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Portal:Law of the Republic of China

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Laws of the Republic of China

Unless otherwise noted, the following laws of the Republic of China, including Mainland Era through 1949 and Taiwan Era thereafter, are based on governmental translations eligible for Template:PD-ROC-exempt. Only unchanged laws are listed below. Amended laws as revolving works are hosted on Wikibooks as Taiwanese governmental sources do not always archive historical versions:

Traditional Chinese English Source
zh:民國三十六年美金公債條例 (附表) 1947 US Dollar Bond Act (with attachment) [1]
zh:民國三十八年黃金短期公債條例 (附表) 1949 Short-Term Gold Bond Act (with attachment) [2]
zh:民國三十八年整理美金公債條例 (附表) 1949 Consolidated US Dollar Bond Act (with attachment) [3]
zh:中華民國五十五年度愛國公債發行條例 1966 Patriot Bond Issuance Act [4]
zh:中華民國五十六年度愛國公債發行條例 1967 Patriot Bond Issuance Act [5]
zh:中華民國五十七年度愛國公債發行條例 1968 Patriot Bond Issuance Act [6]
zh:漢翔航空工業股份有限公司設置條例 (廢止前未修正) Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation, The Articles of Statute for Establishment of, The (abolished unchanged) [7]
zh:空軍服制條例 (廢止前未修正) Air Force Uniforms Act (abolished unchanged) [8]
zh:全民國防教育法 All-Out Defense Education Act [9]
zh:祭祀公業條例 Ancestor Worship Guild, Act for [10]
zh:檔案管理局組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Archives Administration, The Organization Act of the National (abolished unchanged) [11]
zh:軍人待遇條例 (附表) Armed Forces, Pay Act of the (with attachment) [12]
zh:中央選舉委員會組織法 Central Election Commission, The Organic Law of the [13]
zh:中央政府興建臺灣北部區域第二高速公路建設公債發行條例 Central Government Development Bond for the Second National Freeway Construction Project in Northern Taiwan, Act Governing the Issuance of the [14]
zh:行政院國家科學委員會中部科學工業園區管理局組織法 (廢止前未修正) Central Taiwan Science Park Administration, Art for the Organization of the (abolished unchanged) [15]
zh:中華經濟研究院設置條例 Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Act Governing the Establishment of the [16]
zh:中華郵政股份有限公司設置條例 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. Establishment Act [17]
zh:公務人力發展中心組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Civil Service Development Institute, Organization Act of the (abolished unchanged) [18]
zh:公務人員住宅及福利委員會組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Civil Service Housing and Welfare Committee, Organization Act of the (abolished unchanged) [19]
zh:海岸管理法 Coastal Zone Management Act [20]
zh:共同管道法 Common Duct Act [21]
zh:中華民國憲法 Constitution of the Republic of China [22]
zh:合作金庫條例 (廢止前未修正) Cooperative Bank, Act of the (abolished unchanged) [23]
zh:文化部組織法 Culture, The Organizational Act of the Ministry of [24]
zh:資通安全管理法 Cyber Security Management Act [25]
zh:教育部體育署組織法 Education, Organic Law of the Sports Administration, Ministry of [26]
zh:教育部國民及學前教育署組織法 Education, Organization Act of the K-12 Education Administration in the Ministry of [27]
zh:教育部青年發展署組織法 Education, The Organization Act of the Youth Development Administration, Ministry of [28]
zh:電子簽章法 Electronic Signatures Act [29]
zh:消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約施行法 Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Enforcement Act of Convention on the [30]
zh:工程技術顧問公司管理條例 engineering consulting firms, Act governing the administration of professional [31]
zh:環境基本法 (中華民國) Environment Act, Basic [32]
zh:行政院主計總處組織法 Executive Yuan, Organization Act of Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, [33]
zh:行政院勞工委員會組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Executive Yuan, Organizational Act of the Council of Labor Affairs of the (abolished unchanged) [34]
zh:行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Executive Yuan, The Organic Act of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Council of Labor Affairs, (abolished unchanged) [35]
zh:行政院經濟建設委員會組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Executive Yuan, The Organic Act of the Council for Economic Planning and Development, (abolished unchanged) [36]
zh:行政院主計處電子處理資料中心組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Executive Yuan, The Organization Act of The Data Management Processing Center of The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of The (abolished unchanged) [37]
zh:行政院人事行政局地方行政研習中心組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Executive Yuan, Organization Act of the Regional Civil Service Development Institute of the Central Personnel Administration of the (abolished amended) [38]
