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Radio-activity/Chapter 5

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115. Besides their power of acting on a photographic plate, and of ionizing gases, the radiations from active bodies are able to produce marked chemical and physical actions in various substances. Most of these effects are due either to the [Greek: alpha] or β rays. The γ rays produce little effect in comparison. Since the β rays are similar in all respects to high velocity cathode rays, it is to be expected that they will produce effects similar in character to those produced by the cathode rays in a vacuum tube. Phosphorescent action.

Becquerel[1] has studied the action of radium rays in producing phosphorescence in various bodies. The substance to be tested was placed above the radium in the form of powder on a very thin mica plate. Examination was made of the sulphides of calcium and strontium, ruby, diamond, varieties of spar, phosphorus and hexagonal blende. Substances like the ruby and spar, which phosphoresce under luminous rays, did not phosphoresce under the radium rays. On the other hand, those which were made luminous by ultra-violet light were also luminous under the action of radium rays. The radium rays show distinct differences from X rays. For example, a diamond which was very luminous with radium rays was unaffected by X rays. The double sulphate of uranium and potassium is more luminous than hexagonal blende under X rays, but the reverse is true for radium rays; under the influence of these rays, sulphide of calcium gave a blue luminosity but was hardly affected by X rays. The following table shows the relative phosphorescence excited in various bodies.

| | | Across screen |
| Substance | Without screen. | of black |
| | Intensity | paper |
| Hexagonal blende | 13·36 | ·04 |
| Platino-cyanide of barium | 1·99 | ·05 |
| Diamond | 1·14 | ·01 |
| Double sulphate of Uranium and Potassium | 1·00 | ·31 |
| Calcium Fluoride | ·30 | ·02 |

In the last column the intensity without the screen is in each case taken as unity. The great diminution of intensity after the rays have passed through black paper shows that most of the phosphorescence developed without the screen is, in the majority of cases, due to the α rays.

Bary[2] has made a very complete examination of the class of substances which become luminous under radium rays. He found that the great majority of substances belong to the alkali metals and alkaline earths. All these substances were also phosphorescent under the action of X rays.

Crystalline zinc sulphide (Sidot's blende) phosphoresces very brightly under the influence of the rays from radium and other very active substances. This was observed by Curie and Debierne in their study of the radium emanation and the excited activity produced by it. It has also been largely used by Giesel as an optical means of detecting the presence of emanations from very active substances. It is an especially sensitive means of detecting the presence of α rays, when it exhibits the "scintillating" property already discussed in section 96. In order to show the luminosity due to the α rays, the screen should be held close to the active substance, as the rays are absorbed in their passage through a few centimetres of air. Zinc sulphide is also luminous under the action of the β rays, but the phosphorescence is far more persistent than when produced by the α rays.

Very beautiful luminous effects are produced by large crystals of the platino-cyanides exposed to the radium rays. Those containing lithium give a brilliant pink colour. The calcium and barium salts fluoresce with a deep green light, and the sodium compound with a lemon yellow. The mineral willemite (zinc silicate) was recently found by Kunz to be an even more sensitive means of detecting the presence of the radiations than platinocyanide of barium. It fluoresces showing a beautiful greenish colour, and a piece of mineral exposed to the action of the rays appears quite translucent. The crystals of the platinocyanides of barium and lithium are especially suited for showing the action of the γ rays, and, in this respect, are superior to willemite.

A very striking effect is shown by the mineral kunzite—a new variety of spodumene discovered by Kunz[3]. This is a transparent gem like crystal, often of very large size, which glows with a beautiful reddish colour under the action of the β or γ rays, but does not appear to be sensitive to the [Greek: alpha] rays. The luminosity extends throughout the crystal, but is not so marked as in the platinocyanides or willemite. The mineral sparteite[4], a form of calcite containing a few per cent. of manganese, has been found by Ambrecht to fluoresce with a very deep orange light under the β and γ rays. The colour appears to depend on the intensity of the rays, and is deeper close to the radium than at some distance away.

