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Psychopathia Sexualis/Index

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Psychopathia Sexualis
by Richard von Krafft-Ebing, translated by Charles Gilbert Chaddock
4134691Psychopathia Sexualis — IndexCharles Gilbert ChaddockRichard von Krafft-Ebing


Abuse, unnatural, 404
Acts for self-humiliation, 134
Æsthetics and sexuality, 10
Amor lesbicus, 428
Anæsthesia sexualis, acquired, 47
congenital, 42
Androgyny, 304
Areas, erogenous, 31
Attraction, sexual, 16

Baudelaire, 122
Binet, 18, 19, 21, 121
Bondage, sexual, 141
Bote, 202
Boys, whipping of (sadistic), 82
Brunn, 19

Cæsars, 58
Capitals as breeding-places of sensuality, 7
Christianity, influence of, 4, 6
contrasted with Mohammedanism, 5
Cohabitation, 32
Contrary sexual instinct, 185
causes of, 188
degrees of, 187
Corpses, mutilation of, 67
Cruelty, passively endured, 89
and love, 9
and lust, 9
sources of, 86

Decadence, moral, 6
Defemination, 197
Defilement of women, 79
Delirium acutum, 54
Dementia and psychopathia sexualis, 361
paretic, and psychopathia sexualis, 363
Descartes, 162
Diagnosis of contrary sexuality, 319
Durga, 57

Effemination, 279
Ejaculation centre, 31
affections of, 36
Epilepsy and psychopathia sexualis, 364
Equus eroticus, 111
Erection centre, 24
affections of, 35
Esquirol, 220, 221
Eviration, 197
Exhibition, 382
Eyes, neuropathic, 21

Family life, 6
Fetichism, 17
and crime, 401
of apron, 170
of feathers, 182
of female attire, 167
of female person, 157
of foot and shoe, 123, 176
of furs, 181
of hair, 20
of hand, 158
of handkerchief, 171
of glove, 175
of material, 180
of odors, 21
of silk, 183
of velvet, 180
of voice, 22
religious, 17
Fiction and sexual perversion, 123
Flagellation, 28, 152
and masochism, 99
differentiation of, 100

Flagellation, for reflex effect, 99
heroines of, 29
Flagellum salutis, 29
Friendship and love, 19
Frigiditas uxoris, 46
Frottage, 394

Gley, 226
Griesinger, 224
Gynandry, 304

Hair, as a fetich, 20
Hair-despoilers, 162, 164, 165
Herodotus, 200
Hermaphroditism, psychical, 230
cases of, 232-255
Hippocrates, 201
Homo-sexuality, 185, 255
acquired, 188
causes of, 188
congenital, 222
degrees of, I, 191; II, 197; III, 202; IV, 216
explanation of, 227
Holder, 202
Hyperæsthesia sexualis, 48
cases of, 51-55
Hypnosis, therapeutics, 322-357
Hysteria, 375

Idiocy and psychopathia sexualis, 358
Imbecility and contrary sexuality, 359
Ink, throwing of, 80
Insanity, and contrary sexuality, 358
periodical, 372
Incest, 431

Japanese women, 3
Juvenal, 31

Kiernan, 227
Kiernan's explanation of sadism, 152
Kleist, 88

Ladame's case, 344
Libido sexualis, 2432
Love and cruelty, 9
and friendship, 19
and religion, 8
fetichism of, 19
Lesbian, 428
of man and woman compared, 15
platonic, 11, 12
true, 11
youthful, 11
Lust and cruelty, 10, 57
and battle, 58, 60
and murder, 62, 397
and the passive endurance of cruelty, 90
and plunder, 58
Lupercal, 31
Lydston, 162, 227

Magnan, 20, 227
Mania, 373
Mantegazza, 7, 227
Marschalls Gilles de Rays, 58
Maudsley, 1
Maeoch, Sacher-, 89
Masochism, 89
and flagellation, 99
and sadism, 148
explanation of, 139
in women, 137
larvated, 123
rudimentary, 101
symbolic, 115
Melancholia, 374
Messalinas, 88
Metamorphosis sexualis paranoica, 216
transition to, 202
Modesty, origin of, 2, 15
in women, 15
Mohammedan women, 5
Morality, progress in, 5
Morals, decadence of, and pathology, 6
Mujerados, 201

Necrophilia, 430
Nervi erigentes, 24
Neuroses, cerebral, 36
sexual, 34
spinal, 35
Nymphomania, 373

Olfactory fetichism, 21
hallucinations and sexuality, 28
sense and sexual sense, 26

Paradoxia sexualis, 37
Paresthesia sexualis, 56
Paranoia, 376
Pathological sexuality in its legal aspects, 378
Pathology, general, 34
special, 358
Pederasty, 408
cultivated, 414
false imputation of, 420
Penthesilia, 88
Perfumes as a fetich, 21, 26
Physiology, 23
Priapism, 35
Prognosis of contrary sexuality, 319
Psychology, sexual, 1
Psychopath in sexualis periodica, 371
Puberty, its psychological importance, 7
relation to poetry, 7
to religious feeling, 7
Pueblo Indians, 201

Rape, 397
Religion and sensuality, 8
Reversal of sexual feeling, 191
Robbery, 401
Rousseau, 119

Sacher-Masoch, 89
Sade, Marquis de, 57, 71
Sadism, 57, 401
and masochism, 148
Sadism, atavistic, 152
cases of, 62-67
in women, 87
physiological relations of, 59
symbolic, 81
with animals, 84
with other objects, 82
Satyriasis, 373
Schema of sexual neuroses, 34
Schopenhauer, 41
Scythians, insanity of the, 200
Schrenk-Notzing's case, 351
Senile libido, 40, 41
Sensuality, 5
religious equivalent of, 8
Servants, immoral acts of, with children 432
Sexuality, source of ethical feeling, 1
and the social feeling, 1
simple reversal of, 191
Sexual attraction, 16
bondage, 141
desire, physiology of, 23
instinct in childhood, 37
in old age, 38
promptings, first, 7
satisfaction in received cruelty and abuse, 91
selection, 2
Shoe-fetichism, 123
cases of, 124-134
Silk-fetichism, 183
Siva, 57
Sodomy, 404
Spanking, dangers of, 28
Stefanowsky, 123
Sterility, 13
Sulphuric acid, throwing of, 80
Suggestion, hypnotic, 322-357

Theft, 401
Torture of animals, 401
Therapy of contrary sexuality, 321

Ulrichs, 227
Urning, memorial of one, 410
Urnings, 255
cases of, 257-279
laws concerning, 413

Vampirism, 87
Vanity, 16
Velvet-fetichism, 180
Violation of children, 402
Viraginity, 279
Virility, loss of, 12
Voice as a fetich, 22

Westermarck, 15, 16, 20
Westphal, 224
Whitechapel murderer, 64
Woman, elevation of, 3
in Old Testament and Gospels, 4
position of, 2
sexual appetite of, 15
rôle of, 13

Woman-haters' ball, 417
Women, defilement of, 79
injury of, 70
masochism in, 137

Zones, erogenous, 31