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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 50/December 1896/Publications Received

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Agricultural Experiment Stations. Cornell University Station: Suggestions for the Planting of Shrubbery.—Delaware College Station: Milk Sampling. Illinois University Station: Varieties of Apples.—Iowa College Station: Lamb Feeding; Steer and Heifer Beef, II; Old Process vs. New Process Linseed Meal; Notes on Injurious Insects: Fresh Cow vs. Stripper Butter.—Massachusetts College Station: The Crambidæ of North America.—New Jersey Stations: The Pernicious or San José Scale.—United States Department: Number and Value of Farm Animals of the United States and Animal Products, and the Principal Household Insects of the United States.

Angling. (The Out-of-Door Library.) New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 305. $1.50.

Annuaire de l'Université Laval (Year-Book of Laval University), 1896–’97. Quebec: Augustin Coté & Co. Pp. 192.

Bailey, L. H. The Survival of the Unlike. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 515. $2.

Binet, Alfred. Alterations of Personality. Translated by H. G. Baldwin, with Notes and a Preface by J. Mark Baldwin. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 356. $1.50.

Bödiker (President of the Imperial Assurance Office, Berlin). Le Comte de Chambrun et le Musée Social. Paris: Chamerot & Renouard. Pp. 16.

Bulletins, Catalogues, etc. American Chemical Society Directory of 1896.—Michigan Mining School Catalogue, 1894–’96.—Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Journal of Second series, Vol. X, Part IV, 1896, and Proceedings, Part II, April to August—Philadelphia Board of Education, Annual Report for 1895.—Railways, Statistics in the United States, 1895 Interstate Commerce Commission.—Scientific Alliance, The Sixth Annual Directory, 1896.—Smithsonian Institution Publications: New Species of North American Coleoptera of the Family Scarabæidæ; Observations on the Development and Migration of the Urticating Organs of Sea Nettles. Cnidaria; List of the Lepidoptera collected in East Africa, 1894.—United States Department of Labor, No. 6, September, 1896.

Cairns, T. A. A Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Third edition, revised and enlarged by Elwyn Waller. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 417.

Climatological Association of America. Transactions of, for the Year 1896. Pp. 293.

Conway, Moncure D. The Writings of Thomas Paine, Vol. IV. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 521. $2.50.

Crockett, C. W. Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. New York: American Book Company. Pp., text, 152; tables, 103. $1.25.

Dana, Mrs. W. S. Plants and their Children. New York: American Book Company. Pp. 265. 65 cents.

Education, Report of the Commissioner of, 1893–’94. Pp. 2290.

Field Flowers. Eugene Field Monument Souvenir. Chicago: A. L. Swift & Co. $1.

Gerhard, William P. Theatre Fires and Panics: their Cause and Prevention. New York: John Wiley & Sons. London: Chapman & Hall. Pp. 175.

Halleck, R. P. The Education of the Central Nervous System. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 258. $1.

Hertwig, Richard. General Principles of Zoology. Translated by G. W. Field. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 226.

Hirsch, Dr. William. Genius and Degeneration. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 330. $3.50

Howell, William H., M. D. An American Test-Book of Physiology. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. Pp. 1052. $6.

Jackson, D. C. and Jackson, J. P. Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinery. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 729. $3.50.

Johonnot, James. Principles and Practice of Teaching. Revised by Sarah Evans Johonnot. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 334. $1.50.

Jordan, D. S., and Evermann, B. W. The Fishes of North and Middle America. Bulletin No. 47 of the United States National Museum. Pp. 1240.

Lefevre, Arthur. Number and its Algebra. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 230. $1.25.

Loeffelholz, Carl Freiherr von Colberg. Die Drehungen der Endkruste in geologischen Zeiträumen (Rotation of the Earth's Crust in Geological Periods). A New Geologico-Astronomical Theory. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Munich. Pp. 247.

Marbut, C. F. The Physical Features of Missouri. Missouri Geological Survey. Pp. 109.

Martin, H. N. The Human Body. Seventh and revised edition. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 685.

Mathews, William. Nugæ Litterariæ. Boston: Roberts Brothers. Pp. 344. $1.50.

Michigan State Board of Agriculture. Thirty-fourth Annual Report of the Secretary. July 1, 1894, to June 30, 1895. Pp. 900.

Mohr, Charles. The Timber Pines of the Southern United States; and Roth, Filibert. A Discussion of the Structure of their Wood. United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry. Pp. 143.

National Academy of Sciences. Vol. VII. First Memoir on the Bombycine Moths, 1895. Pp., text, 284; plates, 50.

Nichols, E. L., and Franklin, W. S. The Elements of Physics. Vol. II. Electricity and Magnetism. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 272. $1.50,

Old South Leaflets. No. 74. Hamilton's Report on the Coinage. Pp. 32.

Parry, C. H. H. The Evolution of the Art, of Music. (International Scientific Series.) New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 342. $1.75.

Physical Chemistry, The Journal of. Vol. I, No. 1. Published at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Pp. 68. Per annum, $2.50.

Pierce, E. Dana. Problems in Elementary Physics. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 194.

Reprints. Education and Patho-Social Studies. From Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1893–’94 and 1889–’90.—Mills, Wesley A.: Psychic Development of Young Animals. Part II. The Cat. Part III. The Mongrel Dog. Part IV. The Dog and the Cat Compared.—Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second Series. 1895–’96.—Searcy, J. T., M. D.: Insanity in the South. Bulletin American Academy of Medicine. Vol. II, No 9.—The Monitor's Address. Alabama Medical and Surgical Age. June, 1896.—Intoxication and Insanity. Journal of the American Medical Association. September 36, 1896.—Ward, Lester F. The Mechanics of Society (American Journal of Sociology, September, 1896).

Todd, James E. The Formation of the Quaternary Deposits of Missouri (Missouri Geological Survey). Pp. 100.

Torch, The. Vol. I, No. 1 (monthly). The Torch Publishing Company, Memphis, Tenn. Pp. 104. 15 cents. $1.50.

Tzidlkovsky, C. Ballon dirigeable en Fer (Steerable Iron Balloon). Carrying 200 Men and being 210 Metres Long. Plates and Description in Russian and French. Kazan, Russia.

Washington Philosophical Society, Bulletin of. Vol. XII. 1892–’94. Pp. 567.

Woglom, G. T. Parakites. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 88 $1.75.

Youmans, William J. Pioneers of Science in America. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 508. $4.