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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 57/Index

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I N D E X.

Academies, International Association of 665
Academy, National, Retiring President of 219
""Work of the 219
Adirondacks, Birds of the, George Chahoon 40
Agassiz's Investigations on Coral Islands 103
Agriculture, U. S. Department of, Appropriations for 335
Air, Liquid 102
Air-Ship, Count Zeppelin's 559
Aluminum, How it is Made 104
American Association 220
""President of the 332
""New York Meeting of 332
""Address of the Retiring President 442
""President of New York Meeting 442
""Proceedings 444
""Officers 446
""Meetings of the, M. E. D. Trowbridge 660
Animals Helping One Another 107
Anthropology 217
Anthropology 445
Anthropometry 445
Appropriations for the U. S. Department of Agriculture 335
Argyll, Duke of, Death of 223
Assembly, International 220
Association, American 220
""President of the 332
""Address of the Retiring President 442
""President of New York Meeting 442
""Proceedings 444
""Officers 446
""Meetings of the, M. E. D. Trowbridge 660
""British, French and German 664
Atkinson, Edward, Mental Energy 632
Atkinson's Lessons in Botany 215
Automatism, Mental 662
Automobiles, Evolution and Present Status of, William Baxter, Jr. 406
"Steam 406
"Electric 479
"Gasoline 593

Barisal Guns 105
Barnes's Outlines of Plant Life 215
Baxter, Jr., William, The Evolution and Present Status of the Automobile, Steam 406
""Electric Automobiles 479
""Gasoline Automobiles 593
Beach on the Marine Mollusca of Cold Spring Harbor 106
Beagle, The Fate of the, V. Marshall Law 86
Bertrand, Joseph, Death of 222
Bigelow, Frank H., The Coming Total Eclipse of the Sun 1
Biltz on Molecular Weights 213
Biographical Sketch of an Infant, Charles Darwin 197
Biological, Lectures from the Marine Laboratory at Wood's Holl 329
"Laboratories, Marine 555
Biologique, L'Année 551
Biology 329
Birds, as Flying Machines, Frederic A. Lucas 473
"of the Adirondacks, George Chahoon 40
Blind Fishes, Structure of 48
""Causes of Degeneration in, Carl H. Eigenmann 397
Boas, Franz, Religious Beliefs of the Central Eskimo 624
Bolton, Henry Carrington, New Sources of Light and of Röntgen Rays 318
Bootblack, A Mechanical 105
Botanical Garden, The New York, D. T. Macdougal 171
Botany 215
Botany 328
British Association 664
Address of the President before the, Sir William Turner 561
Bruncken's North American Forests and Forestry 216
Bubble-blowing Insect, E. S. Morse 23
Bubonic Plague, Frederick G. Novy 576

Catalogue of Scientific Literature 448
Catalogue of Scientific Literature 558
Chahoon, George, Birds of the Adirondacks 40
Chapman's Bird Studies with a Camera 440
Character, National, and Scientific Study, Albert B. Crowe 90
Chemical, Fertilization 223
Research, Recent, Some Phases of the Earth's Development in the Light of, Edward Renouf 295
Chemistry 213
"A Hundred Years of, F. W. Clarke 59
Chewing Gum Habit, Antiquity of. Robert E. C. Stearns 549
City, The Most Expensive in the World. Bird S. Coler 16
Clarke, F. W., A Hundred Years of Chemistry 59
Cold Spring Harbor Biological Laboratory 556
Coler, Bird S., The Moat Expensive City in the World 16
Collier, James, Colonies and the Mother Country 139
Collier, James, Colonies and the Mother Country 248
Collier, James, Colonies and the Mother Country 390
Colonies and the Mother Country, James Collier 139
Colonies and the Mother Country, James Collier 248
Colonies and the Mother Country, James Collier 390
Color, Red, Charles E. Dana 661
Congresses of the Paris Exposition 557
Conway, Sir Martin, on the Bolivian Andes 439
Coral Islands, Agassiz's Investigations on 103
Crazes, Psychology of, G. T. W. Patrick 285
Cytology 330

