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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 48/February 1896/Publications Received

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Ackman, C. M. Milk, its Nature and Composition. New York: Macmillan & Co. London: Adam & Charles Black. Pp. 180. $1.25.

Agricultural Experiment Stations. Cornell University Station: General Observations en the Care of Fruit Trees, with some Reflections upon Weeds; Notions about the Spraying of Trees, with Remarks on the Canker Worm; Soil Depletion in Respect to the Care of Fruit Trees.—Iowa Agricultural College: Experiments with New Orchard Fruits, Trees, and Shrubs.—New York Station: Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers collected during the Spring of 1895; Comparative Field Test of Commercial Fertilizers used in Raising Potatoes; The Composition and Use of Fertilizers; Science applied to Feeding Plants.—United States Department: Bulletin of the North Dakota Weather and Crop Service for November, 1895.

Alien. A Daughter of the King. Chicago and New York: F. T. Neely. Pp. 277.

Allman, Alphonse. Statesman and Demagog. San Francisco: Hicks, Judd & Co. Pp. 198.

Bennett Lectures for 1895. Light on Current Topics. Boston: Massachusetts New-Church. Union. Pp. 205. $1.

Bulletins, Catalogues, Reports, Reprints, etc. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings. Pp. 435-514.—Gravitation and what it is, and No Ice Ages. By William Andrew. Pp. 15. 5 cents.—Iowa Health Bulletin. Vol. IX, No. 6.—Missouri Botanical Garden. Seventh Announcement concerning Garden Pupils. Note on a Photographic Method of determining the Complete Motion of a Gun during Recoil. By Dr. A. C. Crehore and Dr G. O. Squier. From Journal of United States Artillery, Vol. IV, No. 4.—North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Preliminary Meeting for Organization.—On the Correlation of New York Moraines with Raised Beaches on Lake Erie. By Frank Leverett. From American Journal of Science, July, 1895.—Pre-Glacial Valleys of the Mississippi and Tributaries. By Frank Leverett. From Journal of Geology, Vol. in, No. 7.—On the Affinities and Classification of the Dinosaurian Reptiles. By O. C. Marsh. From American Journal of Science, December, 1895.—Restoration of some European Dinosaurs, etc. By O. C. Marsh. From American Journal of Science.—Soils of Illinois. By Frank Leverett. From Final Report of Illinois Board of World's Fair Commissioners.—When the Moon Runs Highest and Runs Lowest. By Rose O'Halloran. From Publications of Pacific Astronomical Society.

Burnet, Margaretta. Zoölogy for High Schools and Academies. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 216. 75 cents.

California Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of. Second Series. Vol. V, Part I. Pp. 781.

Cheiro. If We Only Knew, and Other Poems. Chicago: F. T. Neely. London: Chatto & Windus. Pp. 39.

Coal Report. Thirteenth Annual Report of the Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics. George A. Schilling, Secretary. Pp. 220.

Cochrane, Charles Henry.-The Wonders of Modern Mechanism. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 402. %%.

Columbian Historical Exposition, Madrid, 1892. Report of United States Commission. Pp. 397.

Cook, Lady (Tennessee C. Claflin). Essays. London Universal Publishing Company. Pp. 126. 6s.

Corrigan, Severinus J. The Constitution and Function of Gases. St. Paul Pioneer-Press Company. Pp. 173.

Coy, E. W. Latin Lessons. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 320. $1.

Eggleston, Edward. (Eclectic School Readings.) Stories of American Life and Adventure. Third Reader Grade. Pp. 214. 50 cents. And Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans. Second Reader Grade. Pp. 159. 40 cents. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company.

Evans, Arthur J. Cretan Pictographs and Pre-Phænician Script. New York: G P. Putnam's Sons. London: Bernard Quaritch. Pp. 146.

Farrington, Oliver C. (Publication III of Field Columbian Museum, Chicago.) Geological Series, Vol. I, No. 1. Handbook and Catalogue of the Meteorite Collection. Pp. 66.

Gleason, C. W., and Atherton, C. S. The First Greek Book. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 285. $1.

Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wakefield. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 207. 35 cents.

Grinnell, George Bird. (The Story of the West Series.) The Story of the Indian. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 270. $1.50.

Grove, Charles Edward, and Thorpe, William. Chemical Technology. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Company. Pp. 398. $4.

Hay, O. P. (Publication V of Field Columbian Museum, Chicago.) Zoölogical Series, Vol. I, No. 1. On the Structure and Development of the Vertebral Column of Amia. Pp. 54.

Hayes, C. Willard. (National Geographic Monographs, Vol. I, No. 10) The Southern Appalachians. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 305-336.

Kellar, I. Bilder aus der deutschen Litteratur. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 225. 75 cents.

Knapp, Charles. Stories from Aulus Gellins. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 93. 30 cents.

Knobel, E. The Night Moths of New England. Boston: Bradlee Whidden. Pp. 63. 50 cents.

Leander, Richard von Volkmann. Trãumereien an franzosischen Kaminen. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 163. 35 cents.

Lindsay, Thomas B. The Lives of Cornelius Nepos. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 363. $1.10.

Lowell, Percival. Mars. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 228. $2.50.

Mercer, Henry C. The Hill Caves of Yucatan. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 183. $2.

Millspaugh, C. F. (Publication IV of Field Columbian Museum, Chicago.) Botanical Series. Vol. I, No. 1. Contribution to the Flora of Yucatan. Pp. 56.

Minnesota Botanical Studies. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Conway Macmillan, State Botanist. Minneapolis: Harrison & Smith, Printers. Pp. 421-482.

Moses, Bernard. The Railway Revolution in Mexico. San Francisco: The Berkeley Press. Pp. 90.

Needham, James G. Elementary Lessons in Zoölogy. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago; American Book Company. Pp. 302. 90 cents.

Newman, Q. Notas Sueltas sobre la Pena de Muerte. Santiago de Chile: Imprenta i Enquadernazion Barzelona. Pp. 228.

Page, Charles E., M. D. Catching Cold. New York: The Health Culture Company. Pp. 33. 10 cents.

Philadelphia Record Almanac, The (for 1896). Pp. 122.

Railways, Statistics of. Seventh Annual Report of Interstate Commerce Commission. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 677.

Rusby, H. H., M. D., and Jelliffe, S. E., M. D. Essentials of Vegetable Pharmacognosy. New York: D. O. Haynes & Co. Pp. 149.

Secret of Mankind, The. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 417.

Sedgwick, Adam. (The Cambridge Natural History, Vol. V.) Peripatus. In same volume, Myriapods, by F. G. Sinclair; and Insects, by David Sharp. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 584. $4.

Seidel, Heinrich. Herr Omnia. Edited by J. Matthewman. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 85. 25 cents.

Shakespeare, William. (Eclectic English Classics.) The Comedy of As You Like it. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company. Pp. 102. 20 cents.

Taxation. Eighth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of Illinois. Springfield, 111.: Edward F. Hartman, Printer. Pp. 541.

The Monthly Illustrator, and Home and Country, December, 1895. Vol. XI, No. 5. New York: The Monthly Illustrator Publishing Company. 20 cents. $2 a year.

Williams, H. S. Geological Biology. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 395.

Wurtz, C. A. Elements of Modern Chemistry. Revised and enlarged by W. H. Greene and Harry T. Kellar. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 808. $1.80.

Young, C. A. The Sun. International Scientific Series. New and revised edition. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 303. $2.