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Recipes Tried and True/Pies

From Wikisource

"No fancy foreign fruit am I;
But I can make good apple pie."

(Deep Dish)

Line dish with pie crust; fill half way with diced apples, sugar, cinnamon, raisins, flakes of butter, rind and juice of lemon. Cover with pie crust; add more filling and cover all with pie crust. Bake ¾ of an hour.


Make a fine short pastry; line a deep plate with pie crust. Fill with chopped apples, seedless raisins, small pieces of butter, few finely-chopped nuts, one cup sugar. Put in oven and when bottom crust is baked add custard made of an egg and one-half cup milk. Let bake a little longer.


Line a deep dish with pie crust and fill half way with sugared berries. Lay a cover of pie crust, fill to the top with berries and put on top cover. Bake till brown. Flour crust before filling in berries.


Line pie plate with rich pastry and bake light brown. Fill with mixture of beaten yolks of three eggs with one cup sugar, juice and rind of ½ lemon, ¾ cup grated cocoanut and well beaten whites. Bake till thick and brown.

  • 1 lb. pot cheese,
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 cup cream,
  • ½ lemon,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 heaping tablespoon cornstarch.

Line pie plate with crust. Press cheese through colander; add butter, sugar, cream beaten stiff, rind and juice of lemon, eggs and cornstarch, mixed with cold water. Sprinkle pie crust with flour and put in filling. Bake ¾ of an hour in moderate oven.

  • 6 large apples,
  • 2 eggs,
  • ¾ cup sugar,
  • 1 lemon,
  • ½ cup raisins,
  • 1 dozen chopped almonds.

Line pie plate with pie crust; fill with mixture of grated apples, beaten yolks, sugar, rind and juice of lemon, raisins and almonds. When almost baked, beat whites with two teaspoons powdered sugar. Spread over pie and brown slightly.

  • 2 small lemons,
  • 1 cup boiling water,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch,
  • 1 teaspoon butter.

Line pie plate with pastry dough or pie crust and bake light brown. Fill with the following mixture: Cook in double boiler one cup of water, with lemon skins to extract the juice; add rind and juice; beat yolks with sugar and add to pot. Wet cornstarch with cold water. Add to mixture with butter. When quite thick allow to cool slightly and add beaten whites. Pour all in baked pie crust and brown under the flame for a few minutes.


Cream very well one-half pound pot cheese and one-half pound sweet butter, each separately, and then together. When well blended mix with one-half pound flour. Prepare the day before using and place on ice. This pastry is good for pies, small tarts, filled with cheese, prunes, apples, jelly, berries, etc.


Mix one cup flour and one-quarter cup sugar and work in one-half cup butter ; add well beaten yolk of one egg, put on ice for one-half hour and press into pie plate, fill with any fruit and lay strips on top. Good for tarts.


Line a pie plate with crust, sprinkle bottom with flour and fill with pitted cooked prunes. Lay stripes across the top.


Sift two cups of flour; cut in (with two knives) two tablespoonfuls butter and two of fat until fine as sand. Add enough ice-water to make the dough firm enough to roll (about three-fourths of a cup). Roll out in one direction and on one side only, using but little flour. Roll till thin.

  • 2 cups seeded raisins,
  • 2 cups water,
  • ¼ teaspoon salt,
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice,
  • 1 tablespoon corn starch,
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.

Wash the raisins, put in sauce-pan with one cup cold water and bring slowly to a boil. Add sugar, salt and cornstarch, which has been mixed with one cup cold water. Boil three minutes; add lemon juice. Pour in pie tin which has been dined with crust; while hot, cover; brush top with cold milk and bake in moderate oven until brown.


Scald rhubarb in hot water. Mix one teacup sugar, one egg, one tablespoonful matzo flour and mix with rhubarb. Sprinkle pie-crust with cornstarch before adding mixture.


Line pie plate and bake light brown. Remove from oven, fill with fresh sugared strawberries (first sprinkling flour or corn starch on crust). Beat two eggs lightly with some powdered sugar, pour over berries and return to oven till well browned. Beat whites separately and mix with yolks.