Portal:Eucalyptus piperita
This page links to documents related to the plant species Eucalyptus piperita.

- White, John (1790), Journal of a voyage to New South Wales
- Eucalyptus piperita described by James Edward Smith, and the leaves figured, on page 226.
- Smith, James Edward (1793), A specimen of the botany of New Holland
- Eucalyptus piperita described on page 42;
- Salisbury, Richard (1796), Prodromus stirpium in Horto ad Chapel Allerton vigentium
- Metrosideros aromatica, now considered a synonym of Eucalyptus piperita, described on page 351.
- Domin, Karel (1928), "Beitrage zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens" in Bibliotheca Botanica 89
- Metrosideros aromatica, now considered as synonym of Eucalyptus piperita, transferred into Eucalyptus as Eucalyptus aromatica on page 1015.