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Portal:Project Management Oversight at FTA

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Project Management Oversight at FTA

In 2003, FTA's 15 Project Management Oversight Contracting (PMOC) firms monitored the progress of 125 New Starts and fixed guideway modernization projects in various stages of preliminary engineering, final design and construction, which in aggregate represent nearly $82 billion in total project costs. FTA oversight activities assess project management plans and monitor their implementation, gauging whether the projects are proceeding on time, within budget, and in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Through its third party contractors (PMOCs), FTA also provides a wide array of engineering and project management expertise to assist project sponsors in dealing with highly complex issues, undertaking value engineering, finding solutions to unexpected problems, and, most importantly, avoiding potential problems. (excerpted from testimony statement by FTA Administrator Dorn dated March 13, 2003.)

"I believe FTA consistently and effectively fulfills its duty as a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars, and we are committed to continual improvement." (FTA Administrator Dorn in testimony statement dated March 13, 2003.)


The Guidelines were originally published in September 1990 and subsequently updated in June 1996. They summarize FTA requirements, best practices, and research results in the management of transit capital project development. The Guidelines are designed for use by FTA “grantees” (also used to mean “owner” or “transit agency”) and their consultants as well as the FTA staff and Project Management Oversight (PMO) contractors. (excerpted from report)



Contractual Guidance


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