If kunzite and sparteite are exposed to the action of the cathode rays in a vacuum tube, the colour is different from that produced by the radium rays. The former appears a deep yellow, instead of the deep red observed with the radium rays.

The different actions of the radium rays on these fluorescent substances can be illustrated very simply and beautifully by the following experiment. A small U tube is filled with fragments of the fluorescent substance arranged in layers. The U tube is immersed in liquid air and the emanation from about 30 mgrs. of radium bromide is condensed in the tube. On closing the tube and removing it from the liquid air, the emanation distributes itself uniformly in the tube. The shades of colour produced in the different substances are clearly seen.

It is observed that all the crystals increase in luminosity for several hours, on account of the excited activity produced by the emanation. This effect is especially observed in kunzite, which at first hardly responds to the rays, since the β and γ rays, which causes it to fluoresce, are not given out by the emanation itself but by one of its later products. The intensity of the β and γ rays is, in consequence, small at first but rises to a maximum after several hours; the luminosity observed varies in a corresponding manner.

Sir William Crookes[5] has made an examination of the effect of continued exposure of a diamond to the radium rays. An "off-colour" diamond, of a pale yellow colour, was placed inside a tube with radium bromide. After 78 days' exposure, the diamond had darkened and become bluish green in tint; when heated at 50° in a mixture of potassium chlorate for ten days, the diamond lost its dull surface colour and was bright and transparent, and its tint had changed to a pale bluish green. The rays have thus a double action on the diamond; the less penetrating β rays produce a superficial darkening due to the change of the surface into graphite, while the more penetrating β rays and the γ rays produce a change of colour throughout its mass. The diamond phosphoresced brightly during the whole course of its exposure to the rays. Crookes also observed that the diamond still retained enough activity to affect a photographic plate 35 days after removal, although, during the period of 10 days, it was heated in a mixture sufficiently powerful to remove the outer skin of graphite. This residual activity may possibly be due to a slow transformation product of the emanation which is deposited on the surface of bodies (see chapter XI).

Marckwald observed that the [Greek: alpha] rays from radio-tellurium produced marked phosphorescence on some kinds of diamonds. An account of the various luminous effects produced on different gems by exposure to the radium and actinium rays has been given by Kunz and Baskerville[6].

Both zinc sulphide and platino-cyanide of barium diminish in luminosity after exposure for some time to the action of the rays. To regenerate a screen of the latter, exposure to solar light is necessary. A similar phenomenon has been observed by Villard for a screen exposed to Röntgen rays. Giesel made a screen of platino-cyanide of radio-active barium. The screen, very luminous at first, gradually turned brown in colour, and at the same time the crystals became dichroic. In this condition the luminosity was much less, although the active substance had increased in activity after preparation. Many of the substances which are luminous under the rays from active substances lose this property to a large extent at low temperatures[7].

116. Luminosity of radium compounds. All radium compounds are spontaneously luminous. This luminosity is especially brilliant in the dry haloid salts, and persists for long intervals of time. In damp air the salts lose a large amount of their luminosity, but they recover it on drying. With very active radium chloride, the Curies have observed that the light changes in colour and intensity with time. The original luminosity is recovered if the salt is dissolved and dried. Many inactive preparations of radiferous barium are strongly luminous. The writer has seen a preparation of impure radium bromide which gave out a light sufficient to read by in a dark room. The luminosity of radium persists over a wide range of temperature and is as bright at the temperature of liquid air as at ordinary temperatures. A slight luminosity is observed in a solution of radium, and if crystals are being formed in the solution, they can be clearly distinguished in the liquid by their greater luminosity.