Dana, Chas. E., The Color Red 661
Darwin, Charles, A Biographical Sketch of an Infant 197
Davenport's Elementary Zoölogy 440
Davis, W. M., The Physical Geography of the Lands 157
Deaths 108
Deaths 222
Deaths 335
Deaths 667
Degeneration in Blind Fishes, Causes of, Carl H. Eigenmann 397
Dugmore on Bird Homes 441

Earth's Developments, Some Phases of, in the Light of Recent Chemical Research, Edward Renouf 295
Eclipse 224
" 560
"Total, of the Sun, Frank Biqelow 1
"Solar of May 1900, S. P. Langley 302
Education 331
"Technical, in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, G. F. Swain 257
"in the United States 331
"Higher, for Colored Youth, Andrew F. Hilyer 437
Educational, and Scientific Institutions of New York City 333
"Association, the National 447
Eigenmann, Carl H., The Structure of Blind Fishes, 48; Causes of Degeneration in Blind Fishes 397
Eliot, C. W., Legislation against Medical Discovery 436
Elliott and Ferguson's Qualitative Analysis 213
Ellis on the Analysis of White Paints 213
Ellis, Havelock, Psychology of Red 365
Ellis, Havelock, Psychology of Red 517
Endowment of American Universities 333
Energy, Mental, Edward Atkinson 632
Engine, The Human Body as an, E. B. Rosa 491
Eskimo, Central, Religious Beliefs of the, Franz Boas 624
Ewart's Penycuik Experiments 126
Expenditure of the Working Classes, Henry Higgs 527

Farm Homes for City Children 106
Fauna, Cave, of North America 446
Fayerweather Bequest 558
Fertilization, Chemical 223
Fiction and Science 324
Fiction and Science 336
Fishes, Blind, Structure of, Carl H. Eigenmann 48
""Causes of Degeneration in, Carl H. Eigenmann 397
Flournoy's Des Indes a la Planète Mars 662
Flying Machines, Birds as, Frederic A. Lucas 473
French Association for the Advancement of Science 664

Gas and Gas Meters, Hubert S. Wynkoop 179
Gasoline Automobiles, William J, Baxter, Jr. 593
Geography 439
"Physical, of the Lands W. M. Davis 157
Geologic Time, Rhythms and, G. K Gilbert 339
Geology 439
"International Congress of 666
German Association for the Advancement of Science 664
Gibbs, Wolcott, Portrait of 114
""Works of 219
Gilbert, G. K., Rhythms and Geologic Time 339
Gilbert, G. K., Portrait of 226
""Work of 332
""on Recent Earth Movements 439
Greatness, Comparative Longevity and, Joseph Jastrow 206
Greely, A. W., Scientific Results of the Norwegian Polar Expedition 420
Groff, George C., The Conquest of the Tropics 540

Haddon, A. C., Expedition to Torres Straits 217
Haffkine, W. M., Preventive Inoculation 115
Haffkine, W. M., Preventive Inoculation 240
Higgs, Henry, Expenditure of the Working Classes 527
Hilyer, Andrew F., Higher Education of Colored Youth 437
Hollick on Geological Formations and Forests in New Jersey 107
Homes, Farm, for City Children 106
Howard on the Mosquitoes of the United States 663
Huggins's Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra 552
Human Body as an Engine, E. B. Rosa 491
Humiliating Situation 100
Hydrogen, Solidification of 223

Importation of Animals, Legislation regarding 560
Infant, A Biographical Sketch of an, Charles Darwin 197
Ingle's Chemistry of Fire and Fire Prevention 214
Inoculation, Preventive, W. M. Haffkine 115
Inoculation, Preventive, W. M. Haffkine 240
Insect, Bubble-blowing, E. S. Morse 23
International Assembly 220

