Punch/Volume 1/Notes
NOTES. | |||||||||
Hume's Terminology.—Defeat at Leeds.
Lessons in Punmanship.—Thomas Hood, the distinguished Poet and Wit, died May 3, 1845. Court Circular.—Master Jones, better known as the "Boy Jones," was a sweep who obtained admission on more than one occasion to Buckingham Palace in a very mysterious manner. He gave great trouble to the authorities, and was at length sent into the Royal Navy. Mrs. Lilly was the nurse of the Princess Royal. Mr. Moreton Dyer, a stipendiary Magistrate, removed from the Commons on a charge of bribing electors. A Public Conveyance.—The Marquis of Waterford was then a man about town, and frequently before the public in connection with some extravagance. "The Black-Balled Of The United Service" refers to proceedings connected with the Earl of Cardigan. Exception had been taken to the introduction of black bottles at the mess-table at Brighton, and a duel was subsequently fought by Lord Cardigan and Mr. Harvey Tuckett. An Ode.—Kilpack's Divan, now the American Bowling Alley, in King Street, Covent Garden, continues to be the resort of minor celebrities. As the club was a private one, we do not feel justified in more plainly indicating the members referred to as the "jocal nine." Mrs. H.—Mrs. Honey, a very charming actress. Court Circular.—Deaf Burke was a pugilist who occasionally exhibited himself as "the Grecian Statues," and upon one occasion attempted a reading from Shakspeare. As he was very ignorant, and could neither read nor write, the effect was extremely ridiculous, and helped to give the man a notoriety. The Harp, a tavern near Drury Lane, was a favourite resort of the Elder Kean, and in 1841 had a club-room divided into four wards: Gin Ward, Poverty Ward, Insanity Ward, and Suicide Ward, the walls of which were appropriately illustrated, and by no mean hand. The others named (with the exception of Paddy Green) were pugilists. An an-tea Anacreontic.—Rundel was the head of a large Jeweller's firm on Ludgate Hill. Monsieur Jullien was the first successful promoter of cheap concerts in England. He was a clever conductor, and affected the mountebank. He was a very honourable man, and hastened his death by over-exertion to meet his liabilities. He died 1860. Punch and Peel.—Sir Robert Peel stipulated, on taking office, for an entire change of the Ladies of the Bedchamber. William Farren, the celebrated actor of Old Men. |
Colonel Sibthorp was M.P. for Lincoln, and more distinguished by his benevolence to his constituency than his merits as a senator. He was very amusing. Fashionable Movements.—Count D'Orsay, an elegant, accomplished, and kind-hearted Frenchman, was a leader of Fashion, long resident in England. He was the friend and adviser of Louis Napoleon during his exile in this country. Count D'Orsay died in Paris. Jobbing Patriots.—Mr. George Robins was an auctioneer in Covent Garden, and celebrated for the extravagant imagery of his advertisements. His successors have offices in Bond Street. Shocking Want of Sympathy.—Sir P. Laurie, a very active City magnate, continually engaged in "putting down" suicide, poverty, &c. Sir F. Burdett, long the Radical member for Westminster. His political perversion took every one by surprise. New Stuffing for the Speaker's Chair.—Mr. Peter Borthwick had been an actor in the Provinces. Inquest.—The Eagle Tavern, City Road, was built by MR. ROUSE—"Bravo, ROUSE!" as he was called. Lady Morgan, the Authoress of The Wild Irish Girl, and many other popular works, died 1860. The Tory Table d'Hote.—"Billy" Holmes was whipper-in to the Conservatives in the House of Commons. The Legal Eccalobeion.—Baron Campell had been appointed Chancellor of Ireland a few days before the Dissolution (1841). He is now Lord Chancellor of England (1861). The Eccalobeion was an apparatus for hatching birds by steam, but was too costly to be successful commercially. The State Doctor.—Sir R. Peel, in his speech at Tamworth, had called himself "the State Doctor," who would not attempt to prescribe until regularly called in. Curious Coincidence.—Certain gentlemen, feeling themselves aggrieved and unfairly treated by the managers of the London Theatres, had for some time been abusing the more fortunate dramatists, whose pieces had found acceptance with the public, until at last they resolved upon the course here set forth, and commented upon. Animal Magnetism.—Lords Melbourne, Russel, and Morpeth, and Mr. Labouchere at the window, Sir R. Peel and the Duke of Wellington mesmerising the Lion. Mr. Muntz, M.P. for Birmingham, wore a very large beard, and in 1841 such hirsute adornments were very uncommon. General Satisfaction.—The Morning Herald had acquired the sobriquet of "My Grandmother." Done Again.—Mr. Dunn, a barrister, subjected Miss Burdett Coutts to a series of annoyances which ultimately led to legal proceedings, and to Mr. Dunn's imprisonment. Bernard Cavanagh was an impostor who pretended he could live for many weeks without food. He attracted much attention at the time, and was ultimately detected concealing | ||||||||