117. Spectrum of the phosphorescent light of radium and actinium. Compounds of radium, with a large admixture of barium, are usually strongly self-luminous. This luminosity decreases with increasing purity, and pure radium bromide is only very feebly self-luminous. A spectroscopic examination of the slight phosphorescent light of pure radium bromide has been made by Sir William and Lady Huggins[8]. On viewing the light with a direct vision spectroscope, there were faint indications of a variation of luminosity at different points along the spectrum. In order to get a photograph of the spectrum within a reasonable time, they made use of a quartz spectroscope of special design which had been previously employed in a spectroscopic examination of faint celestial objects. After three days' exposure with a slit of 1/450 of an inch in width, a negative was obtained which showed a number of bright lines. The magnified spectrum is shown in Fig. 46A. The lines of this spectrum were found to agree not only in position but also in relative intensity with the band spectrum of nitrogen. The band spectrum of nitrogen and also the spark spectrum[9] of radium are shown in the same figure.

Some time afterwards Sir William Crookes and Prof. Dewar showed that this spectrum of nitrogen was not obtained if the radium was contained in a highly exhausted tube. Thus it appears that the spectrum is due to the action of the radium rays either on occluded nitrogen or the nitrogen in the atmosphere surrounding the radium.

It is very remarkable that a phosphorescent light, like that of radium bromide, should show a bright line spectrum of nitrogen. It shows that radium at ordinary temperatures is able to set up radiations which are produced only by the electric discharge under special conditions.

Sir William and Lady Huggins were led to examine the spectrum of the natural phosphorescent light of radium with the hope that some indications might be obtained thereby of the processes occurring in the radium atom. Since the main radiation from radium consists of positively charged atoms projected with great velocity, radiations must be set up both in the expelled body and in the system from which it escapes.

Giesel[10] observed that the spectrum of the phosphorescent light of actinium consists of three bright lines. Measurements of the wave length were made by Hartmann[11]. The luminosity was very

slight and a long exposure was required. The lines observed were

Spectrum of Radium Bromide

W·H & M·L·H 1903

1 Spectrum of Radium Bromide.
2 Nitrogen: Band Spectrum.
3 Spark Spectrum of Radium.

Fig. 46A. in the red, blue and green. The wave length λ and velocity are shown below.

Line Intensity λ
  1 10 4885·4 ± 0·1 Ångström units
  2 6 5300 ± 6 "
  3 1 5909 ± 10 "

The line 4885 was very broad; the other two lines were so feeble that it was difficult to determine their wave length with accuracy. Hartmann suggests that these lines may be found in the spectrum of the new stars. The lines observed have no connection with radium or its emanation[12].

118. Thermo-luminescence. E. Wiedemann and Schmidt[13] have shown that certain bodies after exposure to the cathode rays or the electric spark become luminous when they are heated to a temperature much below that required to cause incandescence. This property of thermo-luminescence is most strikingly exhibited in certain cases where two salts, one of which is much in excess of the other, are precipitated together. It is to be expected that such bodies would also acquire the property when exposed to the β or cathodic rays of radium. This has been found to be the case by Wiedemann[14]. Becquerel showed that fluor-spar, exposed to the radium rays, was luminous when heated. The glass tubes in which radium is kept are rapidly blackened. On heating the tube, a strong luminosity is observed, and the coloration to a large extent disappears. The peculiarity of many of these bodies lies in the fact that the property of becoming luminous when heated is retained for a long interval of time after the body is removed from the influence of the exciting cause. It appears probable that the rays cause chemical changes in these bodies, which are permanent until heat is applied. A portion of the chemical energy is then released in the form of visible light. Physical actions.

119. Some electric effects. Radium rays have the same effect as ultra-violet light and Röntgen rays in increasing the facility with which a spark passes between electrodes. Elster and Geitel[15] showed that if two electrodes were separated by a distance such that the spark just refused to pass, on bringing near a specimen of radium the spark at once passes. This effect is best shown with short sparks from a small induction coil. The Curies have observed that radium completely enveloped by a lead screen 1 cm. thick produces a similar action. The effect in that case is due to the γ rays alone. This action of the rays can be very simply illustrated by connecting two spark-gaps with the induction coil in parallel. The spark-gap of one circuit is adjusted so that the discharge just refuses to pass across it, but passes by the other. When some radium is brought near the silent spark-gap, the spark at once passes and ceases in the other[16].

