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Protestant Exiles from France/Volume 1 - Index

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Abbott, 84

Ablancourt, 288

Adam, 36, 74

Addee, 424

Adrone, 270

Adroppe, 76

Adrys, 47

Agace, 57, 260

Agachie, 76

Agnart, 47

A-Haige, 46

Alart, 48

Alavoine, 52

Albert, 39

Alexandre, 110

Alix, 99

Allaine, 270

Aloo, 79

Altensleben, 39

Amproux, 41 1

Amyrault, 244

Ancrum, Earl of, 318

Anselain, 47

Anson, 181

Anthonie, 81, 95

Apple, 35

Argerius, 107

Ariaeus, 39

Arnest, 78

Aroye, 271

Artaud, 309

Arte, 36

Ashtown, Lord, 208, 219

Aubries, 81

Augibaut, 436

Aumale, 288

Aurelius, 42, 56, 60, 81, 146

Baccle, 46, 47

Bacheler, 79

Badde, 47

Badoue, 79

Baglan, 46

Baguelan, 273

Bahede, 271

Baignoux, 150

Baillaird, 51

Bailleu, 51, 53, 211

Baldoynus, 107

Baldwin, 78

Balie, 270

Bailey, 270

Ballon, 273

Banet, 81

Banks, 81

Bancquart, 40

Baptiste, 99

Bar, 36, 46, 260

Bara, 42

Barbe, 36, 46, 72

Barber, 270

Barberye, 271

Barbilley, 79

Barbon, 260

Bardin, 107

Bargeau, 44

Barger, 34

Bar zar, 34

Barlatier, 38

Barley, 74

Barnabe, 49

Barnard, 76, 78

Barnes, 72

Baro, Baron, or Barrow, 55, 108

Baron, 39

Barons, 39

Barrat, 34

Barret, 72, 270

Barrington, 39

Bartelet, 270

Bartram, 34

Bashall, 271

Basnage, 41, 44, 48, 50, 100, 273

Bassens, 81, 261

Bassiet, 74

Bastide, 440

Bastien, 271

Batareau, 244

Battaill, 271

Bat tie, 271

Bauchart, 41

Baud in, 266

Baudouin, 48, 79, 99, 100, 200

Baudry, 52

Bayarde, 38

Bayley, 211

Bayly, 56

Baynarde, 37

Beane, 77

Beaulieu, 44, 51, 155

Beauvais, 91, 99

Beauvoir La Noche, 46

Beaveward, 76

Beckar, 38

Becket, 36

Becque, 37

Bedford, Duke of, 399, 402

Behareel, 52

Behout, or Bohout, 40, 41, 48

Belcastel, 311, 363, 426

Bellfold, 72

Bellmare, 34

Benard, 309

Bennett, 36, 72

Benvois, 34, 74

Beny, 99

Beranger, 276

Berault, 162

Beraut de la Maugere, 414

Bergis, 73

Bergree, 80

Berku or Dolin, 59

Bernac, 46

Bertelot, 45

Bertie, 48

Bertram, 99

Betram, 38

Beuer, 49

Bezar, 266

Bezo, 72

Brene, 78

Besue, 270

Bichot, 36, 71

Biggen, 72

Bignon, 108

Bigot, 47, 76

Biller, 49

Bino, or Bineau, 44

Biscop, 45, 49, 79

Bishoppe, 75

Bisson, 99

Blane, 72

Blanker, 80

Blanques, 36, 78

Blanquiere, 80

Blanzi, 48

Bleuze, 44

Blevyn, 46

Blier, 45, 60

Blomers, 78

Blondeau, 39

Blondell, 81

Bock, 37, 77

Bodar, 61

Bodart, 39, 41

Boder, 77, 78

Bodoue, 75

Boevey, 82

Boileau de Castelnau, 411

Boille, 47

Bolin, 40

Bonespoir, 99

Bonevalt, 34

Bonfoys, 34, 35

Bongenier, 59

Bonger, 76

Bonhomme, 49, 99

Bonine, 46

Bonne, 46

Bonnel, 41, 45, 47, 48, 81, 244

Bonnerin, 107

Bonneroy, 78

Bonsquil, 74

Bonte, 42, 43, 52

Bordes, 44, 55

Bordez, 47

Borel, 48

Bossey, 271

Bouchery, 39, 43, 53

Bouchet, 107

Boudet, 68

Bouhereau, 443

Bouillon, 31, 45, 99

Bountifer, 77

Bouquet, 79

Bourbon-Malauze, 415

Bourdin de Fontenay, 38

Bourdin de St. Anthoine, 38

Bourge, 73

Bourgeois, 40, 41, 43, 46, 55. 56, 66

Bourhignomus, 81

Boussie, 39

Boutiniere, 46

