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Portal:Kneiffia allenii

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Kneiffia allenii

This page links to documents related to the plant species
Kneiffia allenii (Britton) SmallBull. Torrey Bot. Club 1896, 177.

Kneiffia allenii (Britton) Small,
"Allen's Sundrops"
"The Œnothera of Montauk Point, Long Island."
"I am inclined to believe, from its habit and apparent gradation into Œ. fruticosa that the plant should be referred to that species, and labelled Œ. fruticosa L. var. humifusa."
"List of Pteridophyta and Spermatophta growing without cultivation in Northeastern North America"
"Kneiffia linearis Allenii Britton. [replaces]
Œnothera fruticosa var. humifusa Allen, Bull. Torr. Club, 1: 3 ( 1870 ), not Œ. humifusa Nutt."
"OEnothera and its Segregates."
"Kneiffia Alleni (Britton) [replaces]
  • OEnothera fruticosa var. humifusa Allen, Bull. Torr. Club, 1: 3. 1870. Not OE. humifusa Nutt. 1818.
  • Kneiffia linearis Alleni Britton, Mem. Torr. Club, 5: 235. 1894.
"Eastern end of Long Island, at sea-level.
"This local form must be separated from the species with which it has been associated on account of its habit, flowers and capsule."
Onagraceae (Enening-primrose Family)
Kneiffia Alleni (Britton) Small, "Allen's Sundrops"
"A brief conspectus of the species of Kneiffia, with the characterization of a new allied genus"
Kneiffia fruticosa humifusa (Allen) Pennell, comb. nov.
  • Oenothera fruticosa humifusa Allen, Bull. Torrey Club 1: 3. 1870.
  • Kneiffia linearis Alleni Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 235. 1894.
  • Kneiffia Alleni Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 177. 1894.
  • Oenothera linearis Eamesii Robinson, Rhodora 10: 34. 1908.
  • Oenothera fruticosa Eamesii Blake, Rhodora 20: 50. 1918.