Hemptinne[17] found that the electrodeless discharge in a vacuum tube began at a higher pressure when a strong preparation of radium was brought near the tube. In one experiment the discharge without the rays began at 51 mms. but with the radium rays at 68 mms. The colour of the discharge was also altered.

Himstedt[18] found that the resistance of selenium was diminished by the action of radium rays in the same way as by ordinary light.

F. Henning[19] examined the electrical resistance of a barium chloride solution containing radium of activity 1000, but could observe no appreciable difference between it and a similar pure solution of barium chloride. This experiment shows that the action of the rays from the radium does not produce any appreciable change in the conductivity of the barium solution.

Kohlrausch and Henning[20] have recently made a detailed examination of the conductivity of pure radium bromide solutions, and have obtained results very similar to those for the corresponding barium solutions. Kohlrausch[21] found that the conductivity of water exposed to the radiations from radium increased more rapidly than water which had not been exposed· This increase of conductivity may have been due to an increase of the conductivity of the water itself, or to an increased rate of solution of the glass of the containing vessel.

Specimens of strongly active material have been employed to obtain the potential at any point of the atmosphere. The ionization due to the active substance is so intense that the body to which it is attached rapidly takes up the potential of the air surrounding the active substance. In this respect it is more convenient and rapid in its action than the ordinary taper or water dropper, but on account of the disturbance of the electric field by the strong ionization produced, it is probably not so accurate a method as that of the water dropper.

120. Effect on liquid and solid dielectrics. P. Curie[22] made the very important observation that liquid dielectrics became partial conductors under the influence of radium rays. In these experiments the radium, contained in a glass tube, was placed in an inner thin cylinder of copper. This was surrounded by a concentric copper cylinder, and the liquid to be examined filled the space between. A strong electric field was applied, and the current through the liquid measured by means of an electrometer.

The following numbers illustrate the results obtained:

| | Conductivity in |
| Substance | megohms per 1 cm.^3 |
| Carbon bisulphide | 20 × 10^{-14} |
| Petroleum ether | 15 " |
| Amyline | 14 " |
| Carbon chloride | 8 " |
| Benzene | 4 " |
| Liquid air | 1·3 " |
| Vaseline oil | 1·6 " |

Liquid air, vaseline oil, petroleum ether, amyline, are normally nearly perfect insulators. The conductivity of amyline and petroleum ether due to the rays at -17° C. was only 1/10 of its value at 0° C. There is thus a marked action of temperature on the conductivity. For very active material the current was proportional to the voltage. With material of only 1/500 of the activity, it was found that Ohm's law was not obeyed.

The following numbers were obtained:

Volts Current
  50 109
 100 185
 200 255
 400 335

For an increase of voltage of 8 times, the current only increases about 3 times. The current in the liquid thus tends to become "saturated" as does the ordinary ionization current through a gas. These results have an important bearing on the ionization theory, and show that the radiation probably produces ions in the liquid as well as in the gas. It was also found that X rays increased the conductivity to about the same extent as the radium rays.

Becquerel[23] has recently shown that solid paraffin exposed to the β and γ rays of radium acquires the property of conducting electricity to a slight extent. After removal of the radium the conductivity diminishes with time according to the same law as for an ionized gas. These results show that a solid as well as a liquid and gaseous dielectric is ionized under the influence of radium rays.

121. Effect of temperature on the radiations. Becquerel[24], by the electric method, determined the activity of uranium at the temperature of liquid air, and found that it did not differ more than 1 per cent. from the activity at ordinary temperatures. In his experiments, the α rays from the uranium were absorbed before reaching the testing vessel, and the electric current measured was due to the β rays alone. P. Curie[25] found that the luminosity of radium and its power of exciting fluorescence in bodies were retained at the temperature of liquid air. Observations by the electric method showed that the activity of radium was unaltered at the temperature of liquid air. If a radium compound is heated in an open vessel, it is found that the activity, measured by the α rays, falls to about 25 per cent. of its original value. This is however not due to a change in the radio-activity, but to the release of the radio-active emanation, which is stored in the radium. No alteration is observed if the radium is heated in a closed vessel from which none of the radio-active products are able to escape.

