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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 55/September 1899/Publications Received

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Armour Institute of Technology. Year-Book, 1898-99. Pp. 89.

Association of American Anatomists. Report of the Majority of the Committee on Anatomical Nomenclature. Pp. 10.

Baillairge, Charles. Biographie. By E. La Selve. With Addenda by Léon Sortie. Pp. 15, and papers.—In French: On Communism. Pp. 45; Report on Engineering Works in Quebec. Pp. 90; Etymological Utility of Greek and Latin. Pp. 48; The Club of Twenty-one in 1879, Biography for Twenty Years. Pp. 12; Life, Evolution, and Materialism. Pp. 37: Antiquity of the Earth and Man. Pp. 23: Bibliography. Pp. xv.—In English: Technical Education of the People in Untechnical Language. Pp. 42: Educational Word Lessons. Pp. 19; How best to Learn or Teach a Language. Pp. 9; Address. P. 1.

Baker, Major-General, Royal (Bombay) Engineers. Visions of Antichrist and his Times. St.-Leonards-on-Sea, England. Pp. 28.

Binet, Alfred, Beaunis, H., and Ribot, Th. L'Anné'e Psychologique. (The Psychological Year.) Fifth year. Paris, France. Libraire C. Reinwald. Schleicher Frères. Pp. 902. 15 francs.

Bulletins, Reports, Transactions, etc. American Microscopical Society: Twenty-first Annual Meeting, Syracuse, N. Y. August 31 and September 1, 1899. Transactions. Pp. 370.—Astronomical Observatory of Harvard University: Vol. XXIII, Part II. Discussion of Observations made with the Meridian Photometer during the Years 1882-'88. By E. C. Pickering and O. C. Wendell. Pp. 100.—Johns Hopkins University: Circulars. July, 1899. Pp. 10. 10 cents.—Michigan Monthly Bulletin of Vital Statistics. April, 1899. Pp. 20.—Michigan Ornithological Club: Bulletin. April. 1899. Pp. 12.—Minnesota: Fourth Annual Report of the Chief Fire Warden. Pp. 148.-New York State Commission in Lunacy: Rules and Suggestions as to Plumbing Work, Drainage, etc. Pp. 93.—United States Department of Labor. July, 1899. Pp. 124.—United States Coast and Geodetic Survey: Notice to Mariners. No. 246. Pp. 14.—University of Tennessee: Record. Announcements for 1899, 1900. Pp. 96.

Clayton, The. Air Compressors. Clayton Air-Compressor Works. New York. Pp. 70.

Coulter. John M. Plant Relations. A First Book of Botany. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 264. $1.10.

Crook, James K. The Mineral Waters of the United States and their Therapeutic Uses. New York and Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co. Pp. 588. $3.50.

Dalton, Captain Davis. How to Swim. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sous. Pp. 133. $1.

Gerhard, W. P. Sanitary Engineering of Buildings. Vol. I. New York: W. P. Comstock. Pp. 454. $5.—A Half Century of Sanitation, 1850-'99. Pp. 30.

Gildeineister, E., and Hoffmann, Fr. Die Aetherischen Oole. (The Etherial Oils.) Prepared in behalf of the firm of Schimmel & Co. Leipzig and Berlin: Julius Springer. Pp. 919.

Gould, the late Benjamin Apthorp. Cordoba Photographs. Photographic Observations of Star Clusters. Lynn. Mass.: the Nichols Press. Pp. 533, with 37 plates. Text in Spanish and English.

Iowa Geological Survey. Annual Report. 1898, with accompanying Papers. Samuel Calvin, State Geologist; H. F. Bain, Assistant State Geologist. Pp. 572, with maps.

Kellerman, W. A. The Fourth State Catalogue of Ohio Plants. Systematic Checklist of the Pteridophytes and Spertnatophytes. Columbus, Ohio. Pp. 65. 20 cents.

