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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 44/December 1893/Publications Received

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Hart, Ernest. The Profession, the Public, and the Code. Address before the Pan-American Medical Congress.

Haug, W. P. Blind Crayfishes of Indiana, etc. United States National Museum. Pp. 4, with Plate.

Hayes, M. Horace. The Points of the Horse. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 379, with Plates. $10.50.

Hill, David J. Genetic Philosophy. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 382.

Hill, Robert T. Palæontology of the Cretaceous Fossils of Texas, etc. Biological Society of Washington. Pp. 12, with Plates.

Jenner, Sir William. Lectures and Essays on Fevers and Diphtheria, 1849 to 1879. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 581.

Killeman, W. A. Photographing Certain Natural Objects without a Camera. Pp. 2.—Experiments in Germination of Treated Seed. Pp. 5.—Bibliography of Ohio Botany. Pp. 22.—Killeman, W. A., and Selby, Aug. D. Analytical Synopsis of the Groups of Fungi. Pp. 8.

Kirk, Hyland C. The Revolt of the Brutes. New York: C. T. Dillingham & Co. Pp. 123. 50 cents.

Leffmann, Henry, and Beam, William. Analysis of Milk and Milk Products. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 92. $1.

Leo XIII Encyclical on the Condition of Labor. Boston: Pilot Publishing Co. Pp. 16.

Loewinson-Lessing, F., and others. Tables for the Determination of Rock-forming Minerals. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 55. $1.25.

McAulay, A. Utility of Quaternions in Physics. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 107. $1.00.

McKinley, William. Speeches and Addresses. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 664. $2.

Michigan Mining School. Reports of the Director. Pp. 102.

Monroe, W. S. The Educational Labors of Henry Barnard. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 30. 50 cents.

Müller, F. Max. Three Introductory Lectures on the Science of Thought. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 125. 25 cents.

Munro, J. C. Elementary Text-book of Commercial Law. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 191. 90 cents.

Newton, Alfred, and Gadow, Hans, etc. A Dictionary of Birds. Part II. Ga-Moa. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 212.

New York Academy of Sciences. Transactions, 1892-'93. Pp. about .300.

Nutting, C. C. President's Address, Iowa Academy of Sciences. Pp. 5. Report of Committee on State Fauna. Pp. 3. Significance of the Concealed Crests of Fly-catchers. Pp. 5.

Peck, James I. Pteropods and Heteropods collected by the Steamer Albatross during the Voyage from Norfolk, Va., to San Francisco, Cal., 1887-'88, United States National Museum. Pp. 17, with Plates.

Pilling, James Constantine. Bibliography of the Chinookian Languages. United States Bureau of Ethnology. Pp. HI.

Powell, J. W. Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1886-'87. Washington. Pp. 298, with Plates.

Preece, William H., and Stubbs, Arthur J. A Manual of Telephony. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 598. $4.50.

Prosser, C. S. The Upper Hamilton and Portage Stages of Central and Eastern New York. Pp. 18.

Rein, Prof W. Outlines of Pedagogics. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 199. $1.25.

Richmond, Charles W, On a Collection of Birds from Eastern Nicaragua and Rio Frio, Costa Rica, etc. United Slates National Museum. Pp. 54.

Romanes, G. J. An Examination of Weismanism. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 221. $1.

Roscoe, Sir Henry, and Lunt, Joseph. Inorganic Chemistry for Beginners. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 245. 75 cents.

Sanford, Henry R. The Limited Speller. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 104. 35 cents.

Saunders, Frederick, Editor. Addresses commemorative of the American Centennial and of the Discovery. New York: E. B. Treat. Pp. 1041. $3.50.

Scientific Alliance of New York. Third Annual Directory. Pp. 40.

Scott, Sir Walter. The Lady of the Lake. American Book Company. Pp. 192. 35 cents.

Siemens, Werner von. Personal Recollections. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 400. $5.

Smith, John B. Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Superfamily Noctuidæ found in Boreal America. United States National Museum. Pp. 424.

Speakman, Thomas H. Divisions in the Society of Friends. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 112.

Steams, Robert E. C. Mollusk Fauna of the Galapagos Islands. Pp. 96, with Plates. Rare or Little-known Mollusks from the West Coast of North and South America. Pp. 12, with Plate.—Molluscan Species collected in West Africa, 1889-'90. Pp. 20.

Todhunter, Isaac, and Pearson, Karl. A History of the Theory of Elasticity and of the Strength of Materials from Galilei to the Present Time. Volume II, Parts I and II. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 762 and .556. $7.50.

University School of Engineering. Laboratory of Chemistry. Pp. 23.

Virgil's Aeneid (six books) and Bucolics. Edited, etc., by W. R. Harper and Frank J. Miller. American Book Company. Pp. 564. $1.50.

Welch, George T., M. D. Therapeutical Superstition. Pp. 29.

Werner, E.. "Clear the Track." New York: The International News Company. Pp. 319. 50 cents.

Wright, Carroll D. The Phosphate Industry of the United States. Pp. 145.—Wright, Carroll D., and Gould, E. R. L.—The Gothenburg System of Liquor Traffic. Pp. 253.—Washington: Government Printing Office.

Xenophon's Anabasis (seven books), edited by W. R. Harper and James Wallace. American Book Company. Pp. 575. $1.50.

Zirret, Alexander. An Elementary Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics. Part I, Kinematics. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 181.