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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 41/September 1892/Publications Received

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Adams, R. C. Travels in Faith. New York: Truth-Seeker Co., 1892. Pp. 238. 25 cents.

Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports, 1892. The Silo and Silage in Indiana. Purdue University. Pp. 16.—Horticulture, Corn Crossing, etc. University of Illinois. Pp. 30.—Feeding Stock, etc. Iowa. Pp. 86.—Hand-power Cream Separators. Delaware College Station. Pp. 13. Illustrated.

Atkinson, Edward. The Science of Nutrition, and the Art of Cooking in the Allodin Oven. Springfield, Mass., 1892: C. W. Bryan & Co., Printers. Pp. 180.

Ball, W. W. R. Mathematical Recreations and Problems. London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. Pp. 241. $2.25.

Barrows, S. L. Evolution of the Afric-American. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. No. 28, Evolution Series. Pp. 28. 10 cents.

Bendine, Charles. Life Histories of North American Birds. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1892. Pp. 446. Illustrated.

Bessey, C. E. Transpiration, or the Loss of Water from Plants. Pp. 4. Reprint.

Bierbower, A. Was Christ crucified? New York: Truth-Seeker Co., 1892. Pp. 24. 10 cents.

Binet, A. Les Altérations de la Personalité. Paris: GErmer Baillière et Cie., 1892. Bibliothèque Scientifique Internationale. Pp. 323.

Brinton, Daniel G. Further Notes on Fuegian Languages. Pp. 6.—The Tribute Roll of Montezuma. Pp. 6. Reprints.

Bush, George G. History of Higher Education in Massachusetts. Washington: Bureau of Education, 1891. Pp. 445. Illustrated.

Call. R. E. The Chemistry of Soils. Pp 5. Papers read before the Iowa Academy of Sciences. Pp. 30. Reprints.

Cheal, J. Fruit Culture. London: George Bell & Sons, 1892. Pp. 194. 75 cents.

Clinton Liberal Institute. Catalogue, 1892. Pp. 48. Illustrated.

Cresson, H. T. Pile Structures in Naaman's Creek. Delaware. Cambridge, Mass., 1892. Pp. 24. Illustrated.

Curtis, M. M. Philosophy and Physical Science. Cleveland, 1892. Pp. 53.

Dall, William H. Instructions for collecting Mollusks, etc. Smithsonian Institution, 1892. Pp. 55.

Directory of the Scientific Alliance of New York, 1892. Pp. 33.

Doughty, F. W. Evidences of Man in the Drift. New York: privately printed, 1892. Pp. 14.

Ewart, William, M. D. Cardiac Outlines. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sous, 1892. Pp. 165. Illustrated.

Fernald, M. L. New List of Maine Plants. Portland Society of Natural History, 1892. Pp. 72.

Fernow, B. E. United States Department of Agriculture. Report of the Chief of the Division of Forestry for 1891. Washington, 1892. Pp. 38. Illustrated.

Fleming, Sanford. An Appeal to the Canadian Institute on the Rectification of Parliament. Toronto: The Copp-CIark Co., 1892. Pp. 176.

Foote, G. W. Infidel Death-beds. New York: Truth-Seeker Co., 1892. Pp. 98. 25 cents.

Gardener, Helen H. Pulpit, Pew, and Cradle. New York: Truth-Seeker Co., 1892. Pp. 30. 10 cents.

Hall, Henry. Ethan Allen, the Robin Hood of Vermont. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Pp. 207. $1.

Hakes, H. Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. Wilkesbarre, Pa.: R. Bover & Son, Printers, 1892. Pp. 132.

Harper and Miller. Virgil's Æneid. Six Books. New York: American Book Co., 1892. Pp. 461.

Hayes, Charles W. An Expedition through the Yukon District. Washington: National Geographic Society, 1892. Pp. 48. 50 cents.

Hitchcock, Romyn. The Ancient Pit-dwellers of Yezzo, Japan. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1892. Pp. 10. Illustrated.

Hopkins, C. T. Shall we educate our Politicians? Reprint, 1892. Pp. 17.

Hudson, W. H. The Naturalist in La Plata. London: Chapman & Hall, 1892. Pp. 388. $4. Illustrated.

Hunter-Duvar, J. The Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1892. Pp. 285. $1.25.

Huxley, T. H. Essays upon some Controverted Questions. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Pp. 289. $2.

Industrial Art School of Philadelphia. Objects, Rules, Course of Instruction, etc. Philadelphia: Burk & McFetridge, 1892. Pp. 20. With Diagrams.

Journal of Morphology. Vol. VI, Nos. 1 and 2. Edited by C. O. Whitman. Boston: Ginn & Co. May, 1892.