122. Motion of radium in an electric field. Joly[26] found that a disc, one side of which is coated with a few milligrams of radium bromide, exhibits, when an electrified body is brought near it, motions very different to those observed in the case of an inactive substance. The electrified body, whether positive or negative, repels the suspended body if brought up to it on the side coated with radium, but attracts it if presented to the naked side.

This effect is very simply shown by constructing a small apparatus like a radiometer. Two covered glasses are attached to the end of a glass fibre about 6 cms. long, the surfaces lying in the same plane. The apparatus is free to rotate on a pivot. The two vanes are coated on alternate faces with radium bromide, and the whole apparatus contained within a glass receiver. If an electrified rod of ebonite or sealing wax is brought up close to the receiver, a rotation is communicated to the vane which increases as the pressure of the air is lowered to 5 or 6 cms. of mercury. By placing the apparatus between parallel plates connected with the terminals of a Wimshurst machine, a steady rotation is communicated to the vanes. The rotation is always in such a direction that the radium coated surface is repelled from the electrified body.

This action was examined still further by attaching the vanes to the glass beam of a Coulomb's balance. A metal sphere, which could be charged from without, was fixed facing the side coated with radium. A repulsion was always observed except when the charge was very strong and the vane near the sphere. If, however, the two vanes were connected by a light wire and a similar sphere placed exactly opposite the other, an attraction was observed if one sphere was charged, but a repulsion if both were charged. These effects were observed whether the vanes were of aluminium or glass.

Joly found that the effect could not be explained by any direct action due to the movement of the ions in an electric field. The recoil, due to the expulsion of α particles from one side of the vane, is far too small to account for the movement observed.

This effect can, I think, be simply accounted for by taking into consideration the difference in conductivity of the gas on the two sides of the radium coated vane. If a small vane, coated uniformly with radium on both sides, and mounted on an insulating support, be brought near a charged body kept at a constant potential, it acts like a water dropper and rapidly acquires very nearly the average potential which existed at that point before the vane was brought up. The mechanical force acting on the vane will, in consequence, be small. If, however, the vane is only coated with radium on the side near the charged body, the ionization and consequently the conductivity of the gas is much greater between the vane and the charged body than on the opposite side. Suppose, for simplicity, the body is charged to a positive potential. On account of the greater conductivity of the gas on the side facing the charged body, it will rapidly acquire a positive charge, and the potential of the vane will reach a higher value than existed at that place before the vane was introduced. This will result in a repulsion of the vane. This also accounts for the attraction observed in the experiment with the Coulomb's balance already referred to. Suppose that one sphere is positively charged and the other earthed, and the two vanes metallically connected together. The vane next to the charged body will become charged positively, but this charge will be dissipated rapidly on account of the ionization of the gas close to the opposite vane, and, in most conditions, this loss of charge will be so rapid that the potential of the vane is unable to reach the value which would exist at that place in the field, if the vane were removed. There will, in consequence, be an attracting force acting on the vane towards the sphere.

The repulsion observed by Joly is thus only an indirect result of the ionization in the gas produced by the radium, and should be shown under conditions where similar unequal distribution of ionization is produced by any other sources.

Since radium gives out heat at a fairly rapid rate, a radiometer in which the vanes were coated on one side with radium instead of lampblack, should rotate at low pressure of the gas, even if no source of light is brought near it. This should evidently be the case, since the face coated with radium should reach a slightly higher temperature than the other. This experiment has been tried, but the effect seems too small to produce rotation of the vanes.

Chemical actions.