Bouverie, 40, 45, 47, 49, 50, 65, 168, 177, 206, 218, 224, 244, 273

Bouvier, 53, 99

Bovilett, 39

Bowdellingie, 257

Bowes, 34

Bowrey, 34

Bowthand, 81

Boys, 50

Branche, 99

Braon, 39

Breart, 72

Breton, 166

Breval, 54, 57, 58, 161, 243

Brevin, 98, 99

Brickowe, 270

Brickpot, 36

Brigode, 42

Briot, 142, 410

Brittayne, 79

Brocke, 38, 271

Broke, 74. 77

Brokell, 74

Brondre, 43

Brontin, 188

Browne, 270

Bruneval, 411

Brunnan, 36, 71

Bucke, 38, 74

Buckey, 77

Buckland, 271

Bui, 49

Bull, 50

Bullen, 75

Bulteel, 22, 42, 49, 56, 70, 89, 146, 188, 234, 254, 267, 273

Bunmarey, 34

Burchly, 271

Burgar, 46

Burges, 36, 271

Burgis, 80

Buriharde, 271

Burioy, 271

Burlemachi, 38

Burrow, Sir James, 270

Buser, 271

Bushe, 270

Bustein, 81

Bustort, 38

Butcher, 270

Butlera, 36, 74

Butterflie, 79, 195

Byer, 39

Byggen, 37

Bygote, 47

Bysmer, 34

Carry, 48

Cadan, 47

Cadgena, 78

Caginon, 75

Caillemotte, 40, 331, 412

Cairon, 53

Calandrin, 42

Callonne, 47, 60

Calvin, 51

Cambien, 46

Cambon, 311, 429, 437

Cameas, 34, 79

Camorde, 271

Campyna, 75

Canby, 120

Canon, 76

Capel, 42

Cappel, 16, 38, 45, 48, 49, 150, 273

Carbonnel, 42, 191, 198

Garden, 78

Cardonncl, 51, 56, 57, 199

Carol, 9

Carlier, 59, 262

Carliez, 46

Caron, 49, 51, 66, 74, 1S2

Carpenter, 42, 77

Carpreau, 38

Carr, 36, 74

Carre, 71, 271

Cartegny, 53

Casaubon, 1 8, 39, 43, 50, 56, 57, 120, 236

Cassel, 42, 49, 58

Castanet, 81

Castel, 40, 46, 48, 50, 51

Castelin, 45

Castol, 115

Castres, 308

Catelie, 47, 48

Catline, 270

Cattene, 80

Catteye, 59

Caumont, 39, 42, 128, 129

Causshe, 78

Caviliar, 74

Cevillere, 46

Chamberlan, or Chambrelan, 47, 48, 195, 231

Champion, 75

Chappelain, 99

Chappell, 36

Charron, 244, 246

Chartes, 71

Chartier, 39

Chartres, Vidame de, 92

Chasteau, 41, 201

Chastelin, 59

Chatelain, 71

Chatillon, 81, 91, 99

Chatline, 271

Chaudron, 74, 178

Chautmont, 99

Chavatte, 52

Chavernay, 411

Chavetier, 35, 76

Chenevier, 39

Chenevix, 219

Cherpont, 99

Chestes, 99

Chevalier, 34, 42, 270

Chevallier, 45, 55, 95, 225

Chitty, 39

Cholar, or Cholier, 262

Chovein, 79

Chrestien, 99

Churel, 99

Cire, 47, 335

Cisner, 51, 87, 261

Clancarty, Earl of, 194, 208

Clargy, 36

Claris, 37, 42, 44, 53, 57, 70, 72, 255

Clarisse, 42

Clark, 79

Classin, 39

Clement, 31, 34, 78

Clementt, 273

Clerbau, 51, 52, 211

Cles, 75

Cliche, 53

Clifford, 47

Clinquant, 46

Cock, 72

Cockey, 72

Cockhouse, 80

Cognard, 39, 44

Coif, 44

Colin, 32, 76

Colladon, 39, 142, 261, 262

Colic, 46, 51

Collier, or Collyer, 51, 262

Colombiers, 99

Colp, 49

Combin, 48

Congett, 39

Constance, 49

Consteil, 39

Conyard, 148

Coppin, 74

Coquel, 59, 271

Coquetu, 46

Cora, 49

Corayne, 75

Corcellis, or Corseills, 35, 38, 40

Corcof, 49

Cordiner, 77

Cornelis, 80

Corniche, 45

Cornille, 46, 48

Cornillo, 46, 48

Cornyllys, 46

Corput, 46

Correur, 47

Cortall, 76

Cosier, 76

Cossifer, 80

Coteny, 48

Cottell, 38

Coulon, 39

Coulosse, 99

Couper, 50

Courand, 52

Cousarte, 271

Cousin, 32, 34, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 55. 68, 72, 81, 111, 259