a cold sausage, when he confessed his imposture, and was imprisoned by the Mayor of Reading. Taking The Hodds.—"Holy Land," the cant name for a part of St. Giles's, now destroyed. Banks owned a public-house frequented by thieves of both sexes, and whom he managed to keep under perfect control. A visit to "Stunning Joe Banks" was thought a fast thing in 1841. Feargus O'Connor, M.P. for Nottingham, was the leader of the Chartists and projector of the Land Scheme for securing votes to the masses. The project failed. Mr. O'Connor was a political enthusiast, ultimately became insane, and died in an Asylum. Die Hexen am Rhein.—Mr. Frederick Yates was an admirable actor, and the proprietor and manager of the favourite "little Adelphi" Theatre, in the Strand. Prospectus.—We believe this article suggested the existing Accident Assurance Company. Mr. Silk Buckingham was a voluminous writer and founder of the British and Foreign Institute, in George Street, Hanover Square. Parliamentary Masons.—The masons employed in building the New Houses of Parliament struck for higher wages. The Improvident.—Lord Melbourne and Mr. Labouchere, Mr. D. O'Connel, Lords Russell and Morpeth. Promenade Concerts.—M. Musard was the originator in Paris of this class of amusement. Their popularity induced an imitation in England by M. Jullien. To Benevolent and Humane Jokers.—Tom Cooke was the leader and composer at the Theatres Royal, and a remarkable performer on a penny trumpet. He occasionally made use of this toy in his pantomime introductions. He was also a very "funny" fellow. Coming Events Cast their Shadows before.—Sir James Clarke, Accoucheur to the Queen. Savory Con. by Cox.—Cox and Savory, advertising silversmiths and watchmakers. New Parliamentary Masons.—In the foreground Col. Sibthorp, Sir R. Peel, and Mr. O'Connell. At the back Sir James Graham, Duke of Wellington, and Lord Stanley. "Rob Me the Exchequer, Hal."—A person of the name of Smith forged a great amount of Exchequer Bills at this time. |
The Fire at the Tower on October 31, 1841. Immense damage was done to the building, and a great quantity of arms were destroyed. (See Annual Register.) Sir Robert Macaire.—Robert Macaire was a French felonious drama made famous by the admirable acting of Lemaitre, and, from some supposed allusion to Louis Philippe, Macair's friend and scapegoat always appears with a large umbrella. The O'Connell Papers.—D. O'Connell was elected Lord Mayor of Dublin, 1841. Harmer Virumque Cano.—Alderman Harmer, Proprietor of the Weekly Dispatch, and for that and other reasons, was not elected Lord Mayor. Cutting at the Root of the Evil.—Mr. Hobler was for many years Principal Clerk to the Magistrates at the Mansion House. Olivia's (Lord Brougham's) Return to her Friends.—Lords Russell, Melbourne, Morpeth, D. O'Connell, Corden}}, and Labouchere. A Barrow Knight.—Sir Vincent Cotton was a well-known four-in-hand whip, and for some little time drove a coach to Brighton. Sir Wyndham Anstruther (Wheel of Fortune) was another four-in-hand celebrity. Seeing Nothing.—Daniel Whittle Harvey. Barber-ous Announcement.—Mr. Tanner's shop was part of one of the side arches of Temple Bar, and so reached from that obstruction to Shire Lane, which adjoins it on the City side. Fashionable Intelligence.—The Paddy Green so frequently referred to was a popular singer and an excellent tempered man. He was unfairly treated by Punch at this time, because really unknown to the writer. Mr. John Green is now the well known and much respected host and proprietor of Evans's Hotel, Covent Garden. Kings and Carpenters.—Don Leon, shot for insurrection in favour of the Ex-Regent Christina. Cupid out of Place.—Lord Palmerston, from his very engaging manner, was long known as "Cupid." Jack Cutting his Name on the Beam.—Lord John Russell, after George Cruikshank's etching of Jack Sheppard. Sibthorp's Con. Corner.—Bryant was publisher of Punch, 1841. | ||||||||