123. Rays from active radium preparations change oxygen into ozone[27]. Its presence can be detected by the smell or by the action on iodide of potassium paper. This effect is due to the α and β rays from the radium, and not to the luminous rays from it. Since energy is required to produce ozone from oxygen, this must be derived from the energy of the radiations.

The Curies found that radium compounds rapidly produced coloration in glass. For moderately active material the colour is violet, for more active material it is yellow. Long continued action blackens the glass, although the glass may have no lead in its composition. This coloration gradually extends through the glass, and is dependent to some extent on the kind of glass used.

Giesel[28] found that he could obtain as much coloration in rock-salt and fluor-spar by radium rays, as by exposure to the action of cathode rays in a vacuum tube. The coloration, however, extended much deeper than that produced by the cathode rays. This is to be expected, since the radium rays have a higher velocity, and consequently greater penetrating power, than the cathode rays produced in an ordinary vacuum tube. Goldstein observed that the coloration is far more intense and rapid when the salts are melted or heated to a red heat. Melted potassium sulphate, under the action of a very active preparation of radium, was rapidly coloured a strong greenish blue which gradually changed into a dark green. Salomonsen and Dreyer[29] found that plates of quartz were coloured by exposure to radium rays. When examined minutely, plates cut perpendicular to the optic axis showed the presence of lines and striae, parallel to the binary axes. Adjacent portions of the striated system differed considerably in intensity of coloration and clearly revealed the heterogeneity of structures of the crystal.

The cause of these colorations by cathode and radium rays has been the subject of much discussion. Elster and Geitel[30] observed that a specimen of potassium sulphate, coloured green by radium rays, showed a strong photo-electric action, i.e. it rapidly lost a negative charge of electricity when exposed to the action of ultra-violet light. All substances coloured by cathode rays show a strong photo-electric action, and, since the metals sodium and potassium themselves show photo-electric action to a very remarkable degree, Elster and Geitel have suggested that the colorations are caused by a solid solution of the metal in the salt.

Although the coloration due to radium rays extends deeper than that due to the cathode rays, when exposed to light the colour fades away at about the same rate in the two cases.

Becquerel[31] found that white phosphorus is changed into the red variety by the action of radium rays. This action was shown to be due mainly to the β rays. The secondary radiation set up by the primary rays also produced a marked effect. Radium rays, like ordinary light rays, also caused a precipitate of calomel in the presence of oxalic acid.

Hardy and Miss Wilcock[32] found that a solution of iodoform in chloroform turned purple after exposure for 5 minutes to the rays from 5 milligrams of radium bromide. This action is due to the liberation of iodine. By testing the effect of screens of different thicknesses, over the radium, this action was found to be mainly due to the β rays from the radium. Röntgen rays produce a similar coloration.

Hardy[33] also observed an action of the radium rays on the coagulation of globulin. Two solutions of globulin from ox serum were used, one made electro-positive by adding acetic acid, and the other electro-negative by adding ammonia. When the globulin was exposed close to the radium in naked drops, the opalescence of the electro-positive solution rapidly diminished, showing that the solution became more complete. The electro-negative solution was rapidly turned to a jelly and became opaque. These actions were found to be due to the α rays of radium alone.

This is further evidence in favour of the view that the α rays consist of projected positively charged bodies of atomic dimensions, for a similar coagulation effect is produced by the metallic ions of liquid electrolytes, and has been shown by W. C. D. Whetham[34] to be due to the electric charges carried by the ions.

