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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 62/Index

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I N D E X.

Academy, Vienna, of Science, Edward F. Williams 415
Adams, John Quincy, Science versus Art-appreciation 453
Agriculture, and Other Industries of the South, The Relation of Malaria to, Glenn W. Heerick 521
"The U. S. Department of 565
Alaska, The Size of, George B. Hollister 183
America, Zoology in, T. D. A. Cockerell 163
American Association for the Advancement of Science 380
"President of, and the Vice-Presidents for the Sections 384
Anemias, American, A Newly Recognized Factor in 381
Angell, James Rowland, Some Reflections upon the Reaction from Coeducation 5
Animals, Blind, The Behavior of, Wesley Mills 344
Anthracite Coal, Distribution of 94
Arachnids at Hanover, Cape Colony, S. C. Cronwright Schreiner 145
Art-appreciation, Science versus, John Quincy Adams 453
"The Great Auk in, Frank Bond 505
Association, American, for the Advancement of Science 380
"President of, and Vice-Presidents for the Sections 384
"British, at Belfast 93
Astronomy. The Science of, Asaph Hall 291
Auk, The Great, in Art, Frank Bond 505
Bacon, Francis, Solomon's House 129

Bacteria, Nitrogen-fixing, J. G. Lipman 137
Baker, Benjamin, The Nile Dams and Reservoir 550
Behavior of Blind Animals, Wesley Mills 344
Belfast Meeting of the British Association 93
Benedict, A. L., Postgraduate Degrees in Absentia 257
Bill, British Education 283
Biographical Index of the Men of Science of the United States, J. McKeen Cattell 185
Biographies of Eminent Chemists 378
Biography in the Schools, David R. Major and T. H. Haines 538
Biologists, the Making of, T. D. A. Cockerell 512
Birds, Young, at Birth, Significance of the Condition of, W. P. Pycraft 108
Birth Rate, The 567
Blind Animals, The Behavior of, Wesley Mills 344
Bond, Frank, The Great Auk in Art 505
Borax as a Food Preservative 95
Botanical Garden, Missouri, William Trelease 193
British, Association at Belfast 93
"Education Bill 283

Carnegie Institution, The 91
Carnegie Institution, The 282
Carnegie Institution, The 383
"and the Smithsonian Institution 474
"President Gilman's Summary of the Plans and Methods of 476
"and the National University, James Howard Gore 532
Cattell, J. McKeen, A Biographical Index of the Men of Science of the United States 185
"A Statistical Study of Eminent Men 359
Caves, Quarry, of Jerusalem, A visit to, Charles A. White 544
Censorship of the Press in Russia 570
Chemical Physiology, The Present Position of, W. D. Halliburton 27
Chemistry 562
Chemists, Eminent, Biographies of 378
Coal, Anthracite, Distribution of 94
Cockerell, T. D. A., Zoology in America 163
""The Making of Biologists 512
Coeducation, Some Reflections upon the Reaction from, James Rowland Angell 5
College, The, and the University 92
"High-grade Men in, and out, Edwin G. Dexter 429
Color Photography, A New Process of 571
Convocation of Scientific Societies 281

Dams, The Nile, and Reservoir, Benjamin Baker 550
Darwin, Charles, Hitherto Unpublished Letters of 387
Data, Vanishing, The Saving of, Alfred C. Haddon 222
Davis, Bradley Moore, The Evolution to, Charles A. White 544
Degrees, Postgraduate, in Absentia, A. L. Benedict 257
Destruction of Forests by Fire 190
Dexter, Edwin G., High-grade Men, in College and out 429
Discussion and Correspondence 185
Distrust, The American's, of the Immigrant, A. J. McLaughlin 230

Economic Importance of Forestry, Overton W. Price 310
Edmunds, C. K., The Motive Power of Heat 117
Education, The Higher, of Women, David Starr Jordan 97
"British, Bill 283
"for Professions, R. H. Thurston 441
Ellis, Havelock, Variation in Man and Woman 237
Engineering Mind, The, J. C. Sutherland 254
Ethnology, American, Bureau of, and the Smithsonian Institution 186
Evolution of Sex in Plants, Bradley Moore Davis 300

Fawcett, Waldon, The Development of Economical Utilities for handling Raw Material 66
Figuier's Vie des savants 378
Fire, Destruction of Forests by 190
Fishes, How to collect, David Starr Jordan 85
Food Preservative, Borax as a 95
Forestry, The Economic Importance of, Overton W. Price 310
Forests, The Destruction of, by Fire 190
Fossil Man of Lansing, Kansas, S. W. Williston 463
Fritz, The John, Medal 189