zh:行政院農業委員會農業金融局組織條例 Executive Yuan, Organizational Act of the Bureau of Agricultural Finance, Council of Agriculture, [39]
zh:行政院農業委員會農糧署組織條例 Executive Yuan, Organizational Act of the Agriculture and Food Agency, Council of Agriculture, [40]
zh:行政院農業委員會漁業署組織條例 Executive Yuan, Organizational Act of the Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, [41]
zh:行政院原住民族委員會文化園區管理局組織條例 executive Yuan, Organization Regulations Of Bureau Of Culture Park, Council Of Indigenous Peoples, [42]
zh:行政院人事行政總處公務人力發展中心組織法 (廢止前未修正) Executive Yuan, The Organization Act of the Civil Service Development Institute, Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, (abolished unchanged) [43]
zh:行政院人事行政總處地方行政研習中心組織法 (廢止前未修正) Executive Yuan, The Organization Act of the Regional Civil Service Development Institute, Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, (abolished unchanged) [44]
zh:現行法規所定貨幣單位折算新臺幣條例 Existing Laws and Regulations into New Taiwan Dollars, Act Governing the Conversion of Currency Units Used in (also Wikisource translation) [45]
zh:公平交易委員會組織法 Fair Trade Commission, The Organic Act of the [46]
zh:財政部關務署組織法 Finance, Organic Act of the Customs Administration, Ministry of [47]
zh:財政部金融局組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Finance, Organic law of Monetary Affairs Bureau,Ministry of (abolished unchanged) [48]
zh:財政部財政資訊中心組織法 Finance, Organization Act of the Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of [49]
zh:財政部國有財產署組織法 Finance, Organizational Act of National Property Administration, Ministry of [50]
zh:財政部國庫署組織法 Finance, Organization Act of National Treasury Administration, Ministry of [51]
zh:第一屆資深中央民意代表自願退職條例 First-Term Senior Congressperson, Act Governing the Voluntary Retirement of the [52]
zh:外交部領事事務局組織法 Foreign Affairs, Organization Act of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of [53]
zh:外交部外交及國際事務學院組織法 Foreign Affairs, Organization Act of the Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Ministry of [54]
zh:外國法院委託事件協助法 Foreign Courtson Consigned Cases, The Law in Supporting [55]
zh:地質法 Geology Act [56]
zh:政府資訊公開法 Government Information Law, The Freedom of [57]
zh:客家委員會組織法 Hakka Affairs Council, Organization Act of [58]
zh:漢生病病患人權保障及補償條例 Hansen’s Disease Patients, Act of Human Rights Protection and Compensation for [59]
zh:衛生福利部社會及家庭署組織法 Health and Welfare, Organic Act for Social and Family Affairs Administration under Ministry of [60]
zh:衛生福利部國民健康署組織法 Health and Welfare, Organization Act of the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of [61]
zh:衛生福利部疾病管制署組織法 Health and Welfare Act, Organization of the Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of [62]
zh:衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所組織法 Health and Welfare, The Organizational Act of The National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Ministry of [63]
zh:花東地區發展條例 Hualien-Taitung Area Development Act, The [64]
zh:室內空氣品質管理法 Indoor Air Quality Act [65]
zh:內政部建築研究所組織法 Interior, Organic Act of the Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the [66]
zh:內政部役政署組織法 Interior, Organization Act of National Conscription Agency, Ministry of the [67]
zh:內政部役政署組織條例 (廢止前未修正) Interior, Organizational Statute for Conscription Affairs Administration, Ministry of the (abolished unchanged) [68]
zh:公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟社會文化權利國際公約施行法 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Act to Implement the [69]
zh:游離輻射防護法 Ionizing Radiation Protection Act [70]
zh:勞動部組織法 Labor, Organization Act of the Ministry of [71]
zh:勞動部勞工保險局組織法 Labor Organization Act, The Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of [72]
zh:勞工退休基金監理會組織法 (廢止前未修正) Labor Pension Fund Supervisory Committee, Organizational Act of the (abolished unchanged) [73]
zh:國土測繪法 Land Surveying and Mapping Act [74]
zh:遊說法 Lobbying Act [75]
zh:低放射性廢棄物最終處置設施場址設置條例 Low Level Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Facility, Act on Sites for Establishment of [76]
zh:千禧年資訊年序爭議處理法 Millennium Digital Ordinal Year Disputes, Code for Handling Year 2000 [77]
zh:法務部矯正署組織法 MOJ Agency of Corrections, Organic Act of [78]
zh:交通部民用航空局所屬航空站組織通則 MOTC, Organization Act of Airport under the Civil Aviation Administration of the [79]
zh:國家教育研究院組織法 National Academy for Educational Research, Ministry of Education, Organization Act of [80]
