Prague/Chapter 10

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The commercial interests of Great Britain and the United States of America are in the hands of consuls.

The office of the British Consul: Captain A. Wentworth Forbes is at No. 59, Jungmannova třída, Vinohrady; the Consulate of the United States of America is at No. 53, Marianská ulice, Prague II. (few steps distant from the State Railways Station). Hon. Joseph F. Brittain, is ihe American Consul.

Any information concerning the city can be obtained and is cheerfully given in the office of the „Český zemský svaz ku povznesení návštěvy cizinců v království Českém (Bohemian Union for encouraging visits of foreigners to the Kingdom of Bohemia) Josefské náměstí 8, at the Old Town Hall (Mayor’s Office), and at the office of the Bohemian National Council (Národní Rada Česká) Františkovo nábřeží čís. 10.

The General Post Office (Jindřišská ulice, opposite the modern Palace Hotel) is open from 7 a. m. till 9. p. m.

The principal Banks are situated in the “Příkop“” street incl. the Čecho-American Bank “Bohemia“ (Bank of Europe in the United States).

Within two years the municipality of Prague has presented the ancient and restored church of St. Martin, where John Hus preached, to the English speaking colony and a British Chaplain officiates. (From October to the middle of June every Sunday at 11. a. m.)