Jackson's Glossary of Botanical Terms 328
Jacoby, Harold, The Sun's Destination 191
Jastrow, Joseph, Comparative Longevity and Greatness 206
""The Modern Occult 449
Jesup, North Pacific Expedition 217
Jones, H. C., Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation 213

Keane on Man, Past and Present 218
Keeler, James Edward, Death of 667
Keeler's Bird Notes Afield 215
Our Native Trees 328
Kingsley's Vertebrate Zoology 214
Kite Flying, Scientific 559

Laboratory, National Physical 221
Lange's Chemische-technische Untersuchungsmethoden 214
Langley, S. P., Solar Eclipse of May 28, 1900 302
Law, International, and the Peace Conference, James Harris Vickery 76
Law, V. Marshall, The Fate of the Beagle 86
Legislation, against Medical Discovery, C. W. Eliot 436
"regarding the Importation of Animals 560
Light, New Sources of, and of Röntgen Rays, Henry Carrington Bolton 318
Liquid Air 102
Longevity, Comparative, and Greatness, Joseph Jastrow 206
Lounsberry's Guide to the Trees 216
Lucas, Frederic A., Birds as Flying Machines 473

McCarthy on Familiar Fish 553
MacDougal, D. T., The New York Botanical Garden 171
MacDougal's Nature and Work of Plants 216
McMillan's Electro-metallurgy 214
Malaria, and the Malarial Parasite, Patrick Manson 310
"and Mosquitoes 336
Manson, Marsden, Mount Tamalpais 69
Manson, Patrick, Malaria and the Malarial Parasite 310
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Technical Education in, G. F. Swain 257
Mathematical Physics 327
Meat, Diseased, in Paris 104
Mental Energy, Edward Atkinson 632
Milne-Edwards, Alphonse, Death of 222
Mineral Industry 214
Mivart, St. George, Death of 223
Mongols, Modern, F. L. Oswald 618
Morse, E. S. A Bubble-blowing Insect 23
Mosquitoes, and Malaria 336
"of the United States 663

National Academy, Retiring President of 219
""Work of the 219
Negro, The, since the Civil War, N. S. Shaler 29
"Future of, in the United States, N. S. Shaler 147
Nietzsche, Frederick, Death of 668
Novy, Frederick G., The Bubonic Plague 576
Newcomb, Simon, Chapters on the Stars 227
Newcomb, Simon, Chapters on the Stars 376
Newcomb, Simon, Chapters on the Stars 500
Newcomb, Simon, Chapters on the Stars 638
Newton's Dictionary of Birds 215
New York Botanical Garden, D. T. MacDougal 171
North's Catalogue of the Nests and Eggs of the Birds of Australia 215
Norwegian Polar Expedition, Scientific Results of the, A. W. Greely 420

Occult, The Modern, Joseph Jastrow 449
Ornithology 440
Oswald, F. L., Modern Mongols 618

Paget on Experiments on Animals 553
Parasite, Malarial, and Malaria, Patrick Manson 310
Paris Exposition and its Congresses 557
Parker and Haswell's Manual of Zoölogy 214
Parker's Practical Zoölogy 214
Patrick, G. T. W., Psychology of Crazes 285
Peace Conference and International Law, James Harris Vickery 76
Pearson's Grammar of Science 550
Penycuik Experiments, Professor Ewart's 126
Pfeffer's Plant Physiology 216
Photographing Live Fishes 106
Photography of Sound Waves, R. W. Wood 354
Physical Geography of the Lands, W. M. Davis 157
Physical Laboratory, National 221
Physics, Mathematical 327
""International Congress of 666
Pitt-Rivers, Sir Fox-Lane, Death of 335
Plague, Bubonic, Frederick G. Novy 576
Pneumatic Dispatch Tubes 103
Poetry and Science, L. W. Smith 546
Polar Expedition, Norwegian, Scientific Results of the, A. W. Greely 420
Preventive Inoculation, W. M. Haffkine 115
Preventive Inoculation, W. M. Haffkine 240
Promotion of Men of Science 221
Psychology, of Crazes, G. T. W. Patrick 285
"of Red, Havelock Ellis 365
"of Red, Havelock Ellis 517