Leonard. John W. Who's Who in America. A Bibliographical Dictionary of Living Men and Women in the United States, 1899, 1900. Chicago: A. N. Marquis & Co. Pp. 822. Long Island Hospital. Polhemus Memorial Clinic and Hoagland Laboratory. Forty-first Annual Announcement, 1899.

Meunier, Stanislas. La Géologie Experimentale. (Experimental Geology.) Paris: Félix Alcan. Pp. 311.

Reprints. Adler, Cyrus. The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. Second Conference. Pp. 43.—Chamberlin, T. C. A Systematic Source of Evolution of Provincial Faunas, and the Influence of Great Epochs of Limestone Formation upon the Constitution of the Atmosphere. Pp. 24; The Ulterior Basis of Time Divisions and the Classifications of Geologic History. Pp. 101; Lord Kelvin's Address on the Age of the Earth as an Abode fitted for Life. Pp. 20.—Croke, W. J. Architecture, Painting, and Printing at Subiaco. Pp. 21.—Daly, Reginald A. Three Days in the Caucasus. Pp. 15.—Harkness, H. W. Californian Hypogæous Fungi. Pp. 56, with plates.—Hobbs, W. H. The Diamond Fields of the Great Lakes. Pp. 16.—Lucas, Frederick A. The Fossil Bison of North America. Pp. 12. with plates.—Manson, Marsden. Observations on the Denudation of Vegetation. Pp. 18, with plates.—Mason, Otis T. The Latimer Collection of Antiquities from Puerto Rico, and the Guerde Collection of Antiquities from Pointe à Pitre, Guadeloupe. Pp. 837.—Pammel, Louis H. Anatomical Characters of Seeds of Leguminosæ. Pp. 262, with tables and plates.—Ravenel. Mazyek P. The Resistance of Bacteria to Cold. Pp. 5.—Veeder, M. A. Questions in regard to the Diphtheria Bacillus. Pp. 6.—West, Max. The Public Domain of the United States. Pp. 32.—Wilder, Burt C. Some Misapprehensions as to the Simplified Nomenclature of Anatomy. Pp. 24.

Ripley, William Z. The Races of Europe. Accompanied by a Supplementary Bibliography of the Anthropology and Ethnology of Europe. Published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 624, with plates and Supplement, Pp. 160. $6.

Stearns, Frederick, and Pilsby, Henry A. Catalogue of the Marine Mollusks of Japan. Detroit: Frederick Stearns. Pp. 196, with plates.

Tilden, William A. A Short History of the Progress of Scientific Chemistry within our own Times. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 276.

United States Department of Agriculture: Bulletin No. 19. The Structure of the Caryopsis of Grasses with Reference to their Morphology and Classification. By P. B. Kennedy. Pp. 44, with plates.—No. 26. Lightning and the Electricity of the Air. By A. G. McAdie and A. J. Henry. Pp. 74, with plates.—No. 56. History and Present Status of Instruction in Cooking in the Public Schools of New York City. By Mrs. L. E. Hogan. Pp. 70.

Vincenti, Giuseppi. La Fonografia Universale Michela. o La Fono-Telegrafla Universale Vincenti. (The Michela Universal Phonography, or the Vincenti Universal Phono-Telegraphy.) In Italian, French, and English. Pp. 40, with plates.—Short Course in Michela's Universal Hand-Phonographic System. (In Italian.) Pp. 24; New and Partial Applications of Michela's Phonographic Table for the Use of the Universal Alphabet. Pp. 6. (All published at Ivrea, Italy.)

Warder, George W. The New Cosmogony. New York: J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Company. Pp. 293.

Warman, Cy. Snow on the Headlight. A Story of the Great Burlington Strike. Now York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 249. $1.25.

Weber. Adna F. The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century. A Study in Statistics. (Columbia University Studies.) New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 495. $3.50.

Yale University, Observatory of. Report for 1898-'99. Pp. 21.