Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar/Lesson IX
Interrogation is denoted by tî, who? what? which? tî-tiâng, who? whom? tî-kâi, which one? which? tî-kò, where? whence? mih, which? mih-kâi, which one? what? mih-nâng, which person? sĩ-mih, which? chò; chò-nî, how? why? chãi; hô, how? jie̍h, how much? how many? (applied to quantity and dimensions).
The particles mō, mē, and nē, at the end of sentences make them interrogative; also such words as būe, bô, and m̄ serve the same purpose.
The word kâi so constantly used in questions is in itself a classifier, but is easily made to do the work of a demonstrative pronoun, as is true, also, of other classifiers.
- chí sĩ sĩ-mih-mue̍h,
- what thing is this?
- m̄-chai sĩ sĩ-mih-mue̍h,
- I do not know what it is.
- chí-kâi sĩ che̍k-pau-ie̍h,
- this is a paper of medicine.
- chí-kâi sĩ ba̍k-chúi,
- this is ink.
- chí sĩ sĩ-mih-kâi,
- what is this?
- chí-kâi sĩ siá-jī kâi khì-kũ,
- these are writing materials.
- chí-kâi sĩ thit-thô-mue̍h,
- these are curiosities.
- chí-kâi kiè-chò sĩ-mue̍h,
- what do you call this thing?
- chiá kiè-chò sĩ-mue̍h,
- what do„ you call„ this„ thing?„
- chí-kâi kiè-chò sõng-íⁿ,
- this is called a rocking chair.
- chí-kâi kiè-chò chhoiⁿ-lí-kiàⁿ,
- this is called a telescope.
- kâi sĩ-mue̍h,
- what is this?
- kâi sĩ chûn--ēng-kâi,
- this is something used on the boat.
- ũ sĩ-mih ì-sṳ̀,
- what’s the idea?
- m̄-chai sĩ-mih ì-sṳ̀,
- I don’t know what the idea is.
- õ, ì-sṳ̀ sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
- O, the idea is this.
- i lâi mih-sṳ̄,
- what business has he come on?
- i-lâi bô-mih-sṳ̄,
- he has not come on any business.
- i-lâi tàⁿ-ūe,
- he has come to speak (to somebody).
- i-lâi chhūe chhin-nâng,
- he has come to hunt a relative.
- i-lâi lí pa̍t-nâng kâi-sṳ̄,
- he has come on business for somebody else.
- i-lâi bōi-mue̍h,
- he has come to sell something.
- i-sĩ tõ-chí khiã-khí a-m̄-sĩ,
- does he live here?
- i-bô tõ-chí khiã-khí,
- he does not live here.
- i put-kùe sĩ-lâi chò khang-khùe,
- he only came to do work.
- i-sĩ lâi-chò seng-lí,
- he has come to do business.
- lṳ́ bōi sĩ-mih-mue̍h?
- what are you selling?
- uá sĩ bōi-tê-liāu,
- I am selling confectionary.
- ũ-pa̍t-miâ hó-kiè a-bô?
- is there any other way of naming it?
- ũ-pa̍t-miâ hó-kiè,
- yes, there is another way.
- chí sĩ tî-tiâng-kâi?
- whose is this?
- chí sĩ sin-seⁿ--kâi,
- this is the teacher’s.
- chí sĩ thâu-ke--kâi,
- this is Master’s.
- chí sĩ chèng-nâng--kâi,
- this belongs to the public.
- chí sĩ tî-nâng-kâi?
- this belongs to which person?
- sĩ-so̍k hṳ́-chiàⁿ-lâi kâi-nâng,
- it belongs to the man who just came.
- kâi tî-tiâng,
- who is that?
- tî-tiâng-lâi,
- who comes?
- tî-tiâng-tõ,
- who is there?
- tî-tiâng-tàⁿ,
- who„ said it?
- tî-tiâng-khṳ̀,
- who„ went?
- tî-tiâng-hàm,
- who„ calls?
- tõ tî-sî-lâi,
- when did he come?