Cowtree [Coutris?], 36

Crahane, 35

Cramahe, 411

Cramper, 47

Cransey, 78

Cratch, 38

Crater, 35, 78

Creancé, 79

Cremie, 42

Crespell, 46

Crespigny, 424

Crespion, 52, 57, 263

Crew, 60

Criton, 271

Crocosan, 36, 78

Crommelin, 427

Crow, 52, 186

Crox, 51

Cruming, 271

Cubis, 77

Cueillery, 42

Cugnac, 42, 128

Cusar, 271

Cuttier, 34

Cye, 80

Dacier, 48

Damn, 79

Daigneaux, 99

D’Aillon, 53

Dallen, 47, 264

Dalrene, 270

D’Ambrin, Dambrine, or Dombrain, 41, 42, 44, 50. 53, 54, 70, 73, 79, 189

Dammeron, 47

Dampierre, 54, 58, 162

Dangy, 99

Danois, 149

Danvell, 79

Danway, 34

D’Aranda, D’Arande, or Darande, 43, 44, 49, 51, 52, 56, 85

Darassus, 411

Daioue, 80

Dana, 270

D’Assigny, 120, 273

Daveigar, 39

Debalion, 75

Debaut, 259

Debeas, 79

De Hois, 33, 35, 52

Debonnege, 73

Debossa, 271

Debowes, 271

Decanfour, 55, 205

De Cize, 401

Declare, 270

De Cley, 39

De Cosne, 411, 413

Decuse, 76

Defrance, 259

Defrumaux, 45

Degardaine, 80

Degardant, 78

De Grasse, 81

Dehambarke, 76

De Hane, 44, 54

Dehayes, 9

Dehorse, 34, 38

Dekeye, 271

De la Barre, 12, 47, 59

De la Chasse, 51

De la Cour, 42

Delacourt, 71, 74, 76

De la Croix, 40, 44

Delafaye, 264, 404

De la Grange, 77

De la Haye, 37, 59, 72, 76

Delaleu, 46

Delamare, 34, 35, 44

De la Miar, 72

Delamote, 78

De la Mothe, 101, 403

De la Motte, 45, 51, 52, 55, 56, 67, 164

De l’Angle, 39, 133

De Lannoy, 41, 48, 75, 78

Delanoy, 48, 49, 55, 56, 75

De la Pierre, 51

Delapin, 38

De la Place, 9, 42, 51

De la Pryme, 52, 139, 215, 238

De la Roye, 38

Delater, 271

Delaune, 34, 39, 46, 47, 48, 50, 116, 119, 195, 230, 231, 264, 273, 277

Delavais, 71

De la Vallée, 99

Delaymontem, 77

Deldure, 271

Delecroyes, 271

De Le Me, 56, 61, 85, 273

Deleroy, 56

Delespan, 52, 201

De Lillers, 42, 50, 56, 190, 198, 273

Delimal, 60

Dellhey, 75

Delmé, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 56, 61, 85, 186, 202, 205, 273

De Loches, 426

Deloguta, 77

Delon, 57, 205

Delowe, 271

Demare, 73

Demaster, 35, 73

De Mé, 51, 274

Demon, or De Mont, 35, 50, 73, 80, 270

Demoubre, 36, 72

Deneu, 49, 51, 52, 56, 57, 190, 191, 273

Denis, Dennis, or Denys, 73,. 75, 411

Denoise, 37

Depenwaye, 77

Depoins, 80, 271

Deponte, 76

Deporte, 36

Deprez, 55, 205

De Prie, 79, 270

Deproine, 76

Depuis, 35, 74

Derickson, 36

Deroche, 81

Deroncs, 37, 72

De Roy, 44, 60, 73

Desautonne, 271

Desbonne, 48

Desbonnet, 46, 47

Desbonnetz, 273

Des Bordes, 55, 60, 424

Descamps, 47, 53

Descarpenteries, 41

Des Gallars, 110

Desgardin, 47

Des Granges, 99

Deskien, 43

Des Maistres, 40, 45, 67

Desmare, 50

Desmarets, 42, 45, 50, 61

Desmasier, 47

Desormeaux, 46

D’Espagne, 53, 133, 149

Despaigne, 41, 42, 43, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 201

D’Espard, or Despard, 203

Despinoye, 77

Desportes, 63

Desprez, 46

Desquire, 50, 87, 186, 275

Desrouseaux, 40

Destaille, 273

Des Vigne, 56

Detriment, 31, 37

De Vale, 80

Devangia, 35

Devella, 271

De Veil, 393

Deverage, 75, 77

Devicke, 37

Devine, 270

De Visme, 44, 50, 54, 190

Devosley, 271

Devyllman, 271

Dewie, 74

Didier, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48, 51, 53, 54, 57, 265

