Readings in Cantonese Colloquial/Lesson III
In the spring he takes his scythe to mow the grass, and as he mows be bends his back till it aches. In harvest time he takes his sickle and reaps, while the hot sun beats upon his poor head. In the cold weather he follows the plough, while the cold rain and sleet beat upon his face. Why does he bear all this? That you may have plenty of food and be fat and rosy.—'Peep of Day,' p. 12. |
年頭之時,要出力爬田掘地,有時去撒穀,有時去插禾,喺田處,個啲熱頭晒得好關係,晒到個頭売都瘌呀。 到割禾個時,又要出好到手力呀。佢做嘅夫,唔論冷熱,唔論好天落雨,都要去做。 你估佢為乜做咁多工夫,都唔怕辛苦呢。 佢都係想你唔抵肚餓,又想養得你肥肥壯壯啫。 |
Nín-t'au chí shí, yíú ch'ut lik p'á t'ín kwat te̍i, yau shí hui sat kuk, yau shi hui ch'áp wo, haí t‘in shü, kó-ti yit-t'au* shai tak hò kwán-baí, sháí tò ko t'au hok tò ts'ek á. Tò kot-wo ko shí, yau yíú ch'ut hò to shau-lik á, k'öü tsò ke kung-fú, m lun láng yít, m lun hò t'in lok yü, tò yíú hui tsò. Néí kwú k'öü wai mat, tsò kòm to kung-fú, tò m p'á san-fú ni? K'öü tò haí söng néí m taí t'ò ngo, yau söng yöng tak, néi féí féí chong chong che. |
Year head's time must put-out strength to-rake fields dig ground. Have times go scatter paddy, have times go stick in rice-plant in field's place. That sun shine very dreadfully, shining till the head even aches? 2. Until cutting rice-plant that time also need exert very much hand-strength, 2. He does that work (ie. that work that he does) not consider (whether) cold (or) bot, not consider (whether) good weather (or) descending rain, also must go (and) do (it). You think he on-account of-what do so mach work also not fear trouble, eh? 53. He also is wishing you not sustain hunger also wish rear to-be-able you fat fat healthy healthy only, 7. |