- chá-ji̍t lâi,
- came yesterday.
- lâi-kú--liáu,
- came a long time ago.
- mn̂g-khí-chá--lái,
- came this morning.
- lṳ́ khiã-khí tî-kò,
- where do you live?
- khiã-khí tõ Hú-siâⁿ,
- live at the Hu city.
- khiã-khí tõ-hâng,
- lives in the hong.
- khiã-khí tõ-kūiⁿ--téng,
- lives„ at the District city.
- nín tî-kòp-húe,
- ye are of what place?
- uán sĩ Gôu[errata 1]-chhân--húe,
- we are Go-chhan people.
- ún sĩ-hieⁿ-ẽ kâi,
- we are from a country village-(depreciating).
- ún sĩ-lãi-tī kâi-nâng,
- we are from the Interior.
- lṳ́ khṳ̀-tî-kò,
- where are you going?
- uà khṳ̀-bói-mue̍h,
- I go to buy something.
- uá khṳ̀ chò-khang-khùe,
- I go to do work.
- uá khṳ̀-thó-chîⁿ,
- I am going to collect cash.
- uá khṳ̀ thó-siàu-ba̍k,
- I am going to collect an account.
- uá khṳ̀-táu-chîⁿ,
- I am going to exchange (dollars) for cash.
- i kàu-tî-kò,
- to where has he reached? How far has he gone?
- i kàu Phàu-thâi--liáu,
- he has got as far as Phau-Thai.
- tî-chiah-chûn,
- which boat?
- sĩ-hṳ́ phah-tèng--kâi,
- it is that one at anchor.
- sĩ-hṳ́ sái-phâng--kâi,
- it is that one sailing.
- sĩ-hṳ́-kâi ũ phâng-kám--kâi,
- it is that one with a cover.
- sĩ-hṳ́ kò-chiéⁿ--kâi,
- it is that one rowing.
- sĩ-nâng theⁿ-chûn--kâi,
- it is the one the men are poling.
- tî-che̍k-kiãⁿ-sĩ,
- which is the one?
- tî-che̍k-kâi-sĩ,
- which„ is„ the„ one„?
- ũi-tie̍h chò-nî,
- one account of what?
- sĩ ũi-tie̍h pẽ-bó,
- it is on account of his father and mother.
- chò-nî, nē, why so?
- why is it?
- lṳ́-tàⁿ chò-nî,
- what do you say?
- uá bô chò-nî-tàⁿ,
- I did not say anything.
- lṳ́ chò-nî-siẽⁿ,
- what do you think?
- uá siẽⁿ chièⁿ-seⁿ m̄-hó-chò,
- I think it is not well to do that way.
- chò-nî-ⁿ-iēⁿ,
- what kind is it?
- chò-ũ,
- how can there be? (disputing).
- hô[errata 2] chò-nî-chò,
- how can it be done?
- chãi-tit,
- how can it be? (disputing).
- chãi-seⁿ,
- what manner?
- i nâng chãi-seⁿ,
- how is he? what sort of person is he?
- jie̍h-chōi,
- how many? how much?
- jie̍h-kûiⁿ,
- how high?
- jie̍h-tōa,
- how large?
- chie̍h jie̍h-tãng,
- how heavy is the stone?
- chúi jie̍h-chhim,
- the water, how deep is it?
- i ũ jie̍h-chōi ngṳ̂n[errata 3],
- how much silver has he?
- jie̍h-hó,
- how good is it?
- hô-m̄ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
- why not have it thus?
- i lâi a-būe,
- has he come or not?
- ũ--mēⁿ,
- have they any? is there any?
- àiⁿ a-m̄,
- do you want it or not?
- thâu-ke lâi a-bô,
- has the Master come or not?
- sĩ-mih sî-hāu,
- what time?
- tõ sĩ-mih sî-hāu,
- at what time?
- tõ tî-sî,
- when?
- sĩ-mih ūi-chhṳ̀,
- what place?
- sĩ-mih tī-hng,
- what„ place„