Gases in Interplanetary Space 190
Gilman, President, Summary of the Plans and Methods of the Carnegie Institution 476
Gore, James Howard, The Carnegie Institution and the National University 532

Habits of the Giant Salamander, Albert M. Reese 526
Haddon, Alfred C., The Saving of Vanishing Data 222
Haines, T. H., and David R. Major, Biography in the Schools 538
Hall, Asaph, The Science of Astronomy 291
Halliburton, W. D., The Present Position of Chemical Physiology 27
Hanover, Cape Colony, Some Arachnids at, S. C. Cronwright Schreiner 145
Heat, The Motive Power of, C. K. Edmunds 117
Heredity, Mental and Moral in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 76
Heredity, Mental and Moral in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 167
Heredity, Mental and Moral in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 261
Heredity, Mental and Moral in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 316
Heredity, Mental and Moral in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 423
Heredity, Mental and Moral in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 497
Herrick, Glenn W., The Relation of Malaria to Agriculture and Other Industries of the South 521
Hofmann's Erinnerungen an vorangegangene Freunde 378
Hollister, George B., The Size of Alaska 183
House, Solomon's, Francis Bacon 129

Immigrant, The American's Distrust of the, A. J. McLaughlin 230
Immigration, Recent Jewish, to the United States, Roger Mitchell 334
Index, Biographical, of the Men of Science of the United States, J. McKeen Cattell 185
Industries of the South, Relation of Malaria to Agriculture and, Glenn W. Herrick 521
Institution, The Carnegie 91
Institution, The Carnegie 282
Institution, The Carnegie 323
Institution, The Carnegie 383
"President Gilman's Summary of the Plans and Methods of 476
"and the National University, James Howard Gore 532
"Smithsonian 186
"Smithsonian 323
"Smithsonian 564
Interplanetary Space, Gases in 190

James on the Varieties of Religious Experience 89
Jerusalem, A Visit to the Quarry-caves of, Charles A. White 544
Jewish Immigration, Recent, to the United States, Roger Mitchell 334
Jordan, David Starr, How to collect Fishes 85
"""The Higher Education of Women 97

Laziness, the Germ of, A Newly Recognized Factor in American Anemias 381
Letters of Charles Darwin, Hitherto Unpublished 387
Lipman, J. G., Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria 137

McLaughlin, A. J., The American's Distrust of the Immigrant 230
Major, David R., and T. H. Haines, Biography in the Schools 538
Malaria, The Relation of, to Agriculture and Other Industries of the South, Glenn W. Herrick 521
Man and Woman, Variation in, Havelock Ellis 237
Marine Biological Laboratory and the Carnegie Institution 384
Material, Raw, The Development of Economical Utilities for handling, Waldon Fawcett 66
Medal, The John Fritz 189
Medical Research, The Rockefeller Institute for 564
Medicine, Preventive, George M. Sternberg 348
"Recognition of the Importance of 381
Men, Eminent, A Statistical Study of, J. McKeen Cattell 359
"High-grade, in College and Out, Edwin G. Dexter 429
Mendel's Law, W. J. Spillman 269
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 76
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 167
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 261
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 316
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 423
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 497
Mills, Wesley, The Behavior of Blind Animals 344
Mind, The Engineering, J. C. Sutherland 254
Missouri Botanical Garden, William Trelease 193
Mitchell, Roger, Recent Jewish Immigration to the United States 334
Mixtures, Mechanical, Are Solutions 287
Montyon et Franklin 378
Moral Heredity, Mental and, in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 76
Moral Heredity, Mental and, in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 167
Moral Heredity, Mental and, in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 261
Moral Heredity, Mental and, in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 316
Moral Heredity, Mental and, in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 423
Moral Heredity, Mental and, in Royalty, Frederick Adams Woods 497
Motive Power of Heat, C. K. Edmunds 117
Museum, National, and the Smithsonian Institution 186

Naples Station, Proposed Enlargement of 286
National University, The Carnegie Institution and the, James Howard Gore 532
New York Zoological Park 478
Nile, he, Dams and Reservoir, Benjamin Baker 550
Nitrogen,-fixing Bacteria, J. G. Lipman 137
"Source of, in Forest Soil, Raphael G. Zon 436
North Pole, Towards the 55