Quantitative Study of Variation 444

Radio-active Substances 558
Rayleigh, Lord, Scientific Papers 327
Red, Psychology of, Havelock Ellis 365
Red, Psychology of, Havelock Ellis 517
The Color, Chas. E. Dana 661
Reform, School 210
Religious Belief of the Central Eskimo, Franz Boas 624
Renouf, Edward, Some Phases of the Earth's Development in the Light of Recent Chemical Research 295
Research Work and Courses of Instruction 556
Reynolds, Osborne, Papers on Mechanical and Physical Subjects 328
Rhythms and Geologic Time, G. K. Gilbert 339
Roe, William J. Some Scientific Principles of Warfare 605
Röntgen Rays, New Sources of Light, and, Henry Carrington Bolton 318
Rosa, E. B., The Human Body as an Engine 491
Rydberg's Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone Park 329

School Reform 210
Science, Study and National Character, Albert B. Crowe 90
"and Fiction 324
"and Fiction 336
"and Poetry, L. W. Smith 546
Scientific, Societies, Meetings of 333
"and Educational Institutions of New York City 333
"Literature, International Catalogue of 448
"Literature, International Catalogue of 558
Shaler. N. S., The Negro since the Civil War 29
""The Future of the Negro in the United States 147
Sharp, David, on Insects 215
Sharpe, R. Bowdler, Nomenclature Avium 215
Shelley's Birds of Africa 215
Sidgwick, Henry, Death of 668
Smith on the Teaching of Elementary Mathematics 550
Smith, L. W., Poetry and Science 546
Solar Eclipse 224
Solar Eclipse 560
""Frank H. Bigelow 1
""of May 28, 1900, S. P. Langley 302
Solidification of Hydrogen 223
Sound Waves, Photography of, R. W. Wood 354
Spencer and Gillen on the Native Tribes of Central Australia 218
Sperber's Inorganic Chemistry 213
Stark, on Birds of South Africa 215
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 227
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 376
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 500
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 638
State Support and Individual Gifts 334
Stearns, Robert E. C, Antiquity of the Chewing Gum Habit 549
Stokes, Sir George, Memoirs Presented to 327
Suess's Das Antlitz der Erde 551
Summer Schools, University 447
Summer Schools, University 556
Sun, Total Eclipse of the, Frank H. Bigelow 1
Sun's Destination, Harold Jacoby 191
Swain, G. F., Technical Education in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 257

Taka-Diastase 102
Tait's Scientific Papers 327
Tamalpais, Mount, Marsden Manson 69
Thoughts for the Times 99
Trowbridge, M. E. D., Meetings of the American Association 660
Tropics, Conquest of the, George G. Groff 540
Tunnels, Ventilation of 101
Turner, Sir William, Address of the President before the British Association 561

Universities, American, Endowment of 333
University Summer Schools 447

Variation, the Quantitative Study of 445
Ventilation of Tunnels 101
Vickery, James Harris, International Law and the Peace Conference 76

Walcott, Charles D., Washington as Explorer and Surveyor 323
Walker's Introduction to Physical Chemistry 213
War, Civil, The Negro since the, N. S. Shaler 29
Warfare, Some Scientific Principles of, William J. Roe 605
Washington as Explorer and Surveyor, Charles D. Walcott 323
Whipple on the Microscopy of Drinking Water 554
Wilson on the Cell 330
Winking 103
Wood, R. W., Photography of Sound Waves 354
Wood's Holl Marine Biological Laboratory 555
Woodward, R. S., Portrait of 338
""Work of 442
Working Classes, Expenditure of the, Henry Higgs 527
Wynkoop, Hubert S., Gas and Gas Meters 179

Zeppelin's Air Ship 559
Zoölogy 214
Zoölogy 440