This page links to documents of related to the topic of exploration.

[edit]- Travels to discover the source of the Nile: in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773, 1790, by James Bruce
- Travels into the Interior Districts of Africa, 1799 by Mungo Park
- A voyage to Abyssinia, 1816 by Henry Salt (transcription project)
- Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River Zaire or Congo in 1816, 1818 by J. K. Tucke
- Narrative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa, 1826 by Dixon Denham and Hugh Clapperton
- First Footsteps in East Africa, 1856 by Richard Francis Burton
- "Dr. Livingstone" by in Popular Science Monthly, 2 (January 1873).
- Adventures in Morocco and journeys through the oases of Draa and Tafilet. With an introduction by Winwood Reade, 1874 by Gerhard Rohlfs
- Through the Dark Continent, 1878 by Henry M. Stanley
- The Heart of Africa, 1873, new ed. 1878, by Georg August Schweinfurth
- The Victoria Falls, 1879, by Emil Holub
- The Past, Present and Future Trade of the Cape Colonies with Central Africa by Emil Holub (1879)
- Seven Years in South Africa, 1881, by Emil Holub
- "A South African Arcadia" by in Popular Science Monthly, 22 (March 1883).
- A Popular Account of Dr Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries, 1894 by David Livingstone
- The Man-Eaters of Tsavo, 1907 by John Henry Patterson
- Lake Ngami, 1861, by Charles John Andersson
The Americas
[edit]- Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, Vol.I, 1853 by William Lewis Herndon
- Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, Vol. II, 1854 by Lardner Gibbon
- Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila, 1865 by Pascual de Andagoya
- "Discovery of Mount Tyndall" by in Popular Science Monthly, 2 (April 1873).
- "Observations of a Naturalist in Nicaragua" in Popular Science Monthly, 5 (May 1874).
- Mexico, California and Arizona; being a new and revised edition of Old Mexico and her lost provinces, 1900, by William Henry Bishop (transcription project)
- Through the Brazilian Wilderness, 1914 by Theodore Roosevelt
[edit]- A Voyage Towards the South pole and Around the World, 1770s by James Cook
- South: the story of Shackleton's last expedition, 1914-1917 by Ernest Henry Shackleton
- Progress of Science (on the "Discovery" Antarctic expedition) in Popular Science Monthly, 59, pp. 104-105
- The Worst Journey in the World: Antarctic 1910–1913, by Apsley Cherry-Garrard (Vol. 1, Vol. 2)
[edit]- Narrative of the Discoveries on the North Coast of America, effected by the Officers of the Hudson’s Bay Company, during the years 1836—39, 1843, by Thomas Simpson
- Life with the Esquimaux 1864, by Charles Francis Hall
- Arctic Researches, And Life Among The Esquimaux, 1865, by Charles Francis Hall (transcription project)
- "In Quest of the Pole" in Popular Science Monthly, 3 (July 1873).
- "Recent Polar Explorations" in Popular Science Monthly, 7 (July 1875).
- "Arctic Ice-Travels" by in Popular Science Monthly, 7 (August 1875).
- Journal of David Legge Brainard, 1881-84 by David Legge Brainard
- In the Lena Delta, 1885 by George Wallace Melville (transcription project)
- "Arctic Exploration and its Object" in Popular Science Monthly, 27 (May 1885).
- "Arctic Temperatures and Exploration" by in Popular Science Monthly, 45 (September 1894).
- "Proposed System of Continuous Polar Exploration" by in Popular Science Monthly, 49 (July 1896).
- Proposed Expedition to Explore Ellesmere Land, 1898, by Robert Stein (scan index)
- Polar Exploration, 1911, by William Spiers Bruce (scan index).
- The Last Voyage of the Karluk, 1916, Robert Abram Bartlett (transcription project)
- Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918 (commons gallery of available sections)
- Progress of Science (on British and German Arctic expeditions) in Popular Science Monthly, 59, p. 104
[edit]- The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo
- Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al Madinah and Meccah, 1855 by Richard Francis Burton
- "Regarding Matters in India" by in Popular Science Monthly, 2 (March 1873).
- The Land of Midian, 1879 by Richard Francis Burton
- "Unexplored Parts of the Old World" by in Popular Science Monthly, 19 (September 1881).
- "The Topmost Country of the Earth" by in Popular Science Monthly, 21 (August 1882).
- In the Forbidden Land, 1899 by Arnold Henry Savage Landor
- Lhasa and Central Tibet, 1903 by Gombojab Tsybikov
- Early English Adventurers in the East, 1917 by Arnold Wright
[edit]- The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders, R.N. by Ernest Scott
- The Life of Captain James Cook, 1788 by Andrew Kippis
- The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay, 1789, by Arthur Phillip
- The Endeavour Journal, by Joseph Banks
- The Exploration of Australia, 1891, by Albert Frederick Calvert (transcription project)
- An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait on the south coast of New South Wales, in His Majesty's Ship Calcutta, in the years 1802-3-4 by James Hingston Tuckey
[edit]- Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, Volume 1, 1843, by Captain Sir Edward Belcher, R.N. (transcription project)
- Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, Volume 2, 1843, by Captain Sir Edward Belcher, R.N. (transcription project)
- The First Voyage Round the World, by Magellan 1874 by Lord Stanley of Alderley
- Twenty years before the mast 1896 by Charles Erskine (transcription project)
Deep sea
[edit]- "How the Sea-Depths are Explored" in Popular Science Monthly, 3 (July 1873).
- "The Problems of the Deep Sea" by in Popular Science Monthly, 3 (August 1873).
- "On Some of the Results of the Expedition of H M S Challenger" by in Popular Science Monthly, 7 (May 1875).
Space discovery
[edit]- Special Message to the Congress on Urgent National Needs (The Goal of Sending a Man to the Moon) by John F. Kennedy
[edit]- "Recent Geographical Progress" by in Popular Science Monthly, 9 (May 1876).
- "How the Earth was Explored in 1876" by in Popular Science Monthly, 10 (March 1877).
- "Recent Geographical Exploration" by in Popular Science Monthly, 17 (June 1880).
- "Unexplored Parts of the Old World" by in Popular Science Monthly, 19 (September 1881).
[edit]- The Time Machine by H. G. Wells