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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 42/February 1893/Publications Received

From Wikisource

Kirkwood, Prof. Daniel. Groups of Asteroids. Pp.4.

Lea, Dr. A. Sheridan. The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp.288. $1.75,

McBean, Archibald. A Petition in Behalf of the Lower Animals. Winnipeg. Pp. 59.

Maycock, W. Perren. Electric Lighting and Power Distribution. Part I. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 185, with Blanks. 75 cents.

Minchin, George M. Hydrostatics and Elementary Hydrokinetics. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 424. $2.60.

Monier-Williams, M. S., Pidgeon, W. R., and Dryden, Arthur. Figure-skating, Simple and Combined. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 322. $2.25.

New England Meteorological Society. Investigations for 1890. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Observatory. Pp. 156, with Plates.

Newth, G. S. Chemical Lecture Experiments: Non-metallic Elements. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 323. $3.

Nuttall, G. H. F. Hygienic Measures in relation to Infectious Diseases. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 101. 75 cents.

Oliver, Charles A., M. D., Philadelphia. Ocular Symptoms in the So-called Mongolian Type of Idiocy. Pp. 6.

Ordway, General Albert. Cycle-Infantry: Drill Regulations. Boston: Pope Manufacturing Co. Pp. 70.

Pearce, Alfred J. Longman's School Mensuration. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 150. 80 cents.

Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station. The Potato: Relation of the Number of Eyes on the Seed Tuber to the Product. Lafayette, Ind. Pp. 16.

Riley, C. V. Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects. United States National Museum. Pp. 147.

Road-making as a Branch of Instruction in Colleges. Boston: Albert A. Pope. Pp.82.

Rotch, A. Lawrence. Observations made at Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Mass., in 1891. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 62.

Scott, Frank J. Honest Bimetallism. Pp. 13.

Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. Pp. 484. 50 cents.—Shakespeare, William. Julius Cæsar. Pp. 114. 20 cents.; Twelfth Night. Pp. 99. 20 cents. (English Classics for Schools Series.) American Book Company.

Smith, Edwin, and Schott, Charles A. Observations at Rockville, Md., for Variations in Latitude. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington. Pp. 24.

Smithsonian Publications, from Report for 1890. The Primitive Home of the Aryans. By Prof. A. H. Sayce. Pp. 16.—The Prehistoric Races of Italy. By Canon Isaac Taylor. Pp. 10.—A Primitive Urn Burial. By Dr. J. F. Snyder. Pp. 6.—Manners and Customs of the Mohaves. By George A. Allen. Pp. 2.—Technology and Civilization. By F. Reuleaux. Pp. 16.—A Memoir of Elias Loomis. By Prof. H. A. Newton. Pp. 32.—A Memoir of William Kitchen Parker, F. R. S. Pp.4.

Stowell, Charles H., M. D. The National Medical Review. Monthly. Pp. 16. $1 a year.

Swank, James M. Twenty Years of Progress in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel in the United States. United States Geological Survey. Pp. 32.

United States Relief Map. United States Geological Survey. Chart.

Wahl, William H. Observations on Ferro-tungsten. Pp. 3.

Weeks, Joseph D. The Manufacture of Coke. United States Geological Survey. Pp. 48.

Wilson, Sir Daniel. The Lost Atlantis and other Ethnographic Studies. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 411. $4.

Winslow, Arthur, State Geologist. The Higginsville Sheet in Lafayette County. Geological Survey of Missouri, Jefferson City. Pp. 17. Map and sections.

Zahm, Rev. J. A. Sound and Music. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. Pp. 452. $3.50.