QST/February 1916/Radio Communications by the Amateurs
New Rochelle, N. Y.
Mr. Hiram Percy Maxim.
Dear Mr. Maxim:
After our telephone conversation last evening I received the message from Davenport,. Iowa, just as you relayed it. I got your signals very strong and clear and as you proceeded they even increased in intensity.
As the test you sent out by wireless differed slightly from that I got over the phone I used the wired text and retransmitted it at 12.22 A. M.
There was a lull in local QRM here just after midnight and I was very pleasantly surprised at the intensity of your work. I got an acknowledgement at 1.15 from WHB, the N. Y. Herald, of receipt of the message and I asked him QSA? He came back with a QSA very, and the Brooklyn Navy Yard also told me my spark was very heavy, so I trust it carried well at a distance.
The Herald had a pleasant little notice in today’s issue about the test and I have also delivered mag. to The Mayor here.
Most of the local amateurs kept out nicely, but there were three stations, 2SO, 2GJ, 2NG, that kept jamming me from eleven ten., also later 2PV, (about 11.55 to 12.05) held his key down continuously. Altogether these stations broke things so that I was unable to get only very small snatches of the relay mag. until you came in strong at 12.16.
I have recently worked many 8 stations, every time I attempted it, such as:―8YC, 8GT, 8ZO, 8ER, 8AEZ, 8XA and 3HH and 1ZL in about an hour, 10.30 to 11.30 one evening.
I get 1ZL very well indeed, but at present his spark is a little uncertain, strong one minute and fades the next, but I get him strong part of the time every evening.
With sincere wishes for a prosperous year for “QST,” the Relay League and Seasonable greeting to yourself,
Cordially yours,
(Signed) GEO. C. CANNON,
Dear Mr. Maxim:
Just a line to let you know I got through to Washington, D. C. direct. My relay received by 3DS and he deliver about 1.00 A. M. January lst, as specified. My spark must have been working well that night for he got me on Galena; “Clear, musical, strong, rotary.”
I think you will be glad to know the above. Article about it published in the Washington Herald, morning of January lst. I have written to Mr. Kirwan.
Yours hastily,
(Sgd.) GEO. G. CANNON.
Editor’s note: This means that the message relayed from Hartford, Conn., at 12.15 A. M. went through to Washington, D. C., by a single relay at New Rochelle, N. Y., and was delivered in Washington at 1.00 A. M., a good example of what can be done.
January 1, 1916.
American Radio Relay League,
Hartford, Conn.
I wish to acknowledge receipt of the December and January issues of your valued publication and desire to thank you for the same.
In these days when scientific plagiarism seems to be so much in vogue and, our leading publications are filled with contentions and disputes regarding the priority of development of radio apparatus, it is somewhat of a relief to be able to turn to your modest publication and read some accounts of real sympathetic work. The fact that some people who are now enjoying notoriety in radio engineering circles, have not yet realized the extreme detrimental effect on the art and development of radio science, of jealousy and opposition, seems to indicate that in spite of their superior technical ability, they have not yet acquired the common-sense philosophy of the ordinary amateur. The key-note of this philosophy as evinced by the articles and contributions to “QST” seems to be “HANG TOGETHER.” It is an old adage which said that opposition never got anywhere.
In reference to the matter of binding the amateurs into an integral body in the form of a national organization, it seems to me that the AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE has the right ideals and is in a fair way to attain them. The attitude of the men at the head of this project is very evident and may be somewhat paradoxially described as disinterestedly sincere. Disinterested, in the sense that they are seeking no financial gain and sincere regarding their purpose.
As in all other pursuits, there are fakirs in the wireless business, and every now and then, we may expect to hear of a new amateur organization being started. Quite a number have been advertised in my limited experience, but their career was short because they lacked these two fundamentals principles. We can readily understand why a wireless corporation or a business house should endeavor to engage the attention of the amateur field and frequently attain results from an unsuspecting few, but in general their career may
be likened to that of a clamped oscillation a big splash and it’s all over.
My impressions of the LEAGUE warrant me in believing from its steady growth that neither Mr. Maxim or any other of the Officers are selling anything or have anything in mind except the building up of an efficient relay association, and in spite of a conservatism produced by noting the careers of other projects, I think they deserve the hearty support of every sincere amateur in the country. If the amateurs
could only get into the spirit of the thing and place their barriers of reserve against a few other of these widely advertised “gold bricks,” we might all be better off radiographically as well as financially.
In conclusion, I might add that in my eight years of experience, this is the first hopeful sight on the horizon, and I hope and have every reason to believe that it will not be a disappointment. We must also bear in mind the possibility of Congress doing some unannounced legislating
in radio matters, and as our first great electrician, Benjamin Franklin, said, “We had better hang together or we shall all hang separately.” This applies to telegraphy as well as conspiracy.
Wishing the AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE and its “QST” greatest success, I am
Very truly yours,
4810 Germantown Avenue,
Philadelphia, Pa.
This letter of Mr. Ballentine expresses beyond comment the feeling of the Officers of THE AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE. The policy of the LEAGUE has never been brought forth more clearly.
