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Portal:Earl Vincent Winblad

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Earl Vincent Winblad

Earl Vincent Winblad (1916-2004) served in the US Army during World War II. He later worked at US Naval Shipyards in Long Beach, California. He died in 2004 at age 87. (b. October 9, 1916, Bronx, Bronx County, New York City, New York, USA - d. March 9, 2004, Nursing Home, 345 East Carson Street, Carson, Los Angeles County, California, USA)

Earl Vincent Winblad

Works about Earl Vincent Winblad

Death of his father. "Anthony Julius Winblad. Longtime Desert Hot Springs resident, Anthony Julius Winblad, 88, of 66442 Desert View Avenue, Desert Hot Springs, died Thursday, March 27, at Kaiser Memorial Hospital following a long illness. Mr. Winblad had resided in Desert Hot Springs 15 of his 25 years in California. The New York native was a retired plumber for the U.S. Naval Shipyard at Terminal Island. Funeral services were held Monday morning, March 31, from the Desert Mortuary Chapel with George Hilla, senior warden, and Edward Gray, chaplain, Palm Springs Masonic Lodge, officiating. Interment was in Desert Memorial Park, Palm Springs, with Desert Mortuary in charge. Mr. Winblad is survived by three sons, Norman Winblad of Baldwin Park, Earl Winblad of Carson and Rutsen Staderman of Buffalo, New York."
Thanksgiving Day. "Dinner guests at the Anthony Winblad home on Thanksgiving Day will include Cliff and Eve Jenison, Mrs. Anna B. Miller, Jessie and Walter Pittenger, Della and Harry Gatenby, Clare and Tom Moon and Sadie Dehner of Desert Hot Springs, also the Winblad's son and daughter-in-law, the Earl Winblads of Wilmington, two guests from Los Angeles. Mrs. Winblad's sister, Mrs. Janet Seaman, and Miss Mae Border and Mrs. Myrtle Williams of Lakewood."
Wounded during World War II. "Winblad, Pfc. Earl V.; son of Anthony J. Winblad, 419 W. 77th street."
Death of his mother. "Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Winblad, 417 West Seventy-seventh street, were held at the Allen Reed mortuary. Interment followed in Inglewood Park cemetery. Mrs. Winblad, 47, was a native of Farmingdale, New York. She leaves her husband, H. A. Winblad [sic]; three sons Norman, Earl, and Ray [sic]; her father, Jarvis Lattin of Florida; a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Williams of Los Angeles; three sisters in New York and one sister in New Jersey."
Visiting Cuba during the 1924 Cuba hurricane. "Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Lattin, of Santa Barbara, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home on the evening of Sunday, October 15, when there was a large gathering of their friends to congratulate them upon the happy event. Because of the bad weather and the almost impassable condition of the roads it hardly expected that many would able to respond to the invitations sent out, but notwithstanding the heavy down pour a goodly company gathered to offer their best wishes and many beautiful gifts. Two large tables were spread in the spacious dining room, seating some 32 persons, who greatly enjoyed the good things provided. A salient feature of the evening was the singing of old time songs while Mrs. Winblad and Mr. Stair, obliged at the piano. … Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Paysant, Mr. and Mrs. Gooravin, Mrs. Sophie Hamert and daughter, Mrs. Rice, Miss Lou Davis, Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, Mrs. Weigriff, Mrs. Conley, Mr. Star Keller, the Misses Bertha and Ella Keller, Mr. Grosvenor, Mrs. Poole, Mrs. Winblad, her son Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy and her children, Mabel and Mary, Gilbert Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Lattin and Mr. Stair. In the early morning hours the party broke, up, all, before departing, wishing their host and hostess many more years of happy married life."

See also