124. Gases evolved from radium. Curie and Debierne[35] observed that radium preparations placed in a vacuum tube continually lowered the vacuum. The gas evolved was always accompanied by the emanation, but no new lines were observed in its spectrum. Giesel[36] has observed a similar evolution of gas from solutions of radium bromide. Giesel forwarded some active material to Runge and Bödlander, in order that they might test the gas spectroscopically. From 1 gram of a 5 per cent. radium preparation they obtained 3·5 c.c. of gas in 16 days. This gas was found, however, to be mainly hydrogen, with 12 per cent. of oxygen. In later experiments Ramsay and Soddy[37] found that 50 milligrams of radium bromide evolved gases at the rate of about 0·5 c.c. per day. This is a rate of evolution about twice that observed by Runge and Bödlander. On analysing the gases about 28·9 per cent. consisted of oxygen, and the rest hydrogen. The slight excess of hydrogen over that attained in the decomposition of water, they consider to be due to the action of oxygen on the grease of the stop-cocks. The radio-active emanation from radium has a strong oxidizing action and rapidly produces carbon dioxide, if carbonaceous matter is present. The production of gas is probably due to the action of the radiations in decomposing water. The amount of energy required to produce the rate of decomposition observed by Ramsay and Soddy—about 10 c.c. per day for 1 gram of radium bromide—corresponds to about 30 gram-calories per day. This amount of energy is about two per cent. of the total energy emitted in the form of heat. Ramsay and Soddy (loc. cit.) have also observed the presence of helium in the gases evolved by solution of radium bromide. This important result is considered in detail in section 260. Physiological actions.

125. Walkhoff first observed that radium rays produce burns of much the same character as those caused by Röntgen rays. Experiments in this direction have been made by Giesel, Curie and Becquerel, and others, with very similar results. There is at first a painful irritation, then inflammation sets in, which lasts from 10 to 20 days. This effect is produced by all preparations of radium, and appears to be due mainly to the α and β rays.

Care has to be taken in handling radium on account of the painful inflammation set up by the rays. If a finger is held for some minutes at the base of a capsule containing a radium preparation, the skin becomes inflamed for about 15 days and then peels off. The painful feeling does not disappear for two months.

Danysz[38] found that this action is mainly confined to the skin, and does not extend to the underlying tissue. Caterpillars subjected to the action of the rays lost their power of motion in several days and finally died.

Radium rays have been found beneficial in certain cases of cancer. The effect is apparently similar to that produced by Röntgen rays, but the use of radium possesses the great advantage that the radiating source can be enclosed in a fine tube and introduced at the particular point at which the action of the rays is required. The rays have also been found to hinder or stop the development of microbes[39].

It would be out of place here to give an account of the numerous experiments that have been made by physicists and physiologists on the action of the rays of radium and of other radio-active substances on different organisms, such as caterpillars, mice and guinea-pigs. In some cases, the experiments have been carried out by placing the organisms in an atmosphere impregnated with the radium emanation. The effect of an exposure under such conditions for several days or weeks has been found generally harmful and in many cases fatal. The literature in this new department of study is already large and is increasing rapidly.

Another interesting action of the radium rays has been observed by Giesel. On bringing up a radium preparation to the closed eye, in a dark room, a sensation of diffuse light is observed. This effect has been examined by Himstedt and Nagel[40] who have shown that it is due to a fluorescence produced by the rays in the eye itself. The blind are able to perceive this luminosity if the retina is intact, but not if the retina is diseased. Hardy and Anderson[41] have examined this effect in some detail. The sensation of light is produced both by the β and γ rays. The eyelid practically absorbs all the β rays, so that the luminosity observed with a closed eye is due to the γ rays alone. The lens and retina of the eye are strongly phosphorescent under the action of the β and γ rays. Hardy and Anderson consider that the luminosity observed in a dark room with the open eye (the phosphorescent light of the radium itself being stopped by black paper) is to a large extent due to the phosphorescence set up in the eyeball. The γ rays, for the most part, produce the sensation of light when they strike the retina.

Tommasina stated that the air exhaled by man contained a larger proportion of ions than ordinary air, and, in consequence, caused an increased rate of discharge of an electroscope. The experiment was repeated by Elster and Geitel but with negative results. On the other hand, they found that the breath of Dr Giesel, of Braunschweig, who had been engaged continuously in the chemical separation of the radio-active bodies, caused a rapid loss of charge of an electroscope. This increased rate of discharge was probably mainly due to the radium emanation, with which his system had become impregnated by inhaling the emanation-laden air of the laboratory.

