Popular Science Monthly/Volume 41/October 1892/Publications Received
Bardeen, C. W. The Song Patriot. Syracuse, N. Y. Pp. 80.
Beal, W. J., and Wheeler, C. F. Michigan Flora. Agricultural College, Michigan. Pp. 180.
Black, George Ashton, and Carter, Kathleen. Natural History Lessons. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 98. Price, 54 cents.
Bolles, Lieutenant J. Dix, United States Navy. Chinese Relics in Alaska. Pp. 1, with Plate.
Branner, J. C. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Arkansas, for 1800. Little Rock. Pp. 443.
Calmire. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 742.
Cheritree, Olive E. The Book of Life. Evolution. Vol. II, pp. 68.
Conn, H. W. The Fermentations of Milk. Washington: United States Department of Agriculture. Pp. 75.
Dumble, E. T. Geological Survey of Texas. Second Report of Progress. Austin. Pp. 91.
Ewald, Dr. C. A. The Diseases of the Stomach. Translated by Morris Manges. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 497.
Fewkes, J. Walter. A Journal of American Ethnology and Archæology. Vol. H. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 193.
Foster, Michael, and others, Editors. The Journal of Physiology. Vol. XIII, No. 5. Cambridge, England. Pp. 150, with Plates. $5 a volume.
Griswold, W. M. The Continuous Index. June-July, 1892. $2 a year.—Descriptive List of Novels and Tales dealing with Life in France. Pp. 100. $1. Both Cambridge, Mass.
Harrington, H. H. Preliminary Report on the Soils and Waters of the Upper Rio Grande and Pecos Valleys of Texas. Austin. Pp. 26.
Hill, Robert Thomas. On the Occurrence of Artesian and other Underground Waters in Texas, etc., west of the Ninety-seventh Meridian. Washington, D. C.: Department of Agriculture. Pp. 166, with Map, etc.
Hyde, William Dewitt. Practical Ethics. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 208.
James, Prof. Joseph F. Of the Age of the Point Pleasant (Ohio) Beds. P. 1.—On Problematic Organism and the Preservation of Algæ as Fossils. P. 1.
Jones, E. E. Constance. An Introduction to General Logic. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., publishers.
Kedzie, R. C. Fertilizer Analyses. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. Pp. 11.
Leverett, Frank. The Cincinnati Ice-dam. P. 1. On the Signification of the White Clays of the Ohio Region. Pp. 7. Lewis, Abram Herbert, D. D. Paganism surviving in Christianity. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 309.
Linnæan Society of New York. Abstract of Proceedings to March 2, 1892. Pp. 8.
Luchsinger, John. The Planting of the Swiss colony at New Glarus Wis. Madison, Wis., State Historical Society. Pp. 45.
MacAdie, Alexander. Shall we erect Lightning-rods? Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 8.
Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin. Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows. Pp. 16.
Mays, Thomas J., M. D. Pulmonary Phthisis in its Relation to Insanity and other Neuroses. Pp. 27.
Moorhead, Warren K. Primitive Man in Ohio. G. P. Putnam's Sous. Pp. 240.
Morse, Edward S., Salem, Mass. On the Older Forms of Terra-cotta Roofing-tiles. Pp. 72.
Palm, Andrew J., Editor. The American Journal of Politics. Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 112. 35 cents, $4 a year.
Parsons, Prof. Frank Government and the Law of Equal Freedom. Boston: New Nation Publishing Co. Pp. 29.
Phillips, William B. Preliminary Report on a Part of the Lower Gold Belt of Alabama. Montgomery. Pp. 97.
Powers, Edward. Should the Rainfall Experiments be continued? Delavan, Wis. Pp. 15.
Prosser, Charles 8. The Devonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania. Pp. 12.
Qahezon Qarlos. Notas sobre la Reforma Ortografica (Notes on Orthographical Reform). Santiago Chili.
Riley, C. V. Reports of Observations and Experiments in the Practical Work of the Division of Entomology. Pp. 950.—Reports on the Damage by Destructive Locusts, during the Season of 1891. Pp. 64. Washington: Department of Agriculture.
Scientific Alliance of New York. Second Annual Directory. Pp. 33. 25 cents.
Scripture, E. W. Education as a Science. Yale University. Pp. 4.
Spencer, Herbert. Principles of Ethics. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 572.
Sternberg, George M., M. D. Practical Results of Bacteriological Researches. Pp. 17.
Stetson. John B., University, De Land, Fla. Annual Catalogue, 1891-'92. Pp. 44.
Tarr. R. S. Reconnaissance of the Guadalupe Mountains. Pp. 42.
Trelease, William, St. Louis. Detail Illustrations of Yucca, and Description of Agave Engelmanni. Pp. 10, with 24 Plates.
Turnbull, M. M. The Free-trade Struggle in England. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 288. 75 cents.
United States National Museum, Washington: Notes on Avian Entozoa. By Edwin Linton. Pp. 25, with Plates.-Contributions toward a Monograph of the Noctuidæ of Boreal America. By John B. Smith. Pp. 48, with Plates.—On a Collection of Birds made by H. Y. Henson, in Japan. By Leonhard Stejneger. Pp. 72, with Plate.—Fishes collected in Mexico by Prof. Dugès. By Tarleton H. Bean, M. D. Pp. 8, with Plate.—Catalogue of Crabs of the Family Periceridæ. By Mary J. Rathburn. Pp. 50, with Plates.—Corystoid Crabs of the Genera Telmessus and Erimacrus. By James E. Benedict. Pp. 8, with Plates.—Annotated List of Shells of San Pedro Bay and Vicinity. By Mrs. Burton M. Williamson. Pp. 40, with Plates. The Fishes of San Diego. By Carl H. Eigenmann. Pp. 56, with Plates.—A New Genus and Sped s of Blind Cave Salamander. By Leonhard Stejneger. Pp. 3, with Plate.—The Evolution of House-building among the Navajo Indians. Pp. 4, with Plates. A Maid of Wolpai. Pp. 3, with Plate. Both by R. W. Shufeldt, M. D.—The Materials of the Earth's Crust. By George P. Merrill. Pp. 100, with Plates.—The Ulu, or Woman's Knife of the Eskimo. By Otis T. Mason. Pp. 4, with many Plates.—The Methods of Fire-making. By Walter Hough. Pp. 13, with Plate.—The Ainos of Yezo, Japan. By Romyn Hitchcock. Pp. 75, with Plates.—The Log of the Savannah. By J. Elfreth Watkins. Pp. 24, with Plates.—The Catlin Collection of Indian Paintings. By Washington Matthews. Pp. 18. with Plates.—Anthropology at the Paris Exhibition in 1889. By Thomas Wilson. Pp. 40.
United States Postal Guide, July, 1892. Philadelphia: G. F. Lasher. $2 a year.
Waterdale Researches, or Fresh Light on the Dynamic Action and Ponderosity of Matter. London: Chapman & Hall. Pp. 293.
Wells. Charles R. Natural-movement Method in Writing. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 44. 25 cents.
Whitimore, E. B., Rochester, N. Y. Relating to the Disposition of some of the Stars in our Region of Space. Pp. 20.
Who inspires our Modern Bishops? London: William Reeves. Pp. 16.
Willard, Deforest. M.D., and Lloyd, James Hendrie, M. D. A Case of Porencephalon in which Trephining was done, etc. Pp. 7.
Williams, Samuel G. The History of Modern Education. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 395. $1.50.
Wolf, Alfred R. Some Moral Factors in the Engineer's Career. Pp. 8.
Yale Observatory. Report for 1891-'92. New Haven, Conn. Pp. 26.