Public Law 110-432/Division B/Title VI
TITLE VI—Capital and Preventive Maintenance Projects for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
[edit]Sec. 601. Authorization for Capital and Preventive Maintenance Projects for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.
[edit]- (a) Authorization.—
- (1) IN GENERAL.—
- Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, the Secretary of Transportation is authorized to make grants to the Transit Authority, in addition to the contributions authorized under sections 3, 14, and 17 of the National Capital Transportation Act of 1969 (sec. 9–1101.01 et seq., D.C. Official Code), for the purpose of financing in part the capital and preventive maintenance projects included in the Capital Improvement Program approved by the Board of Directors of the Transit Authority.
- (1) IN GENERAL.—
- In this section—
- (A) the term ‘‘Transit Authority’’ means the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority established under Article III of the Compact; and
- (B) the term ‘‘Compact’’ means the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact (80 Stat. 1324; Public Law 89-774).
- In this section—
- (b) Use of Funds.—
- The Federal grants made pursuant to the authorization under this section shall be subject to the following limitations and conditions:
- (1) The work for which such Federal grants are authorized shall be subject to the provisions of the Compact (consistent with the amendments to the Compact described in subsection (d)).
- The Federal grants made pursuant to the authorization under this section shall be subject to the following limitations and conditions:
- (2) Each such Federal grant shall be for 50 percent of the net project cost of the project involved, and shall be provided in cash from sources other than Federal funds or revenues from the operation of public mass transportation systems. Consistent with the terms of the amendment to the Compact described in subsection (d)(1), any funds so provided shall be solely from undistributed cash surpluses, replacement or depreciation funds or reserves available in cash, or new capital.
- (3) Such Federal grants may be used only for the maintenance and upkeep of the systems of the Transit Authority as of the date of the enactment of this Act and may not be used to increase the mileage of the rail system.
- (c) Applicability of Requirements For Mass Transportation Capital Projects Receiving Funds Under Federal Transportation Law.—
- Except as specifically provided in this section, the use of any amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization under this section shall be subject to the requirements applicable to capital projects for which funds are provided under chapter 53 of title 49, United States Code, except to the extent that the Secretary of Transportation determines that the requirements are inconsistent with the purposes of this section.
- (d) Amendments to Compact.—
- No amounts may be provided to the Transit Authority pursuant to the authorization under this section until the Transit Authority notifies the Secretary of Transportation that each of the following amendments to the Compact (and any further amendments which may be required to implement such amendments) have taken effect:
- (1)
- (A) An amendment requiring that all payments by the local signatory governments for the Transit Authority for the purpose of matching any Federal funds appropriated in any given year authorized under subsection (a) for the cost of operating and maintaining the adopted regional system are made from amounts derived from dedicated funding sources.
- (1)
- No amounts may be provided to the Transit Authority pursuant to the authorization under this section until the Transit Authority notifies the Secretary of Transportation that each of the following amendments to the Compact (and any further amendments which may be required to implement such amendments) have taken effect:
- (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘‘dedicated funding source’’ means any source of funding which is earmarked or required under State or local law to be used to match Federal appropriations authorized under this division for payments to the Transit Authority.
- (2) An amendment establishing an Office of the Inspector General of the Transit Authority.
- (3) An amendment expanding the Board of Directors of the Transit Authority to include 4 additional Directors appointed by the Administrator of General Services, of whom 2 shall be nonvoting and 2 shall be voting, and requiring one of the voting members so appointed to be a regular passenger and customer of the bus or rail service of the Transit Authority.
- (e) Access to Wireless Service in Metrorail System.—
- No amounts may be provided to the Transit Authority pursuant to the authorization under this section unless the Transit Authority ensures that customers of the rail service of the Transit Authority have access within the rail system to services provided by any licensed wireless provider that notifies the Transit Authority (in accordance with such procedures as the Transit Authority may adopt) of its intent to offer service to the public, in accordance with the following timetable:
- (A) Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, in the 20 underground rail station platforms with the highest volume of passenger traffic.
- No amounts may be provided to the Transit Authority pursuant to the authorization under this section unless the Transit Authority ensures that customers of the rail service of the Transit Authority have access within the rail system to services provided by any licensed wireless provider that notifies the Transit Authority (in accordance with such procedures as the Transit Authority may adopt) of its intent to offer service to the public, in accordance with the following timetable:
- (B) Not later than 4 years after such date, throughout the rail system.
- No amounts may be provided to the Transit Authority pursuant to the authorization under this section unless the Transit Authority ensures that each licensed wireless provider who provides service to the public within the rail system pursuant to paragraph (1) has access to the system on an ongoing basis (subject to such restrictions as the Transit Authority may impose to ensure that such access will not unduly impact rail operations or threaten the safety of customers or employees of the rail system) to carry out emergency repairs, routine maintenance, and upgrades to the service.
- Nothing in this subsection may be construed to prohibit the Transit Authority from requiring a licensed wireless provider to pay reasonable and customary charges for access granted under this subsection.
- (4) REPORTS.—
- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and each of the 3 years thereafter, the Transit Authority shall submit to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the implementation of this subsection.
- (4) REPORTS.—
- In this subsection, the term ‘‘licensed wireless provider’’ means any provider of wireless services who is operating pursuant to a Federal license to offer such services to the public for profit.
- (f) Amount.—
- There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Transportation for grants under this section an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,500,000,000 to be available in increments over 10 fiscal years beginning in fiscal year 2009, or until expended.
- (g) Availability.—
- Amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization under this section shall remain available until expended.