  1. Becquerel, C. R. 129, p. 912, 1899.
  2. Bary, C. R. 130, p. 776, 1900.
  3. Kunz and Baskerville, Amer. Journ. Science XVI. p. 335, 1903.
  4. See Nature, p. 523, March 31, 1904.
  5. Crookes, Proc. Roy. Soc. 74, p. 47, 1904.
  6. Kunz and Baskerville, Science XVIII, p. 769, Dec. 18, 1903.
  7. Beilby in a recent communication to the Royal Society (Feb. 9 and 23, 1905) has examined in some detail the production of phosphorescence by the β and γ rays of radium and has put forward a theory to account for the different actions observed.
  8. Huggins, Proc. Roy. Soc. 72, pp. 196 and 409, 1903.
  9. The spark spectrum of the radium bromide showed the H and K lines of calcium and also faintly some of the strong lines of barium. The characteristic lines of radium of wave-lengths 3814·59, 3649·7, 4340·6 and 2708·6, as shown by Demarçay and others are clearly shown in the figure. The strong line of wave-length about 2814 is due to radium.
  10. Giesel, Ber. d. D. Chem. Ges. 37, p. 1696, 1904.
  11. Hartmann, Phys. Zeit. 5, No. 18, p. 570, 1904.
  12. In a recent paper, Giesel (Ber. d. D. Chem. Ges. No. 3, p. 775, 1905) has shown that the bright lines are due to didymium, which is present as an impurity. Exposure of didymium to the radium rays also causes the appearance of the lines.
  13. Wiedemann and Schmidt, Wied. Annal. 59, p. 604, 1895.
  14. Wiedemann, Phys. Zeit. 2, p. 269, 1901.
  15. Elster and Geitel, Annal. d. Phys. 69, p. 673, 1899.
  16. Willons and Peck (Phil. Mag. March, 1905) found that under some conditions, especially for long sparks, the rays of radium hindered the passage of the spark.
  17. Hemptinne, C. R. 133, p. 934, 1901.
  18. Himstedt, Phys. Zeit. p. 476, 1900.
  19. Henning, Annal. d. Phys. p. 562, 1902.
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  22. P. Curie, C. R. 134, p. 420, 1902.
  23. Becquerel, C. R. 136, p. 1173, 1903.
  24. Becquerel, C. R. 133, p. 199, 1901.
  25. P. Curie, Société de Physique, March 2, 1900.
  26. Joly, Phil. Mag. March, 1904.
  27. S. and P. Curie, C. R. 129, p. 823, 1899.
  28. Giesel, Verhandlg. d. D. Phys. Ges. Jan. 5, 1900.
  29. Salomonsen and Dreyer, C. R. 139, p. 533, 1904.
  30. Elster and Geitel, Phys. Zeit. p. 113, No. 3, 1902.
  31. Becquerel, C. R. 133, p. 709, 1901.
  32. Hardy and Miss Wilcock, Proc. Roy. Soc. 72, p. 200, 1903.
  33. Hardy, Proc. Physiolog. Soc. May 16, 1903.
  34. Whetham, Phil. Mag. Nov. 1899; Theory of Solution, Camb. 1902, p. 396.
  35. Curie and Debierne, C. R. 132, p. 768, 1901.
  36. Giesel, Ber. D. d. Chem. Ges. 35, p. 3605, 1902.
  37. Ramsay and Soddy, Proc. Roy. Soc. 72, p. 204, 1903.
  38. Danysz, C. R. 136, p. 461, 1903.
  39. Aschkinass and Caspari, Arch. d. Ges. Physiologie, 86, p. 603, 1901.
  40. Himstedt and Nagel, Drude's Annal. 4, p. 537, 1901.
  41. Hardy and Anderson, Proc. Roy. Soc. 72, p. 393, 1903.