Origin of Species, Hugo de Vries 481

Palmistry, Scientific, Harris Hawthorne Wilder 41
Photography, Color, A New Process of 571
Physiology, Chemical, The Present Position of, W. D. Halliburton 27
Plants, The Evolution of Sex in, Bradley Moore Davis 300
Poggendorff's Dictionary 378
Pole, North, Towards the 55
Postgraduate Degrees in Absentia, A. L. Benedict 257
Power, Motive, of Heat, C. K. Edmunds 117
Preservative, Food, Borax as a 95
President, The University 187
Press, the, Censorship of, in Russia 570
Preventive Medicine, George M. Sternberg 348
"Recognition of the Importance of 381
Price, Overton W., The Economic Importance of Forestry 310
Process, A New, of Color Photography 571
Professions, Education for, R. N. Thurston 441
Psychology of Religion 89
Pycraft, W. P., The Significance of the Condition of Young Birds at Birth 108

Quarry-caves of Jerusalem, A Visit to, Charles A. White 544

Reese, Albert M., The Habits of the Giant Salamander 526
Religion, Psychology of 89
Research, Medical, The Rockefeller Institute for 564
Reservoir, The Nile Dams and, Benjamin Baker 550
Rhodes Scholarships 569
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research 564
Rood, Ogden N 284
Royalty, Mental and Moral Heredity in, Frederick Adams Woods 76
Royalty, Mental and Moral Heredity in, Frederick Adams Woods 167
Royalty, Mental and Moral Heredity in, Frederick Adams Woods 261
Royalty, Mental and Moral Heredity in, Frederick Adams Woods 316
Royalty, Mental and Moral Heredity in, Frederick Adams Woods 423
Royalty, Mental and Moral Heredity in, Frederick Adams Woods 497
Russia, The Censorship of the Press in 570

Salamander, the Giant, Habits of, Albert M. Reese 526
Scholarships, The Rhodes 569
Schools, Biography in the, David R. Major and T. H. Haines 538
Schreiner, S. C. Cronwright, Some Arachnids at Hanover, Cape Colony 145
Science, Progress of 91
Science, Progress of 186
Science, Progress of 281
Science, Progress of 380
Science, Progress of 474
Science, Progress of 564
"versus Art-appreciation, John Quincy Adams 453
Scientific, Palmistry, Harris Hawthorne Wilder 41
"Literature 89
"Literature 378
"Literature 562
"Items 96
"Items 191
"Items 288
"Items 384
"Items 479
"Items 572
"Societies, Convocation of 281
Sex in Plants, Evolution of, Bradley Moore Davis 300
Smithsonian Institution 323
Smithsonian Institution 564
"and its Dependencies 186
"and Carnegie Institution 474
Societies, Scientific, Convocation of 281
Soil, Forest, Source of Nitrogen in, Raphael G. Zon 436
Solomon's House, Francis Bacon 129
Solutions, Mechanical Mixtures or New Substances 287
South, Agriculture and Other Industries of, Relation of Malaria to, Glenn W. Herrick 521
Space, Interplanetary, Gases in 190
Species, On the Origin of, Hugo de Vries 481
Spillman, W. J., Mendel's Law 269
Station, Naples, Proposed Enlargement of 286
Statistical Study of Eminent Men, J. McKeen Cattell 359
Sternberg, George M., Preventive Medicine 348
Stokes, Sir George Gabriel 477
Substances, New, Are Solutions 287
Sutherland, J. C, The Engineering Mind 254

Thorpe's Essays in Historical Chemistry 378
Thurston, R. H., Education for Professions 441
Trelease, William, The Missouri Botanical Garden 193

University, and the College 92
"President, The 187
"the National, Carnegie Institution and, James Howard Gore 532
Utilities, Economical, The Development of, for handling Raw Material, Waldon Fawcett 66

Variation in Man and Woman, Havelock Ellis 237
Vienna Academy of Science, Edward F. Williams 415
Vries, Hugo de, On the Origin of Species 481

White, Charles A., A Visit to the Quarry-caves of Jerusalem 544
Wilder, Harris Hawthorne, Scientific Palmistry 41
Williams, Edward F., The Vienna Academy of Science 415
Williston, S. W., The Fossil Man of Lansing, Kansas 463
Woman, Variation in Man and, Havelock Ellis 237
Women, The Higher Education of, David Starr Jordan 97
Woods, Frederick Adams, Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty 76
Woods, Frederick Adams, Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty 167
Woods, Frederick Adams, Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty 261
Woods, Frederick Adams, Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty 316
Woods, Frederick Adams, Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty 423
Woods, Frederick Adams, Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty 497
Wright, Carroll D., President of the American Association 384

Zon, Raphael G., The Source of Nitrogen in Forest Soil 436
Zoological Park, National, and the Smithsonian Institution 186
""of New York 478
Zoology in America, T. D. A. Cockerell 163