Rambling boy with the answer (1)/The New Way of Admiral Benbow

The New Way of Admiral BENBOW.
COME all you seamen bold,
Lend an ear, lend an ear.
Come all you seamen bold lend an ear,
'Tis of our Admiral’s fame.
Brave Benbow call’d by name,
How he fought on the main
You shall hear, you shall hear.
How he fought on the main, you shall hear.
Brave Benbow he set sail,
For to fight, for to fight,
Brave Benbow he set sail for to fight,
Brave Benbow he set sail,
With a sweet and pleasant gale.
But his Captains they turned tail
In a fright, in a fright.
But his Captains turned tail in a fright.
Says Kirby unto Wood,
I will run, I will run,
Says Kirby unto Wood, I will run,
I value no disgrace,
Nor the-losing of my place,
For mine en'mies I’ll not face.
With a gun, with a gun.
For mine en’mies I’ll not face with a gun,
was Ruby and Noah’s Ark,
Fought the French, fought the French,
’Twas the Ruby and Noah’s Ark fought the
For there were ten in all,
Poor souls they fought them all.
They valued them not at all,
Would not flinch, would not flinch,
They valued them not at all, would not flinch.
Hard fortune that it was.
By chain-shot, by chain-shot,
Hard fortune that it was by chain-shot,
Our Admiral lost his leg.
And of his men did beg,
Fight on my boys, he said,
Tis my lot, ’tis my lot,
Fight on my British boys, 'tis my lot.
While the surgeon dress'd his wounds.
How he cry’d, how he cry’d
While the surgeon dress'd his wounds, how he
Let my cradle now in haste, (cry’d,
On the quarter-deck be plac’d,
That mine en’mies I may face
Till I die, till I die.
That mine en’mies I may face, till I die.
And there brave Benbow lay
Crying out boys, crying out boys,
And there brave Benbow lay, crying out boys,
Let’s tack about once more.
We’ll drive them all on shore,
We value not half a score,
Nor their noise, nor their noise.
We value not half a score, nor their noise.
Unsupported thus he fought
Nor would run, nor would run
Unsupported thus he fought nor would run.
Till his ship was a mere wreck,
And no one would him back,
For the other would not slack
To fire a gun, to fire a gun,
For the other would not slack to fire a gun.
For Jamaica then at last,
He set sail, he set sail,
For Jamaica then at last he set sail,
Where Wentworth he did try,
Those Cowards that did fly,
And from the French in fright
Turned tail, turned tail.
And from the French in fright, turned tail.
And those found most to blame,
They were shot, they were shot,
And those found most to blame, they were
Brave Benbow then at last, (shot.
For grief of what was paft,
In a fever dy’d at last
By hard lot, by hard lot,
In a fever dy’d at hit, by hard lot.