Queen Moo's Talisman; the Fall of the Maya Empire/Sequel, III
gain the Talisman, now set in gold,
Was worn by woman as in days of old.
She asked herself, "Doth mystery lurk herein?
Can we from this some hidden knowledge win?
Perhaps for us there is a task to do,
Of bygone times some link to find anew.
Cold stone! if dowered thou by magic deep,
What then _if silence thou must ever keep?
Jadeite grey-green, by ancients called divine,
Till Earth grow cold this talisman may shine;
As it hath seen long eons in the past,
So may it yet man's memory outlast."
'Twas thus the dreamer meditating thought,
Till by her strong desire some rays were caught.
A mystic clue this stone of magic, yea,
To scenes of long ago—but find the way.
Like other million forms, stone hath a soul,
A spark divine of God the Perfect Whole.
Then heard the woman toying with the stone:
"With power was this endowed for thee alone."
What voice thus spake from mind to mind? No sound
The silence broke, wherein her thought was bound.
"'Tis I, among Earth's men thy friend of old;
In times long past this page I thee foretold;
For thou hast been in this, his present life,
His sister one brief year; thou art his wife.
Attachments deep and strong are ties that bind;
We ever take the skein again to wind
Ourselves about with bonds that draw us back,
And which none other than ourselves can slack.
He came to give the ancient Maya race
Its right—on history's page a noble place.
He would to light restore what's hid away,
And throw upon the past a clearer ray."
"When we outgrow desire for mundane things—
Which are but means—our spirit finds its wings.
When universal love and light are all
We crave, no power of earth can us inthrall.
Peace comes alone through matter, which is strife;
Right effort lifts the soul to purer life.
To do his best is all man knows of right—
Observing this, he finds the spirit's might.
To dread the Great Unknown is bondage vile
For man; this fear 's a sin that doth defile
The thought and deed of multitudes. In space
No depth is found where evil can efface
Love's holy, constant, all-pervading ray;
Go where soul will, it need feel no dismay.
Peace dwells in Heart of Heaven, eternal Ku;
But in the rugged paths that lead thereto
With turmoil finite being makes its way—
Tho' none know why or whither, all obey.
The clasping hand let fall the talisman
Placed centuries agone, by child of Can,
To serve as link with mortal heart in urn.
"Save me from self! I would no more return."
The woman breathed. Then at her side appeared
A radiant form:—"As nothing should be feared
In all the vast infinity of Good,
The good is here; and if all mortals would
Aspire to truth and from ill thought refrain,
Each could his share of happiness attain.
No more for safety from thyself appeal,
Thine higher self doth now itself reveal;
Its voice obey, for thus thou wilt be free
To seek and find the joys awaiting thee."
The road thro' many lives each one must tread,
And by experience be onward led.
Man's creed saves not, but effort for the right;
Each his own savior is, thro' valiant fight:
Endeavor, not success, makes his account.
Condole we may, but not reproach; all mount
The heights; tho' some may tarry long behind;
The law of being, each to all doth bind."
"Our blundering steps oft bring upon us woe;
To fail to strive entails a keener throe.
The hounded, luckless inmate of the jail
May greater effort make, without avail,
Than judge who sits upon the bench to give
Decree—if prisoner may or may not live.
For one, the right may be an easy way;
In vain the other struggles to obey
Himself, the spark divine that seeks to guide
Thro' matter's maze, and with him e'er will 'bide
Go where he may, in crime, in paths of pain;
Till step by step, the summit he shall gain."
"The woes we feel; the failures we deplore;
Are only means to reach a fairer shore.
When body falls to dust and soul escapes,
The thoughts that grieved fade too, like phantom shapes.
No judge is there to measure out our doom,
Or thrust us into everlasting gloom.
Ourselves we may condemn if we have failed
To do our best. But man has oft bewailed
As sin some harmless deed, and cast no blame
On other acts that should bear stamp of shame."
"This truth thou may'st enshrine within thy heart:
Of Life and Love Eternal we are part;
The Will Supreme is One, and lives in all;
This God, our holy self, can never fall.
Will is the law; then will the right, for aye!
Right will is all that mortal need obey."
Art bound to flesh?—thy spirit thus decreed;
This thou shalt realize again when freed.
Would'st thou repose? Resume the active way?
Thus shall it be: none may thy will gainsay.
Our will divine ordains we do our best;
If we do this, the future must attest
That where we passed we made love's tendrils twine
And hope's soft beam from many an eye to shine.
Love may for some mean but a fond caress;
But tenderly to serve is to express
Devotion, love's best gift, whence doth ascend
A fragrant incense which to earth can lend
A sweeter air, a rosier light, and make
Grand harmonies on mortal ear to break.
Eternal Love upholds thee, knows thy need;
Thou art in bounteous life, accept its meed;
Respond with all the love thou hast. Receive
Celestial Light and, if thy heart must grieve,
Be strong of soul; nor turn away thine ear
From that soul's song, inspired by vision clear:
For All is well! Give to despair no heed;
Reject it; 'tis a dank, pernicious weed.
The darkest hour, the murkiest place of woe,
The direst crime, most agonizing throe,
Shall yet give way before the Light Divine
Which dwells in all that is, and forth will shine.
List to the melodies the soul doth sing,
Vibrating chords that unto heart shall bring
A joyous symphony whose voices give
Rich harmonies that evermore will live.
Rejoice in life; rejoice yet more when Death,
Whose holy kiss absorbs our fleeting breath,
Draws nigh, a friend who lets us out to play
In broader fields of universal day.
Rejoice for all that lives, and all that dies;
The piteous cry, the sunny smile, both rise;
For these are prayers that will The Good attain,
Where all shall blend in one triumphant strain.