Keen, W. W. Nephrotomy for Calculous Pyelitis. 1892. Pp. 10.—Arteriovenous Aneurism of the Common Carotid Artery and Internal Jugular Vein. 1892. Pp. 5. Illustrated.—Resection of the Liver. 1892. Pp. 5. Illustrated. Reprints.

Kinney, H. C. Why the Columbian Exposition should be opened on Sunday. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co., 1892. Pp. 57.

Longshore, T. E. The Higher Criticism in Theology and Religion. New York: Truth-Seeker Co., 1892. Pp. 533.

List, N. A. American Charts of Literary Archæology, Vol. I. Folio, pp. 24.

McKendrick, J. G. Life in Motion. London and Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1892. Pp. 202. Illustrated. $1.50.

Mayo, A. D. Southern Women in the Recent Educational Movement in the South. Washington: Bureau of Education, 1892. Pp. 300.

Mechanical Engineering Teachers' Association. List of Officers, Members, and Rules. 1892. Pp. 23.

Milling. Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Indianapolis: D. H. Ranck Publishing Co., June, 1892. 25 cents a copy, $2 a year.

Milne, William J. High-school Algebra. New York: American Book Co., 1892. Pp. 360.

National Popular Review. An Illustrated Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. I, No. 1. July, 1892. J. H. White, San Diego, Cal. Pp. C6. 25 cents a number, $2 a year.

Philosophical Society of Washington. Bulletin. Vol. XI, 1888-1891. Pp. 618.

Proceedings American Philosophical Society, Nos. 137 and 138. Philadelphia, 1892. Published for the Society by MacCalla & Co. Pp. 134 each.

Proceedings of the Newport Natural History Society, 1890-1891. Newport. Printed for the Society, April, 1892. Pp. 31.

Prosser, C. S. Thickness of the Devonian and Silurian Rocks of Western New York. Rochester Academy of Sciences, 1802. Pp. 54.

Ridgway, Robert. The Humming-bird. Smithsonian Institution, 1892. Pp. 128. Illustrated.

Riley, C. V. Some Interrelations of Plants and Insects. Biological Society of Washington. Pp. 22. Illustrated.—On the Time of Transformation in the Genus Lachnosterna. Entomological Society of Washington. Pp. 3.—Speech at the Second Trustees' Banquet of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Pp. 4.—List of the Tineina of Boreal America. Pp. 21.—The Mexican Jumping Bean. Pp. 4.—Directions for collecting and preserving Insects. Smithsonian Institution, 1892. Pp. 147.

Shinier, P. W. A Microscopic Sediment-collector. Reprint, 1892. Pp. 8. Illustrated.

Shufeldt, R. W. Indian Types of Beauty. Reprint, 1891. Pp. 24. Illustrated.

Smith, E. A. On the Phosphates and Marls of Alabama. Montgomery, Ala, 1892. Pp. 82.

Smith, E. E. The Chemistry of Peach-yellows. Reprint, 1891. Pp. 16.

Spalding, J. L. The Catholic Educational Exhibit in the Columbian Exposition. Reprint, 1892. Pp. 6.

Stone, C. H. The Problem of Domestic Service. St. Louis: Nelson Printing Co., 1892. Pp. 46.

Stone. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Indianapolis: D. H. Ranck Publishing Co., June, 1892. 25 cents a number, $2 a year.

Taylor, W. E. The Ophidia of Nebraska. Reprint, 1891. Pp. 47.

Thayer, W. H. Errors in Ventilation. Two Papers. Reprints, 1892. Pp. 6 and 4.

Thein, John. Christian Anthropology. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1892. Pp. 576.

Transactions of the Technical Society of the Pacific Coast. Vol. IS, No. 5. San Francisco, June, 1892. Pp. 17. Illustrated.

Trevert, E. Electric Railway Engineering. Lynn, Mass.: Bubier Publishing Co., 1892. Pp. 186. Illustrated.

Troy, D. S. The Value of Money, etc. Montgomery, Ala. Reprint, 1832. Pp. 26.

Weismann, August. Essays upon Heredity. Vol. n. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. Pp. 126. $1.30.

Westland, Albert. The Wife and Mother. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1892. Pp. 282. $2.

Whiting, C. E. The Complete Music Reader. Boston: D. C. Heath, 1891. Pp. 224. 85 cents.

Winchell, N. H. The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Nineteenth Annual Report. Minneapolis, 1892. Pp. 255. Illustrated.

World's Columbian Exposition. Memorial to Congress on a Comprehensive Exhibit of Roads, their Construction, etc.

Yandel, D. W. Temperament. Louisville, 1892. Pp. 21.