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The International Scientific Series

A series of scientific works, spearheaded by Edward Livingston Youmans and published by D. Appleton & Co. in the U.S.A. and by several other publishers in Europe. Multiple editions were published between 1872 and 1911.

  1. The Forms of Water, in Clouds, Rain, Rivers, Ice, and Glaciers. By Prof. John Tyndall.
  2. Physics and Politics: or, thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "Natural Selection" and "Inheritance" to Political Society. By Walter Bagehot.
  3. Foods. By Edward Smith, M.D., LL.B., F.R.S.
  4. Mind and Body: The Theories and their Relation. By Alexander Bain, LL.D.
  5. The Study of Sociology. By Herbert Spencer.
  6. The New Chemistry. By Professor J. P. Cooke, Harvard University.
  7. The Conservation of Energy. By Balfour Stewart, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.
  8. Animal Locomotion: or, Walking, Swimming, and Flying. By J. B. Pettigrew, M.D, F.R.S., etc.
  9. Responsibility in Mental Disease. By Henry Maudsley, M.D.
  10. The Science of Law. By Professor Sheldon Amos.
  11. Animal Mechanism: A Treatise on Terrestrial and Aerial Locomotion. By Professor E. J. Marey, College of France.
  12. The History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By J. W. Draper, M.D., LL.D.
  13. The Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism. By Professor Oscar Schmidt, Strasburg University.
  14. The Chemistry of Light and Photography in their Application to Art, Science, and Industry. By Dr. Hermann Vogel, Royal Industrial Academy of Berlin.
  15. Fungi: Their Nature and Uses. By M. C. Cooke, M.A., LL.D. Eidted by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M.A., F.L.S.
  16. The Life and Growth of Language. By Professor William Dwight Whitney, Yale College.
  17. Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. By W. Stanley Jevons, M.A., F.R.S.
  18. The Nature of Light, with a General Account of Physical Optics. By Dr. Eugene Lommel.
  19. Animal Parasites and Messmates. By Professor P. J. Van Beneden, University of Louvain.
  20. Fermentation. By Professor P. Schutzenberger.
  21. The Five Senses of Man. By Professor Julius Bernstein, University of Halle.
  22. The Theory of Sound in is Relation to Music. By Professor Pietro Blaserna, Royal Academy of Rome.
  23. Studies in Spectrum Analysis. By J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S.
  24. A History of the Growth of the Steam-Engine. By Professor R. H. Thurston, Cornell University.
  25. Education as a Science. By Alexander Bain, LL.D.
  26. Students' Text-Book of Color or, Modern Chromatics. With Applications to Art and Industry. By Professor Ogden N. Rood, Columbia College.
  27. The Human Species. By Professor A. de Quatrefages, Museum of Natural History, Paris.
  28. The Crayfish: An Introduction to the Study of Zoology. By T. H. Huxley, F.R.S.
  29. The Atomic Theory. By Professor A. Wurtz. Translated by E. Cleminshaw, F.C.S.
  30. Animal Life as Affected by the Natural Conditions of Existence. By Professor Karl Semper, University of Wurzburg.
  31. Sight: An Exposition of the Principles of Monocular and Binocular Vision. By Professor Joseph Le Conte, LL.D., University of California.
  32. General Physiology of Muscles and Nerves. By Professor I. Rosenthal, University of Erlangen.
  33. Illusions: A Psychological Study. By James Sully.
  34. The Sun. By Professor C. A. Young, College of New Jersey.
  35. Volcanoes: What They Are and What They Teach. By Professor John W. Judd, F.R.S., Royal School of Mines.
  36. Suicide: An Essay in Comparative Moral Statistics. By Professor Henry Morselli, M.D., Royal University, Turin.
  37. The Formation of the Vegetable Mould, Through the Action of Worms. With Observations on their Habits. By Charles Darwin, LL.D., F.R.S.
  38. The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics. By J. B. Stallo.
  39. The Brain and its Functions. By J. Luys, Hospice Salpetriere, Paris.
  40. Myth and Science. By Tito Vignoli.
  41. Diseases of Memory: An Essay on Defective Psychology. By Th. Ribot, author of "Heredity".
  42. Ants, Bees, and Wasps. A Record of Observations of the Habits of the Social Hymenoptera. By Sir John Lubbock, Bart., F.R.S., etc.
  43. The Science of Politics. By Professor Sheldon Amos.
  44. Animal Intelligence. By George J. Romanes, M.D., F.R.S.
  45. Man Before Metals. By Professor N. Joly, Science Faculty of Toulouse.
  46. The Organs of Speech and their Application in the Formation of Articulate Sounds. By Professor G. H. von Meyer, University of Zurich.
  47. Fallacies: A View of Logic from the Practical Side. By Alfred Sidgwick, B.A., Oxon.
  48. Origin of Cultivated Plants. By Alphonse de Candolle.
  49. Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, and Sea-Urchins. A Research on Primitive Nervous Systems. By George J. Romanes, M.D., F.R.S.
  50. The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences. By William Kingdon Clifford.
  51. Physical Expression: Its Modes and Principles. By Francis Warner, M.D., Assistant Physician, London Hospital.
  52. Anthropoid Apes. By Professor Robert Hartmann, University of Berlin.
  53. The Mammalia in their Relation to Primeval Times. By Professor Oscar Schmidt, University of Strasburg.
  54. Comparative Literature. By Professor H. M. Posnett, M.A., University College, Auckland.
  55. Earthquakes and Other Earth Movements. By Professor John Milne, Imperial College of Engineering, Tokyo.
  56. Microbes, Ferments, and Moulds. By E. L. Trouessart.
  57. The Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals. By Professor Angelo Heilprin, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia.
  58. Weather: A Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weather Changes from Day to Day. By Hon. Ralph Abercromby.
  59. Animal Magnetism. By Alfred Binet and Charles Féré, Assistant Physician, Hospice Salpetriere, Paris.
  60. International Law, with Materials for a Code of International Law. By Professor Leone Levi, King's College, London.
  61. The Geological History of Plants. By Sir J. William Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S.
  62. Anthropology: An Introduction to the Study of Man and Civilization. By Edward B. Tylor, D.C.L., F.R.S.
  63. The Origin of Floral Structures, through Insect and Other Agencies. By the Rev. George Henslow, M.A., etc.
  64. The Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals, with Special Reference to Insects. By Sir John Lubbock, Bart., F.R.S., etc.
  65. The Primitive Family in its Origin and Development. By Dr. C. N. Starcke, University of Copenhagen.
  66. Physiology of Bodily Exercise. By F. Lagrange, M.D.
  67. The Colors of Animals: Their Meaning and Use. By Edward Bagnall Poulton, F.R.S.
  68. Socialism: New and Old. By Professor William Graham, M.A., Queen's College, Belfast.
  69. Man and the Glacial Period. By Professor G. Frederick Wright, D.D., Oberlin Theological Seminary.
  70. Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography. By Edward Maunde Thompson, D.C.L., etc.
  71. A History of Crustacea: Recent Malacostraca. By the Rev. Thomas R. R. Stebbing, M.A.
  72. Race and Language (Lefevre). By Professor André Lefevre, Anthropological School, Paris.
  73. Movement. By E. J. Marey. Translated by Eric Pritchard, M.A., M.B., B.Ch. (Oxon.).
  74. Ice-Work, Present and Past. By T. G. Bonney, LL.D., etc.