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Portal:Marie Augusta Bestel

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Marie Augusta Bestel

Marie Augusta Bestel was a housewife. (b. December 26, 1880; Bayonne, Hudson County, New Jersey, USA - d. 1919; Bayonne, Hudson County, New Jersey, USA)

Works about Marie Augusta Bestel

Death of her mother. "Grief over the death of her granddaughter Mrs. Helen Winblad Monday is believed to have hastened the death of Mrs. Henrietta Bertel who succumbed to a brief illness yesterday at her home 245 Prospect avenue. Mrs. Bertel, widow of the late Gustav Bertel was 78 years old. She had lived in Bayonne practically all her life. Mrs. Bertel was a member of the Lutheran Church. She is survived by a son Gustav; five grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the funeral home of Edgar J. Snell, 683 Broadway. Interment will follow in Bayview Cemetery, Jersey City."
Marriage of her daughter. "A pretty home wedding took place yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hollenbach, 73 West Eighteenth Street, Bayonne, when the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave K. G. Bestel of 525 Boulevard was married to Mr. Henry P. Hollenbach of 73 West Eighteenth Street, Bayonne. Miss Augusta Schreiber of Hoboken was bridesmaid, and Mr. John A. Hollenbach, brother of the groom, best man. The wedding took place in the parlors of Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbach's home. The parlors were decorated with palms. The bride was dressed in point d'esprit and carried bridal roses. She also wore roses in her hair. The bridesmaid was dressed in white Swiss and carried white roses. The bride entered the parlors leaning on the arm of her father. The groom was led by his father and the bridesmaid by the best man. Rev. G. Andreae, pastor of St. John's German Church on Fairview Avenue, this City performed the ceremony, after which the guests enjoyed a collation. The afternoon and evening were spent in music and singing. …"

See also
