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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 49/August 1896/Publications Received

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Agricultural Experiment Stations. Connecticut Station: Nineteenth Annual Report, 1895.—Illinois Station: Bulletin No. 43. Composition and Digestibility of Com Ensilage, etc.—Massachusetts Station: Bulletins Nos. 38 and 39, and Fungous Diseases of Ornamental Plants, by B. D. Halstead.—Michigan Station: No. 131. Potatoes and Vegetable Tests, and Some Injurious Insects.—New Hampshire Station: Surface and Sub-irrigation Out of Doors.—Ohio Station: The College of Agriculture and Domestic Sciences.—United Slates Department: Climate and Crop Service for May, 1896; Mexican and Japanese Injurious Insects liable to be introduced into the United States; Vivisection Report; Yearbook of Department for 1895.

America and Europe. A Study of International Relations. Essays, by D. A. Wells, E. J. Phelps, and Carl Schurz. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 188. 75 cents.

Bergen, Fanny D. Current Superstitions, with an Introduction by W. W. Newell. New York and London: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 161.

Bulletins and Transactions. Asiatic Society of Japan, Transactions of, Vol. XXIII.—Boston Society of Natural History: The Anatomy and Histology of Candina arenata Gould.—California State Mining Bureau: Bulletin No. 8, 1895.—Chicago Academy of Sciences: The Lichen Flora of Chicago and Vicinity.—Field Columbian Museum, Contribution to the Ornithology of San Domingo, and On Sundry Collections of Mammals.—Labor, Department of. Bulletin No. 4, May, 1896.—Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. Pp. 233 to 264.—Smithsonian Institution: Revision of the North American Empidæ; List of the Lepidoptera collected in Eastern Africa by Dr. W. L. Abbott; List of the Lepidoptera collected in Somaliland, East Africa, by Mr. William Astor Chanler and Lieutenant Von Hoehnel; List of the Lepidoptera from Aldabra, Seychelles, and other East African Islands, collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott; List of the Lepidoptera collected in Kashmir by Dr. W. L. Abbott. Preliminary Diagnosis of New Mammals from the Mexican Border of the United States.—St. Louis Academy of Science HELP: At what Age do Pupils withdraw from the Public Schools?—Wagner Free Institute of Science (Philadelphia): Transactions, Vol. IV, January, 1896.—Wisconsin, Bulletin of University of; The Problem of Economical Heat, Light, and Power Supply.

Carus, Paul. Primer of Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 242.

Catalogues and Announcements. Preliminary Announcement of the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.—Cornell University: Preliminary Announcement of Courses in Physics; Hay Fever Association of the United States, Manual of.—Annual Report of the State Geologist of New Jersey for 1895.—New York University: Catalogue for 1895-'96.—Minnesota Fire Warden, First Annual Report of, 1895.—Missouri, University of: Constitution of Scientific Association of.—Purdue University: Commercial Fertilizer Bulletin.—Rose Polytechnic Institute: Announcements of Departments of Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, and Civil, and Department of Chemistry, and Catalogue for 1896.

Coogler, J. Gordon. Poems. Columbia, S. C: Printed by the Author. Pp. 69. 50 cents.

Cuba, Spanish Rule in. From the Official Records of Madrid. Pp. 67.

Drawing, Uniform Questions in. Syracuse: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 178. 50 cents.

Du Bois, H. The Magnetic Circuit in Theory and Practice. Translated by Dr. Atkinson. New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 362. $1.

Ethnology, Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of, 1891-'92. Pp. 463.

Fairchild, H. L. Glacial Genesee Lakes. Bulletin of Geological Society of America.

Fish Commission, Bulletin of United States, Vol. XV, 1895. Pp. 475.

Hertz, Heinrich, Miscellaneous Papers of, with an Introduction by P. Lenard. Translated by D. E. Jones and G. A. Schott. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 340. |3.25.

Hewitt, Abram S. Liberty, Learning, and Property. Pp. 33 (paper).

Hinsdale, B. A. Teaching the Language-Arts (International Education Series). New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 205. $1.

