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Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/93

From Wikisource


  In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
093:001 By the late morning. Waaldduha
093:002 And the night when it falls. Waallayli itha saja
093:003 Your Lord has not left you, nor did He forget. Ma waddaAAaka rabbuka wama qala
093:004 And the Hereafter is better for you than the first. Walal-akhiratu khayrun laka mina al-oola
093:005 And your Lord will give you and you will be pleased. Walasawfa yuAAteeka rabbuka fatarda
093:006 Did he not find you an orphan and He sheltered you? Alam yajidka yateeman faawa
093:007 And He found you lost, and He guided you? Wawajadaka dallan fahada
093:008 And He found you in need, so He gave you riches? Wawajadaka AAa-ilan faaghna
093:009 As for the orphan, you shall not make him sad. Faamma alyateema fala taqhar
093:010 And as for the beggar, you shall not reprimand. Waamma alssa-ila fala tanhar
093:011 And you shall proclaim the blessings from your Lord. Waamma biniAAmati rabbika fahaddith