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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 49/September 1896/Publications Received

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Agricultural Experiment Stations. Cornell Station: Bulletin 116. Dwarf Apples; Bulletin 117. Fruit Brevities.—Illinois Station: Insects Injurious to the Seed and Root of Indian Corn.—Michigan State College Station: Report of Botanical Department of—New York Station: Silage and Silos; Provisions of the New Fertilizer Law of New York.—North Dakota Weather and Crop Service: Third Annual Report.—Ohio State University: The College of Agriculture and Domestic Science, 1896-'97.—United States Department: Bird Day in the Schools; The Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil; The Principal Insect Enemies of the Grape; The Shade-tree Insect Problem in the Eastern United States.

Aldine, J. S. A Theory of the Structure of Matter. Passaic, N. J.: (Author), 486 River Drive. Pp. 47. 50 cents.

American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings of Springfield Meeting, August and September, 1895. Pp. 413.

Baginsky, Dr. A., Fruhwald, Dr. F., and Monti, Dr. A. Archiv für Kinderheilkunde (Archives of Pædiatrics), Vol. XX, Nos. 3 and 4. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke. Pp. 100.

Bardeen, C. W. A Manual of Common School Law. Syracuse: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 290. $1.

Berger, F. Berger's French Method. New York: F. Berger. London: D. Scott. Pp. 158. 75 cents.

Bulletins and Transactions. Colgate University: Circular of Information, 1895-'96.—Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, Vol. IV.—Johns Hopkins University Circular: Notes from the Biological Laboratory.—New York Academy of Sciences: Annals of June, 1890.—New York State University: Examination Bulletin, No. 9, February, 1896, and Extension Bulletin, No. 13, May, 1896.—Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art: The Man and the Machine. An address by S. N. D. North.—Philadelphia Geographical Club: Bulletin on Venezuela's Territorial Claims, by J. B. Austin.—Rochester Academy of Sciences: Proceedings of. Vol. III.—Royal Institution of Great Britain: Proceedings of; The Past, Present, and Future Water Supply of London, by E. Frankland; Immunization against Serpents' Venom, etc., by Prof. Thomas R. Fraser; The Circulation of Organic Matter, by Prof. C. V. Poore.—Smithsonian Institution: Catalogue of a Collection of Birds made by Dr. W. L. Abbott, and an Index of Smithsonian Publications.—Tennessee State Board of Health: Bulletin, Vol. XI, No. 11.—United States Geological Survey: Table of Mineral Products (Quantities and Values) of the United States during the Last Decade; Bulletin No. 123. A Dictionary of Geographic Positions; No. 124. Revision of the American Fossil Cockroaches, with Description of New Forms; No. 125. The Constitution of the Silicates; No. 121). A Mineralogical Lexicon of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden Counties, Massachusetts; No. 128. The Bear River Formation and Its Characteristic Fauna; No. 129. Earthquakes in California in 1894; No. 131. Report of Progress of the Division of Hydrography for the Calendar Years 1893-'94; No. 131. The Disseminated Lead Ores of Southeastern Missouri; No. 133. Contributions to the Cretaceous Paleontology of the Pacific Coast; The Fauna of the Knoxville Beds; No. 1.34. The Cambrian Rocks of Pennsylvania.—United States National Museum: Proceedings of.—Gill, Theodore: Note on Plectroplites and Hypoplectrodes, Genera of Serranoid Fishes.—Mearns, E. A.: Preliminary Description of a New Subgenus and Six New Species and Subspecies of Hares from the Mexican Border of the United States.—Rathbun, Mary J.: Description of Two New Species of Fresh-water Crabs from Costa Rica and the Genus Callinectes.—Ridgway, R.: Characters of a New American Family of Passerine Birds, and On Birds collected by W. L; Abbott, etc.

Conger, C. B. Air-Brake Catechism. New York: (256 Broadway) Locomotive Engineering. Pp. 95. 25 cents.

Crehore, Dr. Albert C. Experimental Determination of the Motion of Projectiles inside the Bore of a Gun with the Polarizing Photo-chronograph. Fort Monroe, Va.: Artillery School Press. Pp. 84.

Eckhoff, William J. Herbart's A B C of Sense-Perception. (International Education Series.) New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 288. $1.50.

Farnham, Amos W. The Oswego Method of Teaching Geography. Syracuse: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 121. 50 cents.

Frye, Alexander Everett. Home and School Atlas. New York and London: Ginn & Co. Pp. 48.

Gattermann, Ludwig. The Practical Methods of Organic Chemistry. Translated by William B. Shorber. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 329. $1.60.

Hogan, Louise E. How to Feed Children. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 236.

Jackmann, Wilbur S. Nature Study and Related Subjects for the Common Schools. Chicago: The Author. Pp. (text) 167; charts, 23.

Lubbock, Sir John. The Scenery of Switzerland and the Causes to which it is Due. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 371. $1.50.

Mathews, F. Schuyler. Familiar Trees and their Leaves. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 320. $1.75.

McMurry, Charles A. Special Method in Natural Science for the First Four Grades of the Common School. Bloomington, 111.: Public School Publishing Company. Pp. 210. 50 cents.

McPherson, Logan G. The Monetary and Banking Problem. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 1.35. $1.

Meyers, William J. An Inductive Manual of the Straight Line and the Circle. Fort Collins, Col.: William J. Meyers. Pp. 113. 50 cents.

Mourgues, L. La Epidemia de Fiebra Tyfoidea en los Cerros Alegre i Concepción (The Epidemic of Typhoid Fever in Cerros Alegre and Concepcion). Santiago de Chile: Cervantes.

Musée Social (Social Museum). Bulletins. Series A, Circulars 1 to 6. Series B, Circular 1. Paris, France: Robert Pinot, Director General.

Reprints. Brinton, D. G.: Left-handedness in North American Aboriginal Art (American Anthropologist, May, 1896).—Dolley, C. S.: The Planktonokrit; a Centrifugal Apparatus for the Volumetric Estimation of the Food Supply of Oysters and other Aquatic Animals (Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, May, 1896).—English, W. T.: Cardiac Instability due to Acid Auto-intoxication (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 8, 1895), and Should the Cardiopath Marry? (Pittsburgh Medical Review, April, 1895).—Llano, A.: Morality the Last of Dogmas (Philosophical Review, vol. V, No. 4) Putnam, F. W., and Willoughby, C. C.: Symbolism in Ancient American Art (Proceedings of American Association for the Advancement of Science, vol. xliv, 1896).—Smith, H. I.: Notes on the Data of Michigan Archæology (American Antiquarian, May, 1896).—Ward, Lester F.: Ethical Aspects of Social Science (International Journal of Ethics, July, 1896).

Richardson, B. W. Biological Experimentation. New York: Macmillan & Co. London: George Bell & Sons. Pp. 170. $1.

Russell, Ernest E. The Reason Why. New York: E. E. Russell (13 Astor Place). Pp. 365.

Russell, E. H. Child Observations. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 267. $1.50.

United States Commissioner of Labor. Tenth Annual Report, Vol. I, 1894; Strikes and Lockouts. Pp. 1373.

United States Geological Survey, J. W. Powell, Director. Fifteenth Annual Report, 1893-'94. Pp. 755.—Sixteenth Annual Report, Charles D. Walcott, Director, 1864-'95. Parts II, III, and IV. Pp. 598, 645, and 735.