Dillimer, 36

Diosie, 75

Dippie, 259

Ditwighte, 36

Dobbie, 77

Docque-Mesineque, 39

Doigneau, 265

Dolbel, 99

Dolerance, 106

Dollett, 39

Dorniion, 42

Doucement, 50

Doussone, 76

Dowell, 271

Dowsie, 34

Draper, 270

Dreware, 270

Drewe, 35, 72

Drochart, 40

Droet, 38

Droppe, 270

Druat, 79

Drurie, 77

Duaine, 271

Du Beuf, 41

Dublier, 34

Dubois, 43, 46, 49, 51, 52, 57, 87, 1S0, 241, 259

Du Bosc, 68

Dubourdieu, 308, 309

Dubourgay, 378, 3S0

Dubuisson, 48, 68

Du Cane [Du Quesne], 38, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 87, 176, 190, 266, 267, 269, 273

Du Charol, or Sharoll, 57, 276

Du Chesne, 45, 48, 49

Ducke, 271

Du Cro, 41, 44, 48, 53, 265

Du Feaver, 79

Du Gard, 49 Du Gres, 137

Duhamel, 44, 54

Du Jardin, 266

Dullaforrest, 34

Du Mé, 50

Du Mon, 271

Du Moulin, 24, 30, 44, 57, 105, 129, 161, 266

D’Unne, 53

Du Perron, 99

Du Pierre, 44

Du Pin, 361

Du Pire, 46, 51

Du Pont, 38, 49

Du Pre, 47

Du Prie, 43, S3, 150

Du Quesnoy, 45

Durrell, 60

D’Urfey, 240

Durland, 35

Du Roure, or Duroure, 414, 426

Durporte, 270

Dusarte, 270

Duthais, 267

Duthoit, 42, 43, 46, 51, 54, 57, 205, 267

Du Val, 99

Du Veil, 166

Dycan, 79

Dynevor, Lord, 200

Dyrrant, 36

Edwyn, 35, 73

Eger, 36, 78

Elcock, 181

Elkoc, 48

Ellice, 218

Ellis, 44

Emeris, 203

Emilie, 44

Etroue, 271

Evan, 273

Fakerbe, 80

Falck, 36

Fallan, 47

Famas, 59

Fan, 45

Farran, 37

Farriner, 74

Farsyvyll, 36, 73

Farvacques, 42, 46, 48, 50, 51, 61, 70, 79, 119, 273

Fassure, 270

Fatreau, 41

Faucon, 42

Fauconnier, 47, 270

Fauquier, 181

Felles, 43, 149, 261

Felmeneu, 49

Fenouilhet, 44

Fer, 43

Ferbu, 87

Ferre, 50

Fever, 270

Feveron, 73

Fienne, 273

Fish, 259

Fitzroy, 187

Fitzwalter, Earl, 313, 318

Flahau, 52, 53

Flaiel, 44

Fleimme, 48

Florett, 77

Florey, 37

Florin, 73

Florrey, 271

Folkestone, Viscount, 206

Fontaine, 30, 39, 51, 59, 72, 75. 76, 77. 114, 271

Forcade, 410

Ford, 72

Forman, 75

Formatrou, 76

Formoise, 44, 71

Formow, 271

Forrest, 34, 46

Forsey, 36

Forterye, 41, 49, 50, 51, 56, 68, 70, 71, 76, 168, 180

Fosse, 39, 77

Foubert, 244

Foucart, 257

Foulcaut, 260

Foulcher, 271

Foulon, 59

Fourdrinier, 244

Fournestraux, 65

Founder, 40, 46

Foye, 36, 71

Fphlipot (see Phillipot)

