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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 40/December 1891/Publications Received

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Actuarial Society of America. Papers and Transactions. 1891. Pp. 119.

Agricultural Experiment Stations, etc. Bulletins and Reports. Connecticut Fertilizers. Pp. 40.—Massachusetts. Fertilizers and Feeding Experiments with Cows. Pp. 16—Ohio. Wheat and Wheat Seeding. Pp. 22.—United States Department of Agriculture, Forestry Division. Timber Tests. Pp. 4.—New York. Nos. 3.3 to 36 Fertilizers. Dairy-breeds of Cattle, Fungi and Insects with Preventives Small Fruits. Pp. 112.—Potash and Paying Crops. Pp. 39, with Plates.

Bardeen. C. W. The Tax payer and the Township System. Pp. 1.5.—The Teacher as he should be. Pp. 15. Syracuse, N. Y.

Brainard. F. R. The Sextant and other Reflecting Mathematical Instruments. D. Van Nostrand Co. Pp. 120. 50 cents.

Branner, John C. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Arkansas. Vol. IV. Washington Co. Plant List. Little Rock. Pp. 262. with Maps.

Bristol, Dr. E. L. M Before he was Born; or, the Scarlet Arm. 373 West-end Ave., New York. Pp. 69. 50 cents.

Brooklyn Institute. Third Year-Book, 1890-'91. Brooklyn. Pp. 232.

Canaday. W. P., and West, Goldsmith Bernard, Editors. Railway Law and Legislation. Vol. I, No. 1. Semi-monthly. Washington. Pp. 20.

Cobb. John Storer. The Torch and the Tomb. Boston: New England Cremation Society. Pp. 40.

Dake, Jabez P., M. D. Civil Government and the Healers of the Sick. Philadelphia: The Hahnemannian Monthly. Pp. 19.

Darewin, G. S., London. Lives of Victoria C. Woodhull and Tennessee Claflin. Pp 38.

Davis, J. Woodbridge. Dynamics of the Sun. New York: Woodbridge School. Pp. 97.

Emtage, W. T. A. An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 228. $1.90.

English, George L., & Co., New York. Supplement to Catalogue of Minerals. Pp. 20.

Fall, Delos. An Introduction to Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Albion, Mich.: V. J. Tefft Pp. 71.

Foster, Michael, and others, Editors. The Journal of Physiology. Vol. XII, No. 4. Pp. 100, with Plates. 6s.

Gilman, N. P., and Jackson, E. P. Conduct as a Fine Art. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 230. $1.50.

Guillemin, Amedée, and Thompson, Sylvanus P., Editors. Electricity and Magnetism. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 976. $8.

Kolkin, N. Ethereal Matter. Electricity and Akasa. Sioux City, Iowa: J. M. Pinckney Co. Pp. 76. 50 cents.

Linnæan Society of New York. Abstract of Proceedings, 1890-'91. Pp. 11.

Merrill. George P. Stones for Building and Decoration. John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 453.

Missouri Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 5. Age and Origin of the Crystalline Rocks (by Erastus Haworth), and Clays and Building-stones of Western Central Counties (by G. E. Ladd). Pp. 86.

Mitchell. Ellen M. A Study of Greek Philosophy. S C. Griggs & Co. Pp. 282. $1.25.

Oxonian, An. A Little Tour in Ireland, with Illustrations by John Leech. W. S. Gottsberger & Co. Pp. 218.

Plympton, George W. How to become an Engineer. D. Van Nostrand Co. Pp. 218. 50 cents.

Political Science Quarterly. September, 1891. Ginn & Co. Pp. 190. 75 cents; $3 a year.

Sadtler. Samuel P. A Hand-book of Industrial Organic Chemistry. J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 519. $5.

Schuchhardt. Dr. C. Schliemann's Excavations. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 863. $5.

Sidgwick, Henry. The Elements of Politics. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 623. $4.

Smith, E. F., and Keller, H. F. Experiments arranged for Students in General Chemistry. Blakistons. Pp. 60.

Solms-Laubach. H. Graf zu. Fossil Botany. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 401. $4.

Stewart. John S., Philadelphia. Defects of the Ocular Muscles. Pp. 7.

Thorne, R. T. Diphtheria: its Natural History and Prevention. Macmillans. Pp. 266.

Tolstoi, Count Leo. Ivan the Fool. New York; Charles L. Webster & Co. Pp. 172. $1.

University Extension Monthly. September. 1891. Philadelphia: J. H. Shinn. Pp. 32. 25 cents; $3 a year.

Veeder. M A., Lyons, N. Y. The Zodiacal Light. Pp. 10, with Plate.

Weismann. Dr. August. Essays upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 471. $2.

Whelpley, Dr. H. M., St. Louis. Trichina Spiralis. Pp. 6.

Wilson. J., Newark, N. Y. Radical Wrongs in the Precepts and Practices of Civilized Man. Pp. 413. $1.

Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary. Catalogue and Announcement. Pp 25.

Woodhull. Zula Maud. The Proposal. A Dialogue. London: Norgate & Co. Pp. 32. 5 cents.