Recipes Tried and True/Salads
"My salad days,
When I was green in judgment."
Trim neatly one bunch of asparagus; tie the stalks together and stand them in a deep kettle of boiling water. Add one teaspoonful of salt to each quart of water, cover the kettle and cook slowly for forty-five minutes. By placing the asparagus so that the tops will not be in the water, the stalks will more evenly cook, as they will fall when soft and the tops will then be in the water. Lift from water, drain and cool. Serve with French dressing. (See Sauces.)
Cut a hard head of cabbage into halves and shred very fine. Throw into ice water, allow to stand about two hours, then drain and dry. Serve with French dressing.
Hollow out green peppers and fill with equal parts of chopped celery and cabbage. Serve with either mayonnaise or French dressing.
- ½ cup celery diced,
- ½ cup Pecans,
- ½ cup olives pitted,
- Mayonnaise.
Mix ingredients and serve on lettuce leaves or in green or red peppers with mayonnaise.
- 1 pint cold chicken in cubes,
- ½ pint celery diced,
- 1 tablespoon vinegar,
- Salt, pepper.
Mix ingredients, set in a cold place for two or three hours. Serve on lettuce, covered with mayonnaise decorated with olives. Half veal may be used.
Mix 1 pint cooked chicken cut in small pieces, 1 cup sweetbreads in small pieces and 1 cup mushrooms with 1 cup mayonnaise and serve cold on lettuce.
Prepare the meat of crabs the same as lobster, putting back into the shells and placing another teaspoon of mayonnaise over each and dusting thickly with a mixture of chopped olives, parsley and capers. Serve at once.
Boil eggs hard, cut lengthwise. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise.
Take large solid tomatoes and scoop out the centers. Make lemon jelly from gelatine and when partly set, fill with chopped olives, chopped sweet pickles and put mixture in tomatoes. Place on ice to get stiff and serve an lettuce leaves with mayonnaise on top.
Serve on lettuce leaves one slice of pineapple or slice of musk melon cut round and peel, or large pieces of grape fruit, oranges, etc., with mayonnaise.
- 2 lbs. halibut,
- 1 pint mayonnaise,
- 4 hard boiled eggs, chopped,
- ½ pint Chow Chow or small pickles chopped fine.
Boil, cool and shred fish. Mix with mayonnaise, eggs, chow chow or pickles. Serve ice cold on lettuce leaves.
Cut meat from one cold boiled lobster into one inch squares. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice, mix with mayonnaise dressing and serve on lettuce leaves. Shrimp and scallop salad may be made the same way; also salmon salad, fresh or canned.
Boil one quart of potatoes (German preferred) in their jackets; slice while hot, season with pepper and salt, cut one onion very fine, one cup of table celery, very fine, and flakes of butter. Let get cold and before serving mix with mayonnaise or hot French dressing.
Select young beans and cut strings from both sides. Cut in three pieces lengthwise, throwing them into cold water as soon as cut. Cook in boiling, salted water till tender and drain. Sprinkle about two tablespoonfuls vinegar over them and stand away to cool. Serve with French dressing. Peas, carrots, turnips or potatoes diced may be added. Serve on lettuce with parsley and hard boiled eggs chopped fine.
Two cups of chopped celery, one cup apples, one cup Pecans or walnuts, all chopped fine and dusted with salt and pepper. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise.