Recipes Tried and True/Appetizers
"Now let good digestion wait on appetite."
Pick well-seasoned boiled crabs, mix with a little chopped celery and put on ice. Just before serving, place crab meat in glasses and serve with cocktail sauce.
- 1 lb. cream cheese
- 1 cup cream or 2 tablespoons butter,
- 1 grated onion,
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce.
Mix well, cheese, onion, cream or butter and Worcestershire sauce. Serve on bread or crackers.
- 1½ cake cream cheese,
- ½ pint cream,
- Jelly.
Cream cheese, beat cream thick and mix. Add enough jelly to color.
- ¼ lb. cooked fish,
- Few drops onion juice,
- ½ teaspoonful salt,
- Dash black pepper,
- Few chopped capers,
- 3 tablespoons sauce Tartare.
Rub fish to a paste, season with onion juice, salt, pepper and capers. Stir into it sauce tartar. Spread on six or eight rounds of buttered toast, garnish with chopped cress.
- 3 herrings,
- 3 apples,
- 3 boiled potatoes,
- ½ cup mixed nuts,
- ¼ cup chopped veal,
- 1 pickle,
- Small onion,
- Pinch pepper,
- ¼ cup sugar,
- Few capers,
- Four hard boiled eggs,
- Vinegar.
Clean and pick to pieces herring; chop apples, potatoes, nuts, veal, pickle, onion and mix with pepper, sugar, capers and whites of eggs. Mix with yolks of eggs and a little vinegar.
- ½ lb. calves liver,
- 4 slices onion,
- 4 slices bacon,
- 4 mushrooms,
- Salt and pepper.
Pour boiling water over liver, let stand ten minutes; drain and dry. Cut in dice, fry gently with onion, bacon and mushrooms. Liver must be cooked through, not brown when done. Turn contents, minus fat, into chopper; season with salt and pepper. Put between slices of sandwich bread.
Allow five or six small oysters to each guest. Season with salt, pepper, tomato catsup, lemon, Worcestershire sauce, horseradish, and serve very cold. Garnish with celery and lemon.
Cream ½ pound sweet butter with about one dozen sardellen which have been soaked for about four hours. Bone sardellen and chop very fine before creaming. Serve on toast.
- 1 doz. hard boiled eggs,
- 6 Anchovies,
- 2 tablespoons oil,
- ½ Lemon,
- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce.
Cut eggs in half lengthwise, mash yolks smooth. Into this mix well washed anchovies, oil from anchovies, juice of lemon, Worcestershire sauce, pepper and salt. Fill eggs and serve on lettuce.