Illinois Wesleyan Magazine, The, Devoted to the Interests of Graduates and Non-resident Students. March, 1896, Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 58.

Indiana Department of Geology. Twentieth Annual Report, 1895. Pp. 520.

Iowa Geological Survey, Vol. V. Annual Report for 1895. Pp. 452.

Jordan, David Starr. Care and Culture of Men. San Francisco: The Whitaker & Ray Company. Pp. 267. $1 50.

Keene, Prof. Hypnotism. Chicago: Published by the Author. Pp. 41.

Lecky, W. E. H. Democracy and Liberty. Two vols. New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 1200. $5.

Le Dantec, Félix. Théorie Nouvelle de la Vie. Paris: Félix Alcan. Pp. 323. 6 fr.

Marlatt, C. L. Revision of the Nematinæ of North America (United States Department of Agriculture).

Martin, Edward A. The Story of a Piece of Coal (The Library of Useful Stories). New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 164 40 cents.

May, Major E. S. Guns and Cavalry. Boston: Roberts Bros. Pp. 220. $1 25.

Missouri Botanical Garden. Seventh Annual Report. St. Louis, Mo.: Published by Board of Trustees. Pp. 209.

Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. Proceedings for January, February, and March, 1896. Pp. 209. Reprints: Allen, H., M. D., and Moore, H. F.: A Biographical Sketch of John Adam Ryder (Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, April, 1896).—Atkinson, Archer: Longevity (Virginia Medical Journal, February, 1894).—Bolton, H. C.: Review of Berthelot's Contributions to the History of Chemistry (Journal of the American Chemical Society, May, 1896).—Brewer, W. H.: Earth Tremors at Niagara Falls (Yale Scientific Monthly, May, 1896).—Brinton, D. G.: An Ethnologist's View of History (New Jersey Historical Society, January 28, 1896).—Clarke, Henry L.: The Life History of Star Systems (Popular Astronomy, No. 30).—Dorsey, George A.: History of the Study of Anthropology at Harvard University (Denison Quarterly, Vol. IV, No. 2, Granville, Ohio). Fairchild, H. L.: Kame Areas in Western New York South of Irondequoit and Sodus Bays (Journal of Geology, February and March, 1896), and the Kame Moraine at Rochester, N. Y. (American Geologist, July, 189.5).—Hague, Arnold: The Age of the Igneous Rocks of the Yellowstone National Park (American Journal of Science, June, 1896).—Hale, E. M., M. D.: The Heart at the Beginning and Ending of the Menstrual Life (Hahnemannian Monthly, June, 1896).—Haliburton, R. G.: Dwarf Survivals and Traditions as to Pygmy Races (Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. XLIV, 1895).—Hopkins, T. C.: The Carboniferous Sandstones of Western Indiana (Twenty-sixth Annual Report, Department of Geology and Natural Resources of Indiana).—Johnson, H. L. E.: A Contribution to the Study of Atresia of the Uterine Canal after the Menopause, with a Report of Three Cases (Journal of the American Medical Association, December 7, 189.5).—Keyes, Charles Rollin: An Epoch in the History of American Science (Annals of the Iowa Historical (Quarterly. Third Series, Vol. II), and Missouri Building and Ornamental Stones (Stone, Vols. XII and XIII, 1896).—Mason, O. T.: Introduction of the Iron Age into America (American Anthropologist, June, 1896).—Sturtevant Prelinnæan Library of the Missouri Botanical Garden (Seventh Annual Report of the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 1896).

Ross, Hon. George W.: The School System of Ontario (Canada) (International Education Series). New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 203.

Sherborn, C. D. An Index to the Genera and Species of the Foraminifera. Part II. Nou to Z (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 1031).

Spratt, Leonidas. Nature of an Universe of Life. Jacksonville, Florida: Vance Printing Company. Pp. 310.

Tuttle, Herbert B. Chemistry at a Glance. New York. Pp. 59. 60 cents.

Witchell, Charles A. The Evolution of Bird Song. New York: Macmillan & Co. London: Adam and Charles Black. Pp. 248. $1.75.