Cases of Suprapubic Cystotomy. Pp. 28.

Kenyon, Ellen E. The Coming School. Cassell. Pp. 146.

Leland Stanford Junior University, Palo Alto Cal. Circular of Information. Pp. 15.

Macphail, J. A., M. D., Montreal. On Vivisection. Pp. 27.

Mally, F. W. The Boll Worm of Cotton. Department of Agriculture. Pp. 50.

Mendelsohn, S., LL. D. The Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews. Baltimore: M. Curlander. Pp. 270. $2.50.

Niagara State Reservation, New York. Report of the Commissioners for 1890. Pp. 108, with Map.

North, N. Dexter, Editor. Bulletin 01 the National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Quarterly. Pp. 110. 50 cents; $2 a year.

Parker, T. Jeffery. Lessons in Elementary Biology Macmillan. Pp 408. $2.25.

Postmaster-General. Argument in Favor of Postal Savings Banks. Washington. Pp 72.

Prosser, Charles S. Geological Position of the Catskill Group. Pp 16

Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Annual Register for 1890-'91, and Scheme of Study for 1891-'92. Pp. 88.

Reeve, Charles H. The Prison Question. Chicago: Knight & Leonard. Pp 194. $1.25.

Roberts, John B., M. D., Philadelphia. Relation of Bacteria to Practical Surgery. Pp. 16.

Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind. Catalogue, etc., 1891. Pp 49.

Ryder, John A. The Sturgeons and Sturgeon Industries of the Eastern Coast of the United States. United States Fish Commission. Pp. 54, with Plates.

Scientific Alliance of New York. Directory. Pp. 22. 25 cents.

Shufeldt, R. W., M. D. North American Kites. Pp. 6.—Classification of the Pigeons Pp. 2.—Birds from the Equus Beds of Oregon. Pp. 4.—An Instance of the Black-snake attracting Man. P. 1.—Mortuary Customs of the Navajo Indians. Pp. 4, with Plate.

Smock, John C. Report of the State Geologist of New Jersey for 1890. New Brunswick, N. J.: Irving S. Upson. Pp. 305, with Maps.

Thomas, Charles Hermon, M. D., Philadelphia. The Construction and Adaptation of Spectacle-frames. Pp. 10.

Thompson, Ernest E. The Birds of Manitoba. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 186.

Thomson, Sir William. Popular Lectures and Addresses. Vol. III. Macmillan. Pp. 611. $2.

Thornton, William, Boston. Origin, Purpose, and Destiny of Man. Pp. 100.

Thorpe, T. E. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Vol. II. Longmans. Pp. 714. $15.

Townsend. Clinton. Report of Results in Palo Alto Sugar-House, 1890-'91. Pp. 6.

Trelease, William. Second Annual Report of the Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis. Pp. 117, with Plates.

Van Rensselaer, Mrs. J. King. Playing-cards from Japan. Pp. 2, with Plates.

Vernon-Harcourt, L. F. Achievements in Engineering. Scribners. Pp. 811. $1.75.

Ward, Lester F., Washington. The Transmission of Culture. Pp. 6. Neo-Darwinism and Neo-Lamarckism. Pp. 71.

Whiting, Harold. Experiments in Physical Measurement. Part III. Principles and Methods. Cambridge, Mass. John Wilson & Son. Pp. 824.

Whitman, C. O., and Allis, E. S., Jr., Editors. Journal of Morphology. January, 1891. Ginn & Co. Pp. 70. $3.50.

Wilcox, Walter F. The Divorce Problem. Columbia College, New York. Pp. 74.

Zoological Society of Philadelphia. Report. Pp.