Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/52

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  In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
052:001 By the mount. Waalttoori
052:002 And a recorded Scripture. Wakitabin mastoorin
052:003 In parchment unrolled. Fee raqqin manshoorin
052:004 And the erected sanctuary. Waalbayti almaAAmoori
052:005 And the ceiling which is raised. Waalssaqfi almarfooAAi
052:006 And the sea that is set aflame. Waalbahri almasjoori
052:007 Your Lord's retribution is unavoidable. Inna AAathaba rabbika lawaqiAAun
052:008 Nothing can stop it. Ma lahu min dafiAAin
052:009 The Day when the sky will violently thunder. Yawma tamooru alssamao mawran
052:010 And the mountains will be wiped out. Wataseeru aljibalu sayran
052:011 Woe on that Day to the deniers. Fawaylun yawma-ithin lilmukaththibeena
052:012 Who are in their recklessness, playing. Allatheena hum fee khawdin yalAAaboona
052:013 The Day they will be called into Hell, forcibly. Yawma yudaAAAAoona ila nari jahannama daAAAAan
052:014 "This is the Fire which you used to deny!" Hathihi alnnaru allatee kuntum biha tukaththiboona
052:015 "Is this magic, or do you not see?" Afasihrun hatha am antum la tubsiroona
052:016 "Enter it, whether you are patient or impatient, it will be the same for you. You are only being requited for what you used to do." Islawha faisbiroo aw la tasbiroo sawaon AAalaykum innama tujzawna ma kuntum taAAmaloona
052:017 The righteous are in paradises and bliss. Inna almuttaqeena fee jannatin wanaAAeemin
052:018 Delighted by what their Lord has granted them; and their Lord has spared them the retribution of Hell. Fakiheena bima atahum rabbuhum wawaqahum rabbuhum AAathaba aljaheemi
052:019 Eat and drink happily because of what you used to do. Kuloo waishraboo hanee-an bima kuntum taAAmaloona
052:020 They recline on arranged furnishings, and We coupled them with wonderful companions. Muttaki-eena AAala sururin masfoofatin wazawwajnahum bihoorin AAeenin
052:021 And those who believed, and their progeny also followed them in belief; We will have their progeny join them. We never fail to reward them for any work. Every person is paid for what he did. Waallatheena amanoo waittabaAAat-hum thurriyyatuhum bi-eemanin alhaqna bihim thurriyyatahum wama alatnahum min AAamalihim min shay-in kullu imri-in bima kasaba raheenun
052:022 We will supply them with fruit and meat such as they desire. Waamdadnahum bifakihatin walahmin mimma yashtahoona
052:023 They will enjoy drinks in which there is no harm, nor regret. YatanazaAAoona feeha ka/san la laghwun feeha wala ta/theemun
052:024 And around them will be children like protected pearls. Wayatoofu AAalayhim ghilmanun lahum kaannahum lu/luon maknoonun
052:025 And they came to one another asking. Waaqbala baAAduhum AAala baAAdin yatasaaloona
052:026 They said: "We used to be compassionate among our people." Qaloo inna kunna qablu fee ahlina mushfiqeena
052:027 "God thus blessed us, and has spared us the agony of the fiery winds." Famanna Allahu AAalayna wawaqana AAathaba alssamoomi
052:028 "We used to implore Him before; He is the Most Kind, the Most Merciful." Inna kunna min qablu nadAAoohu innahu huwa albarru alrraheemu


052:029 Therefore, you shall remind. For by the grace of your Lord, you are neither a soothsayer, nor mad. Fathakkir fama anta biniAAmati rabbika bikahin wala majnoonin
052:030 Or do they Say: "He is a poet; so let us just wait until a disaster befalls him." Am yaqooloona shaAAirun natarabbasu bihi rayba almanooni
052:031 Say: "Continue waiting; for I will wait along with you." Qul tarabbasoo fa-innee maAAakum mina almutarabbiseena
052:032 Or do their dreams dictate this to them, or are they a transgressing people? Am ta/muruhum ahlamuhum bihatha am hum qawmun taghoona
052:033 Or do they Say: "He made it all up"? No, they simply do not believe. Am yaqooloona taqawwalahu bal la yu/minoona
052:034 Let them produce a narration like this, if they are truthful. Falya/too bihadeethin mithlihi in kanoo sadiqeena
052:035 Or were they created from nothing? Or was it them who created? Am khuliqoo min ghayri shay-in am humu alkhaliqoona
052:036 Or did they create the heavens and the Earth? No, they do not comprehend. Am khalaqoo alssamawati waal-arda bal la yooqinoona
052:037 Or do they possess the treasures of your Lord? Are they in control? Am AAindahum khaza-inu rabbika am humu almusaytiroona
052:038 Or do they have a stairway that enables them to listen? Then let their listeners show their proof. Am lahum sullamun yastamiAAoona feehi falya/ti mustamiAAuhum bisultanin mubeenin
052:039 Or to Him belong the daughters, and to you belong the sons? Am lahu albanatu walakumu albanoona
052:040 Or do you ask them for a wage, thus they are burdened by the fine? Am tas-aluhum ajran fahum min maghramin muthqaloona
052:041 Or do they know the future, thus they have it recorded? Am AAindahumu alghaybu fahum yaktuboona
052:042 Or do they intend to scheme? Indeed, it is the rejecters who are schemed against. Am yureedoona kaydan faallatheena kafaroo humu almakeedoona
052:043 Or do they have another god besides God? God be glorified above what they set up. Am lahum ilahun ghayru Allahi subhana Allahi AAamma yushrikoona
052:044 And if they see a spectacle from the sky, they will Say: "Piled clouds!" Wa-in yaraw kisfan mina alssama-i saqitan yaqooloo sahabun markoomun
052:045 So disregard them until they meet the Day in which they are struck. Fatharhum hatta yulaqoo yawmahumu allathee feehi yusAAaqoona
052:046 The Day when their schemes will not protect them, nor will they be helped. Yawma la yughnee AAanhum kayduhum shay-an wala hum yunsaroona
052:047 And for those who transgressed will be a retribution beyond this, but most of them do not know. Wa-inna lillatheena thalamoo AAathaban doona thalika walakinna aktharahum la yaAAlamoona
052:048 You shall be patient for the judgement of your Lord, for you are in Our sights, and glorify the praise of your Lord when you get up. Waisbir lihukmi rabbika fa-innaka bi-aAAyunina wasabbih bihamdi rabbika heena taqoomu
052:049 Also during the night glorify Him, and at the setting of the stars. Wamina allayli fasabbihhu wa-idbara alnnujoomi