Francois, 7, 53, 150

Francqueville, 41

Franklin, 77

Freiderne, 99

Fremaire, 48

Freman, 49

Fremanly, 60

Fremault, 54

Fremaux, 47, 53

Frennes, 49

Frier, 77

Fuchal, 36, 271

Furnier, 38

Furry, 74

Furvey, 76

Fyerno, 46

Fyssher, 37

Gabay, 39

Gabie, 74

Gabri, 49, 89,

Gainsborough, Earl of, 441

Galer, 46

Galier, 78

Gallemar, 50

Galliard, 79

Galway, Earl of, 40, 316, 339, 413, 414, 417, 426, 442, 444

Gambier, 42, 49

Garde, 73

Gardenet, 47

Gardichogs, 37

Gardien, 38

Gardret, 47

Garencieres, 73, 134

Gargaht, 80

Garrett, 38, 59, 74, 76

Gate, 46

Gazange, 39

Gentile, 73

George, 257

Germaine, 60

Gersen, 44

Gibaut, 47

Gibbert, 73

Gignon, 49

Gigon, 49

Girard, 39, 99

Girardot, 108

Gloriez, 42, 257

Gnelladie, 75

Gobbam, 80

Gobert, 35, 76

Goddio, 76

Goderdman, 52

Godinel, 47

Gondery, 49

Goodman, 73

Gorett, 72

Gorgier, 90

Gornar, 35, 72

Gossait, 273

Gottray, 47

Goulart, 45

Gozzi, 12

Grafton, Duke of, 187

Grande, 42

Grandsare, 37, 80

Graundverte, 77

Graunt, 38

Grave, 41

Gravener, 77

Graves, 37, 75

Gravier, 99

Greve, 42

Grindar, 270

Grivell, 271

Grocer, 410

Groneville, 99

Groser, 256

Groslot, 104

Gruel, 271

Grushey, 34

Guasquier, 50

Gubay, 39

Guenin, 43

Guerin, 68, 99

Guie, 72

Guillachon, 39

Guillot, 410

Guiot, 42, 273

Guis, 51

Guite, 79

Gummar, 270

Guoy, 140

Guppie, 74

Guyneau, 99

Gwertyn, 37, 79

Hacket, 37

Hacse, 48

Haguerier, 52

Halee, 75

Haleville, 99

Hallo, 43

Halvin, 47

Hamon, 9, 68, 267

Handect, 47

Hanet, 46, 48

Hanneroy, 40

Hanniwood, 50

Hannot, 53

Hanocke, 35

Harbark, 79

Harber, Herber, or Herbert, 46, 177, 188, 267

Harte, 38, 271

Harvie, 37

Harwich, Marquis of, 317

Haterville, 50

Hattericke, 271

Haumells, 77

Haunce, 30

Hautmont, 42, 147

Hauton, 47

Hay, 55

Hayes, 81

Heblen, 36

Helmont, 271

Helott, 39

Hemman, 36, 72

Henande, 79

Henault, 77

Henice, 99

Henricke, 75

Herault, 99, 147

Herchar, 273

Herenq, 45

Herds, 79

Hersen, or Hersent, 31, 45. 49, 57, 260

Hervart, 414

Herviett, 270

Hesde, 60

Hetrewe, 79, 271

Heudelen, or Hudelen, 46, 49, 50

Heuze, 43, 46, 147

Hierosme, 29, 149

Hiet, 49

Hillet, 77

Hinchar, 270

Hubert, 39

Hofstadt, 40, 72

Holdernesse, Earl of, 313, 318

Holliard, 37

Hollingcourte, 36

Honore, 45, 270

Hopkins, 44, 178

Horar, 50

Houard, 45, 46

Houblon, 12, 41, 43, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 84, 90, 173, 268

Houcq, 50, 51, 53

Houe, 45

Houssey, 37, 75

Howell, 36, 38, 47

Howie, 107

Howitt, 243

Hoyat, 36, 75

Huard, or Lompré, 147

Hue, 73

Huesne, 39

Hugessen, 41

Hugue, 46

Hulse, 280

Inglis, or Langlois, 78, 102, 106

Izard, 39

Jambon, 271

Janne, 37

Janson, 39

Janssen, 69, 209

Jarvey, 259

Jarvice, 270

Jeffrey, 58, 74

Jerome, 29, 147

Jeune, 53, 222, 268

Jewrie, 77

Johanne, 99

Johnstone, 107

Jonet, 76, 77

Jorden, 78

Joret, 59

Jornet, 79

Josine, 77

Jourion, Jorion, or Jurion, 52, 175

Jouvest, 46

Jovenox, 44

Joye, 42

Justel, 44, 55, 58, 153

Kaissar, or Emperour, 77

Kello, 47, 103, 104

Kerle, 48

Key, 72

Kier, 46

Kindt, 60, 61

Kinge, 34

Kirton, 71

Konge, 76

Kreaper, 78

Laboor, 36

La Bewe, 39

La bye, 41

La Case, Marquis de, 415, 424

Lackantout, 73

Laclare, 270

Lacaux, 273

Lagacie, 47

Lagniel, 41

Laigneau, 99

La Laye, 204

Lamadie, 34

Lamber, 271

Lambermont, 147

Lambert, 38, 73, 271

Lambert de Lanner, 270

La Mclonière, 99, 311, 363, 424

Laurie, or Lamey, 49, 137

Lamiol, 51

La Mort, or Lamor, 46, 270

La Motte, 39, 84, 164

Lampreur, 50

Lamuell, 72

La Myer, 35

Lancourt, 39

Lancous, 50

Lange, 47

Langlar, Lenglore, or Languelair, 41,48, 101

Langlois, 183, 245, 425, 426

Lansel, 46

Laoust, 39

La Place, 51, 100

Lardenois, 35, 72, 74

Lardie, 35, 72

Large, 37, 73

La Riviere, or Perucel, 7, 150

Larme, 270, 271

Lame, 270

La Roye, 38

Larroue, 75

Larshar, 38

Lason, 43, 53, 265

Latelais, 45

Latore, 75

La Tour, 74

Launce, 37

Laundree, 39

Laurie, 39

Laval, Madame de, 99

Lawneschawe, 270

Laygle, 52

Lean, 55

Leaver, 36

Le Bas, 200, 413

Le Blanc, 43, 47, 59

Lebon, 81

Lebren, 79

Lebroyle, 34, 73

Le Cat, 59

Le Cherf, 47

Le Clerc, 37, 40, 42, 50, 54, 72

Le Conte, 56

Le Coq, 41, 48, See Leycocke

Le Court, 48

Lecuslet, 46

Le Dors, 48

Le Doux, 46

Ledreve, 271

Le Dru, 46, 47, 53, 73

Le Due, 42, 99, 182

Leeds, Duke of, 318

Lefan, 45

Le Febure, 40, 45, 46, 59

Le Feure, 54

Le Fevre, 46, 50

Le Franc, 273

Lefroy, or Loffroy, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 53, 55, 50, 57, 58, 66, 182, 216, 226, 245, 249, 426,

Le Gay, 40, 41, 45, 50, 139

Legendre, 260

Legonderie, 49

Le Grain, Le Greyn, or Le Grin, 49, 50, 61, 186

Legrand, 201

Le Gras, 46, 55

Le Gueux, 43

Le Hand, 41, 201

Leheup, 244

Leinster, Duke of, 310

Le Jay, 46

Le Keux, 41, 42, 43, 44, 50, 51, 53, 57, 201, 253, 265, 272

Le Leu, 51, 57, 59

Le Long, 50

Le Lou de Colombiers, 43

Le Marq, 39

Le Mere, 271

Le Montagne, 47

Le More, 43

Lemure, 35, 74

Le Myre, 47

Leney, 36

Le Nilay, 47

Le Noir, 52

Lenquin, 50

Le Page, 45

Lepaul, 54

Le Pelu, 68

Le Pipre, 236

Le Pla, 51

Le Plus, 40

Le Poutre, 41, 48, 50, 204

Le Prime, 50

Le Quesne, or Le Quien, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 50, 51, 56, 269

Lernoult, L’Ernoult, or Ernoult, 41, 43, 44, 53, 57, 265, 269

Le Rouge, 273

Le Roy, 60, 108

Le Roy or Bouillon, 31, 99

Le Ruez, 49

Le Sade, 45

Le Sage, 41, 48, 49, 182

Lescaillet, or L’Escaillet, or Escaillet, 40, 45, 46, 47, 55, 60, 269

Lescluse, 273

Lescobie, 46

Le Secq, 48

Le Sedt, 41, 43

Lespaille, 47

Lespen, 50

Lestene, 68

Lesvaux, 273

Le Taille, 60

Lethieullier, 44, 54, 58, 71, 168, 178, 244, 270

Le Tour, 38

Le Tuccke, 46

Leuart, 59

Leveret, 34

Leycocke, 35, 73, 76

Leyot, 270

L’hermitte, 120

Liage, 99

Lichfield, Earl of, 181

Liddell, 187

Lieven, or Livein, 46, 48, 50

Ligier, 77

Lilliens, 39

Lirli, 46

Lixens, 81

Lizy, 54, 190

Lo, 53

Lobeau, 42, 48, 49

Lobell, 41, 42, 47, 55, 56

Locye, 35

Longe, 38, 56, 271

Longuet, 53, 54, 182, 271

Lonschar, 42

Lordell, 52

Lores, or Loreo, 38

Lortier, 44

Lortur, 44

Lote, 36

Lothian, Marquis of, 318

Loulmeau, 99

Lucas, 38

Luce, 50

Lull, 79

Lulles, 38

Luzancy, 39, 57, 163, 287, 291, 293

Lyon, 34

Lyskens, 38

Mable, 34

Macadie, 34

Machevillens, 81

Macon de la Fontaine, 16, 59, 114, 119

Machon, 99

Mahewe, or Mahieux, 36, 47, 72, 78

Maignon, 59

Mainmora, 71

Mairelles, 78

Makennis, 34

Malaparte, 59

Malauze, 415, 424

Malebranq, 48

Malatte, 270

Mancke, 51, 56, 202, 260, 265

Mancon, 59, 60

Mannock, 75

Manouvrier, 137

Mansel, 55, 74, 271

Marbais, 44

Marchant, 35, 47, 73, 99

Mare, 74

Marescaux, Maresco, or Morisco, 39, 53, 202, 272

Mareschal, 42, 189

Maret, 99

Marie, 16, 34, 42, 47, 59, 100, 118, 126

Marindin, 272

Marineer, 38

Marisall, 60

Marlieres, 39, 51, 57

Marniande, 411

Marny, 81

Marois, 79

Marqui, 39

Marriette, 202

Marryat, 213

Marshall, 74

Marsilliers, 101

Marson, 41

Marten, 78

Martin, 34, 45,49, 78, 79, 99

Marton, Comte de, 363

Marvey, 81

Mascon, 47

Masingarbe, 52

Maubert, 39

Maurois, or Mauroye, 40, 41, 42, 45, 49, 50, 53, 62, 168, 177, 186, 202, 272

Maxsion, 73

Mayerne, 42, 126, 130, 143

Mayott, 39

Mayton, 27c

Mazeaux (Des), 45

Mazieres, 107

Meder, 77

Meiser, 77

Melley, 59

Mellowe, 270

Melshar, 38

Menard, or Mesnard, 44, 411

Menshe, 270

Meny, 46

Meray, 72

Mercier, 40, 45, 49, 56

Meres, 57, 273

Merlin, 38, 99

Merriott, 44

Mesnier, 99

Messeman, 45, 49

Mestayer, 57

Meyer, 39

Miege, 112, 158

Miez, 68

Migel, 411

Milcam, 35, 71

Millainc, 76

Millen, 35

Millet, 100

