Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar/Lesson VI
Other Pronominal Words.
- chí-hō-nâng,
- this kind of people.
- chí-iēⁿ-nâng,
- this„ kind of„ people.„
- hiá-pa̍t-nâng,
- that other man.
- chí-pa̍t-nâng,
- this other man.
- chiá-chèng-nâng,
- all this multitude.
- pa̍t-mue̍h,
- some other thing.
- hiá-pa̍t-mue̍h,
- that other thing.
- pa̍t-nâng,
- another man; other men.
- put-lũn sĩ-mih-nâng,
- no matter who.
- put-lũn sĩ-mih-mue̍h,
- no matter what thing
- tî[errata 1]-sî,
- when.
- tî[errata 2]-kiãⁿ-sṳ̄,
- which item; what business.
- tî[errata 3]-kò,
- where.
- chò-nî?
- which? what? how?
- kak-nâng,
- each person; each one.
- kúi-kâi?
- how many?
- kúi-lia̍p,
- a few grains; how many grains?
- chièⁿ-seⁿ kâi-nâng,
- such a man as this.
- mih-kâi?
- which one? what?
- pa̍t-mih-kâi,
- some other one.
- múe,
- every.
- múe-múe,
- each; every.
- múe-ji̍t,
- every day.
- lóng-chóng,
- all.
- ha̍p-kâi,
- every one of them.
- ha̍p-ke,
- the whole family.
- chiá,
- the one.
- tōa chiá,
- the great one.
- kak-kak sĩ-hièⁿ-seⁿ,
- each one is like that.
- nâng-nâng sĩ-hièⁿ-seⁿ,
- each man is like that.
- tou-sĩ hièⁿ-seⁿ,
- all are like that.
- múa-tî[errata 4]-kò ũ-hõu,
- everywhere there is rain.
- put-lũn sĩ-mih-nâng tàⁿ,
- no matter what man says it.
- m̄-chai i tî[errata 5]-sî-lâi,
- I don’t know when he comes.
- iā-m̄-chai i tî[errata 6]-sî-khṳ̀,
- nor do I know when he goes.
- i bô chò-nî-ìn,
- he did not make any answer.
- i bô-tàⁿ chò-nî-iēⁿ,
- he did not say what kind.