zh:財團法人國家實驗研究院設置條例 National Applied Research Laboratories, Act for Establishment of [81]
zh:國家圖書館組織法 National Central Library, Organization Act of the [82]
zh:國立中正文化中心設置條例 (廢止前未修正) National Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center, Act for Establishment of (abolished unchanged) [83]
zh:國防部軍備局組織條例 (廢止前未修正) National Defense, Organization Act of the Armaments Bureau of the Ministry of (abolished unchanged) [84]
zh:國防部主計局組織法 National Defense, Organization Act of the Comptroller Bureau of the Ministry of [85]
zh:國防部主計局組織條例 (廢止前未修正) National Defense, Organization Act of the Comptroller Bureau of the Ministry of (abolished unchanged) [86]
zh:國防部總政治作戰局組織條例 (廢止前未修正) National Defense, Organization Act of the General Political Warfare Bureau of the Ministry of (abolished unchanged) [87]
zh:國防部軍醫局組織條例 (廢止前未修正) National Defense, Organization Act of the Medical Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of (abolished unchanged) [88]
zh:國家發展委員會檔案管理局組織法 National Development Council, The Organic Act Establishing the National Archives Administration [89]
zh:國立教育廣播電臺組織法 National Education Radio Station, Organization Act of [90]
zh:國家住宅及都市更新中心設置條例 National Housing and Urban Regeneration Center, Act for the Establishment of the [91]
zh:國立公共資訊圖書館組織法 National Library of Public information, The Organizational Act for the [92]
zh:國立海洋生物博物館組織法 National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, Organization Act of [93]
zh:國立海洋科技博物館組織法 National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, Organization Act of the [94]
zh:國立自然科學博物館組織法 National Museum of Natural Science, Organic Act of [95]
zh:國立科學工藝博物館組織法 National Science and Technology Museum, The Organization Act of the [96]
zh:國立高級中等學校校務基金設置條例 National Senior High School Fund, The Act for the Establishment of the [97]
zh:財團法人國家同步輻射研究中心設置條例 National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Act for Establishment of [98]
zh:國立臺灣圖書館組織法 National Taiwan Library, The Organization Act of the [99]
zh:國立臺灣科學教育館組織法 National Taiwan Science Education Center, Organization Act of [100]
zh:國立臺灣科學教育館組織條例 (廢止前未修正) National Taiwan Science Education Center, Organization Act of the (abolished unchanged) [101]
zh:行政法人法 Non-Departmental Public Bodies Act [102]
zh:放射性物料管理法 Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste Management Act, The [103]
zh:核子反應器設施管制法 Nuclear Reactor Facilities Regulation Act [104]
zh:專利審查官資格條例 Patent Examiner Qualification Act [105]
zh:政黨法 Political Parties Act [106]
zh:總統副總統待遇支給條例 President and Vice President, Pay Act on [107]
zh:總統副總統及特任人員月俸公費支給暫行條例 President’s, Vice President’s and Special Rank Officials’ Monthly Salary and Pay for Duty-related Expenses, Temporary Act on [108]
zh:大眾運輸工具播音語言平等保障法 Public Transport, Act of Broadcasting Language Equality Protection in [109]
zh:冷凍空調業管理條例 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industries Governance Act [110]
zh:振興經濟擴大公共建設特別條例 (廢止前未修正) Revitalize the Economy, The Special Act for Expanding Investment in Public Works to (abolished unchanged) [111]
zh:流域綜合治理特別條例 (廢止前未修正) River Basins, Special Statute for the Comprehensive Management of (abolished unchanged) [112]
zh:各級學校扶助學生就學勸募條例 School Fundraising to Support the Education of Financially Disadvantaged Students, Act of [113]
zh:證券投資信託及顧問法 Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act [114]
zh:高級中等學校建教合作實施及建教生權益保障法 Senior High Schools and the Protection of Student Participants’ Right, The Act of the Cooperative Education Implementation in [115]
zh:南部科學工業園區管理局組織條例 Southern Taiwan Science Park Administration Organization Act, The [116]
zh:國營國際機場園區股份有限公司設置條例 State-Run International Airport Park Corporation Limited, Act of the establishment of [117]
zh:國營港務股份有限公司設置條例 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. Establishment Act, The [118]
zh:臺灣警察專科學校組織條例 Taiwan Police College Organization Act [119]
zh:臺灣菸酒股份有限公司條例 Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation Act [120]
zh:監督寺廟條例 Temples, Act of Supervising [121]
zh:中華民國領海及鄰接區法 Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China, Law on the [122]
zh:商標審查官資格條例 Trademark Examiner Qualification Act [123]
zh:曾文南化烏山頭水庫治理及穩定南部地區供水特別條例 (廢止前未修正) Tsengwen, Nanhwa and Wushantou Reservoirs and Stabilizing Water Supply in Southern Area, Special Act for Management of (abolished unchanged) [124]
zh:榮民總醫院組織通則 Veterans General Hospitals, Organization Act of [125]
zh:濕地保育法 Wetland Conservation Act [126]

See also