Milliam, 271

Millome, 71

Millon, 54

Millorn, 35

Minet, 55, 57, 58

Minon, 381

Miremont, Marquis de, 40, 363, 415

Mocquot, 411

Moieur, 40

Moincke, 73

Molen, 271

Molin, 48

Molier, or Meier, 257

Mollier, 72

Molton, 35, 72

Mompouillan, Marquis de, 39, 129

Monange, 99

Monçeau, 59

Monie, 50

Montagu, 261, 262

Montfossey, 99

Montgomery, Comte de, 99

Montmorial, 99

Moreau, 43, 44, 59, 60

Morell, 37

Morillon, 49, 276

Morren, 38

Mort, 35

Moubert, 37

Moulinos, 99

Moulins, 99

Mouson, 39, 47

Moutonier, 45

Moyneville, 99

Muckowe, 75

Mulay, 59

Mullenbeck, 37

Musard, or Mussard, 39, 154, 155

Mutton, 80

Myller, 273

Mylner, 56

Nau, 49, 263

Neuvemaison, 54

Nice, 271

Nicholas, 411

Nicoll, 36

Nimmay, 45

Niphius, 59

Noel, Lady Elizabeth, 319, 441

Noquart, 47

Norrey, 36

Nova, 74

Novelle, 39

Obre, 274

Ogier, 45, 70, 77

Oiseleur de Villiers, 112

Olive, 44

Olivier, 41, 48, 76, 80, 107, 270

Olter, 72

Onesuoyde, 39

Orchant, 53

Orlebar, 272

Orrett, 38

Osanna, 71

Oudart, 46

Overy, 44

Oyeurthens, 271

Page, 50

Paget, 274

Painsec, 100

Palliart, 43

Palmerston, Vicount, 176

Palsar, 43

Papillon, 38, 42, 43, 44, 47, 54, 56, 58, 195

Papin, 151

Parchment, 34

Paren, 60

Parent, 99

Paston, 39

Patin, or Patain, 50

Patriar, 75

Pau, 75

Pawle, 73

Pedriel, 45

Pegorier, 409

Pelat, 40

Pennowe, 34

Penzance, Lady, 218

Percey, 37

Perin, 45

Perrot, 39

Perruquet, 99

Pescot, 51, 52

Teter, 77

Petiawe, 37, 73

Petit, 39

Philator, 35, 71

Philippe, 31, 78, 81

Phillipot, Phlippo, or Phillippo, 46, 48, 50, 51, 274

Pierquin, 49

Piggott, 36

Pilos, 79

Pincon, 99

Pinell, 37

Pinnforth, 74

Pinnie, 78

Pipelart, 40, 168

Piren, 39

Pires, 39

Pirsaie, 78

Pittaine, 36, 73

Pitte, 75

Planque, 47

Plantain, 45

Plichard, 49

Ploiart, 47

Poipaille de la Rousselière, 411

Pol, 49

Polet, 273

Pollar, 49

Polyander, 273

Ponjade, 51

Ponsonby, 188

Portales, 418

Poumare, 75

Pouncell, 37

Povvkes, 36, 72

Prease, 74

Preiste, 77

Prelio, 37

Presin, 50

Presot, 102, 106

Primerose, 42, 43, 51, 53, 144, 150, 261

Primont, 41, 48, 68

Primrose, Viscount, 244

Pruno, 52

Prute, 74

Pryme, 43, 52, 215

Pryor, 39

PuIIen, 36

Pusey, 170, 172, 224

Pyniot de la Largère, 411

Queroualle, 39

Quesnel, 99

Quonian, 39

Rack, 36

Racine, 48

Radcliffe, 188

Radnor, Earl of, 206

Ramon, 77

Raouil, 40

Rapareilles, 55

Ravaud, 425, 426

Ravoire, 167

Raye, 79

Reason, 73

Redlegge, 34

Remouth, 74

Remy, 37, 71, 74, 262

Renard, 46

Reneu, 39

Renison, 35

Resselet, 39

Revelstoke, Lord, 188

Rey, 77

Reymond, 73

Riall, 37

Richart, 45

Richer de Cambernon, 43

Richier, 148

Rieu, 41, 46

Rigne, 44

Rimbault, 241

Rime, 58

Rimère, 79

Ripandine, 99

Rique, 50

Ris, 52, 53

Riviere, 47

Robert, 37, 107

Rocheblave, 443

Roe, 76

Roger, 49, 75

Rohan, 276, 320, 322

Rohe, 75

Roman, 76

Romaine, 228

Romieu, 50, 56, 274

Roubay, 47, 60

Roullés, 99

Rounde, 78

Rowland, 81

Ruben, 78

Russell, 74

Russell, Rachel, Lady, 319, 410, 412, 441

Ruvigny, first Marquis de, 40, 319, 410, 439