Mr. G. E. Chamberlain of Sawtelle, Cal. has sent us in a little data about “A Radio Ghost.” He copied WMI very well all the way down the Pacific Coast and up to 2,080 miles south. She was disabled and after having returned to within seven hundred miles, came in very loud one evening. In fact, almost as loud as most of the boats’ clearance to KPJ.
“At 9.20 P. M. ‘WMI’ was coming as loud as ‘KPH.’ At 9.22 P. M. ‘WMI’ had faded entirely. I could not hear her and neither could ‘KPJ.’ This may sound like a common occurrence, the way I put it, but I have heard ‘ghosts’ but never one like this.”
Can anyone explain this?
Hollywood, Cal.
Dec. 30, 1915.
American Radio Relay League, Inc.,
Hartford, Conn.
I wish to enter my name for consideration to the officers of the LEAGUE pending the erection of an A1 station some
where in southern California in the fall of 1916.
Long before the dissolution of the United Wireless Company I operated the station “WA” and “NY” under supervision of the operators in charge; two summers train wire work on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and about eight years of operating amateur stations. My stations have always been in Yonkers, N. Y. Last winter my call was 2ABG. The apparatus contained in this station was a 1KW Hytone, quenched rotary type and with it I was able on one occasion “to raise” Kane, Pa., and Wheeling, W. VA. However, my aerial was inadequate and better work should have been done.
I, enclose $25 which I hope will be ac
cepted by the Officers in the spirit in which it is given―in hearty support of an organization which I wish had been founded years ago.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) C. R. RUNYON, JR.
This contribution of Mr. Runyon is one of the things which occasionally arise and show the Officers of the LEAGUE there is some one who sufficiently appreciates their honest efforts. The Officers cannot thank the donor in words. It is a gift which can only be accepted and thanked in spirit. When the President and Secretary realize that someone thinks so highly of the organization, it makes them feel that their efforts have not been in vain.
Mr. William A. Nash of Biddleford, Me., writes to us that the article “Pictured Electro-magnetic Waves" in the December issue of “QST” is not exactly clear to him. He asks these questions:
1. What is meant by having the lead at the higher end of the aerial.
2. As shown in the sketch, which is the more efficient arrangement, Fig. 1 or Fig. 2?
3. Just when are the signals received strongest between two stations? When the aerials are pointed toward each other or away from each other?
4. In sketch No. 1 aerial B transmitting, are the stronger signals toward the east or west?
Ans. 1. If in the aerial proper, one end is higher than the other and the lead-in is connected to either end, we speak of the lead as being connected to either the high or low end, as the case may be.
Ans. 2. With A and B communicating the arrangement shown in Fig. 2 would be the more efficient.
Ans. 3. The signals will be stronger in case two. This is purely a theoretical case; in practice trees, houses, telephone lines, and all objects would affect the waves. Even in theory the difference might not be very marked, perhaps three or four percent, depending upon the conditions.
Ans. 4. In Fig. 1 B transmitting the signals are stronger toward the East. E-East. W-West.
Dec. 6, 1915.
Mr. Hiram Percy Maxim, Chairman,
American Radio Relay League,
Hartford, Conn.
Dear Sir:
I have just received the December issue of “QST” de The American Radio Relay League and wish to thank you for same ―being very much interested in wireless as an amateur am naturally interested in what this publication contains.
Up to October first I had a small station and had been working on the various parts necessary to the construction of a one Kw. stations, however, on that date I moved my residence and am now living next door to the telephone exchange in this city. My move put me out of business from a wireless standpoint. The Telephone Company has continuously running a small rotary converter, ¼ H.P., 16 cycle, 80 volt, for the purpose of converting the city’s 110 volt lighting current into their direct ringing current.
In my previous location (about a block from the exchange) I could hear this machine but not loud enough to annoy me seriously; however, since moving next door am unable to drown out or tune out the loud singing noise made in my receivers by this machine, and for this reason have had to abandon my wireless altogether.
Can you suggest a remedy by which I might get rid of this singing noise without
getting rid of everything else, and get back into the amateur wireless field?
Any suggestions will be very much appreciated by,
Yours very truly,
(Sgd.) S. G. BRANNON,
Here’s Something Which Interests Everyone
Stop the False Signaling
Dec. 17, 1915.
Mr. C. D. Tuska,
Hartford, Conn.
Dear Sir:
Enclosed please find 25 cents for “QST” as per December issue.
In answer to K. Kathkan’s query permit me to say that it has been suggested that Mr. K. being a Japanese has no business to ask such a question that upsets the laws of our society.
Have enclosed application blank for A. R. R. L.
May I suggest that it be obligatory on the part of special license stations to have
some definite hours i.e. same as the commercial or public service. Have this time specified as one hour or any other number but adhere to it.
Under suggestions I refer to false signs. On Nov. 26th I copied 8WO and 8JD perfectly for long time. However, both deny knowing of the other’s existence or working with each other. Something fishy here. I had excellent receiving and thought the work genuine at first. I did do good work that night and have verified some. But the false signing is the bane of our crowd. Many refuse to try to do what I know they can do because they don’t want to be fooled.
Yours very truly,
Central High School.
Editor’s Note: The amateurs should realize how serious a matter it is to send false signals. Several amateurs on the Pacific coast have been punished by the Federal authorities for violations of the law.
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