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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 50/April 1897/Publications Received

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Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins, Reports, etc. New Jersey: Tuberculosis in Cattle and its Relation to Human Consumption. By Julius Nelson. Pp. 24; Fertilizer Analyses, etc. Pp. 76.—United States Department of Agriculture: Insects Injurious to Stored Grain. By P. H. Chittenden. Pp. 240; Grasses and Forage Plants of the Dakotas. By Thomas A. Williams. Pp. 47; Studies of American Grasses. By various anthers. Pp. 43; Insects affecting Domestic Animals. By Herbert Osborn. Pp. 362.

American Forestry Association. Proceedings. Vol. XI. Pp. 65-123.

Chicago Academy of Sciences. Thirty-ninth Annual Report. 1890. Pp. 60.

Crosby, W. E. Our Little Book for Little Folks. American Book Company. Pp. 106. 30 cents.

Davenport, Charles Benedict. Experimental Morphology. Part VI. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 28. $2.00.

Duluth News Tribune. Duluth, Minn. A Vast Empire and its Metropolis. Pp. 100, with plates and maps.

Euroclydon, The. A Journal of Economic, Social, and Moral Science. J. T. McColgan. Editor. Monthly. Nashville, Tenn. Pp. 22. 10 cents; $1 a year.

Expositor. The. A Theological Magazine. Vol. I, No. 1. February, 1897. American edition. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. Pp. 104. 25 cents; $3 a year.

Felts, Walter W. Natural Law in the Business World. New York: The Author, 112 Fifth Avenue. Pp. 128. 25 cents.

Jordan, David Starr, and others. Observations on the Fur Seals of the Pribylof Islands. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 69, with maps.

Kealing, H. T., Editor. The African Methodist Episcopal Church (Quarterly Review. Pp. 56. 35 cents; $1.25 a year.

Mach, Ernst. Contributions to the Analysis of the Sensations. Translated by C. M. Williams. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 208. $1.

Mason, R Osgood. Telepathy and the Subliminal Self (Hypnotism, Automatism, Dreams, Phantoms). New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 343.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Annual Catalogue, 1896-'97. Pp. 307.

Matas, Rudolph, M. D., Tulane University, Louisiana. The Surgical Peculiarities of the American Negro. Pp. 130. Fracture of the Zygomatic Arch. Pp. 19.

Mercer, Henry C. Researches upon the Antiquity of Man in the Delaware Valley and the Eastern United States. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 178.

New York Academy of Sciences: Transactions. Vol. XV. 1895-'96. Pp. 366, with plates.—Third Annual Reception, March 26, 1896. Catalogue of Exhibits. Pp. 48.

Normal, The Philomath. Vol. I. No 1. January, 1897. Edmond, Oklahoma, Normal School. Monthly. Pp. 28. 25 cents a year.

Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago. Important Biological Publications. Pp. 12.

Philosophical Society of Washington. Bulletin, Vol. XII, 1892-1894. Pp. 567, with plates.

Polyglott, The. A Pocket Review for Students and Amateurs of Modern Languages. Philadelphia: Fernand & Britton Company, Betz Building.

Reprints. Baldwin, J. Mark: Princeton Contributions to Psychology. Pp. 40.—Bangs, L. Bolton, M. U.: The Treatment of Syphilis. Pp. 14.—Burton, George H.: Evidence of the Former Extension of Glacial Action on the West Coast of Greenland and in Labrador and Baffin Land. Pp. 6.—Bessey, Prof. C. E.: The Metric System in Botany. Pp. 2.—Boas, Franz: Traditions of the Ts'ets' ánt. Pp 12. The Limitations of the Comparative Method in Anthropology. Pp. 60—Brigham, Albert Perry: Glacial Flood Deposits in Chenango Valley. Pp. 12, with plate—Dellenbaugh, F. S.: Death Masks in Ancient American Pottery. Pp. 6.—Ingraham, Charles Wilson, M. D.: Successful Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Pp. 9.; The Treatment of Pneumonia, with Special Reference to the Value of Heat. Pp. 16; Serum Therapy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis, etc. Pp. 7; Cocaine Poisoning, with Report of a case. Pp. 6. Kunz, George F.: The Production of Precious Stones in 1895. Pp. 32.—Mearns, Edgar A.: Preliminary Diagnosis of Certain Mammals from the Mexican Border. Pp. 4. Onterbridge, A. E., Jr.: The Future of American Industries. Pp. 12.—Peck, John Hudson: The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Pp. 36.—Russell, Israel C.: The Influence of Débris on the Flow of Glaciers. Pp. 10.—Townsend, C. H.: Description of a Closing Tow-net for Submarine Use at all Depths. Pp 8. with plates.—Wilbur, Cressy L., M. D.: How the Establishment of a Permanent Census Bureau will improve the Vital Statistics of the United Slates. Pp. 8.

Rogers, William Barton. Life and Letters. Edited by his Wife. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. In two volumes. Pp. 427 and 451.

Romanes, George John. Essays. Edited by C. Lloyd Morgan. New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 253.

Russell, Israel C. Glaciers of North America. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 210. $1.90.

Sands, Manie. The Opposites of the Universe. Third part. Theological and Nomological Opposites. New York: Peter Eckler. Pp. 87.

Smithsonian (Miscellaneous Collections). Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth: A Recalculation of the Atomic Weights (Constants of nature, Part V). New edition, revised and enlarged. Pp. 370.—Cohen, Dr. J. B.: The Air of Towns. Pp. 41, with 21 plates.—De Varigny, Henry: Air and Life. Pp. 69.—Phillips, P. Lee: Virginia Cartography. Pp. 85.—Russell, F. A. R.: The Atmosphere in Relation to Human Life and Death. Pp. 148.—Du Claux, E. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.) Atmospheric Actinometry and the Actinic Constitution of the Atmosphere. Pp. 48.

Tarr, Ralph S. Elementary Geology. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 499. $1.40.

Townsend, C. N. Condition of Seal Life on the Rookeries of the Pribylof Islands, 1893-1895. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Pp. 154, with map and plates.

Weisbach, Dr. Julius, and Hermann, Prof. Gustav. The Mechanics of Pumping Machinery. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 300. $3.75.