Ruvigny, La Marquise de, 321, 410, 412, 413

Ruvigny, second Marquis de, 40, 260, 331, 339, 441, See Earl of Galway

Sablor, 270

Sage, 35

Sagnoule, 59

St Michel, 138

St Voist, 99

Salvage 75

Samean, 78

Samoline, 54

Sampson, 38

Santer, 78

Sant Gune, 46

Santhuni, 42

Saravia, 41, 46, 56

Snriette, 40

Sarrazin, 260

Sasserie, 43, 54, 150

Sauen, 75

Saumori, 52

Savage, 270

Savary, 39

Sawier, 34

Sayes, 12, 59

Scate, 38

Schomberg, First Duke of, 40, 281, 429

Schomberg, Second Duke of, 40, 304

Schomberg, Third Duke of, 310

Scrusier, 35

Seignoret, 425

Selyn, 59

Seneor, 36, 73

Seneschal, 37, 46

Sengreins, 276

Senlin, 40

Sentrise, 271

Serfs, 99

Serrurier, 60

Sertaine, Certain, Sartane, Sartayne, or Sortain, 41, 48, 49, 55, 56, 227

Seure, 270

Seven, 79

Severy, 44

Sexton, 276

Seyer, 256

Shaftesbray, 71

Shaftesbury, Earl of, 206

Shalwaye, 36

Shambow, 271

Shampoyse, 34

Sharfe, 36, 71

Sharoll, 276

Shatelyn, 37

Sherby, 52

Shero, 34

Sherowne, 34

Shriverie, 38

Sibthorp, 192, 193

Simpson, Sir James, 259

Sinowe, 38

Six, 41, 42, 43, 44, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 204, 247, 249, 276

Skilders, 74

Smaqué, or Smacq, 43, 52, 140

Smith, 75

Snee, 44

Soinbonneau, 47

Solen, 69

Sorlatt, 36

Soubise, Seigneur de, 276, 320

Soulegre, 210, 211

Southampton, Countess of, 319

Spetzy, 38

Spitbroie, 270

Spright, 38

Stacie, 78

Stalleur Dequestebrune, 411

Stilman, 76

Stockmans, 273

Ston, 271

Stouppe, 25, 26, 87, 149, 261

Stycklinge, 76

Sualle, 270

Suckey, 76

Sueman, 53

Sweter, 270

Tabey, 37, 72

Taffin, 76

Talbot, Countess, 200

Tallemant, 321, 410, 413

Tanvile, 34, 73

Tasin, 51

Tasson, 36

Taverniers, 273

Tayler, 58

Tayllie, 60

Tellier, 9

Tellma, 271

Tellomond, 74

Tepotts, 73

Terrien, 46

Testard, 40

Tevelin, 46

Thieri, 45, 47

Thorne, 75

Tibargee, 270

Tibargin, 270

Tifry, 76

Tion, 38

Tipot, 55

Tirrie, 77

Toilet, 256

Tolman, 271

Tombe, 47

Toreau, 39

Tousainth, 9

Tout-le-monde, 48, 76

Tovillet, or Des Roches, 58

Tracat, 270

Tramet, 53

Treasie, 78

Trench, 193, 218, 219, 221, 222, 227

Tressell, 76

Trian, 38

Tripiez, 47, 48

Tronnel, 60

Trouille, 60

Trovilar, 54

Tryan, 12

Tuillier, 71, 80

Turwin, 37, 72

Tussell, 271

Tuvell, 38

Tyller, 34

Tyrret, 35

Tyttyll, 36

Vaillant, 47

Valen, 37, 73, 78

Valmy, 49

Valpy, 99

Vandyke, 39

Vannesse, 80

Varrye, 37

Vasesser, 271

Vassale, 38, 271

Vasson, or Vashon, 148

Vautier, 31

Vautrollier, 35, 72, 277

Veille, 35, 72, 80

Venier de la Grossetière, 413, 414

Venin, 53

Verigney, 39

Verneleur, 44

Verneuil, 137

Vernon, Lord, 181

Viart, 78

Victoris, 35

Vignier, 46, 137

Vignon, 231

Villiers, 44, 112

Vincent, 45

Vincquiere, 177

Vinion, 36

Viot, 36, 72

Voison, 74

Vossins, 39

Vouche, 81

Waldo, 43, 44, 45, 53, 55, 58, 191, 198

Walke, 99

VValley, 79

Wallie, 271

Wanticr, 52

Watelier, 47

Weman, 270

Wheildon, 202

Williams, 74

Wiseman, Lady, 192

Wood, 36, 241, 242

Wren, 155

Wrighte, 73

Wybone, 99

Vollone, 35, 71

Voumana, 75