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Report of The Inter-Governmental Committee, Malaysia/Introduction

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Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee, 1962

A Commission under the chairmanship of Lord Cobbold visited North Borneo and Sarawak between February and April, 1962 and its Report was published as CMND 1794 on the 1st August 1962. The Commission was unanimously agreed that a Federation of Malaysia is in the best interests of North Borneo and Sarawak and that an early decision in principle should be reached.

2. The Report was considered in detail in a series of meetings in London in July 1962 by British and Malayan Ministers. In the light of the Report of the agreement reached between the Government of Malaya and the Government of Singapore, the British and Malayan Governments decided principle that, subject to the necessary legislation, the proposed Federation of Malaysia should be brought into being by the 31st August 1963. A copy of the Joint Public Statement is at Annex C.

3. The two Governments decided to establish an Inter-Governmental Committee, on which the British Malayan, North Borneo and Sarawak Governments would be represented. Its task was to work out the future constitutional arrangements, including safeguards for the special interests of North Borneo and Sarawak to cover such matters as religious freedom, education, representation in the Federal Parliament the position of the indigenous races, control of immigration, citizenship and the State Constitutions.

4. The Minister of State for Colonial Affairs, Lord Lansdowne, the Chairman of the Committee, and the Deputy Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya, Tun Abdul Razak, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee, visited North Borneo and Sarawak in August 1962 and a Preparatory Meeting of the Inter-Governmental Committee was held in Jesselton on the 30th August, 1962.

5. At this Prepatory Meeting it was decided to set up five Sub-Committees:――

The Constitutional Sub-Committee
The Fiscal Sub-Committee
The Legal and Judicial Sub-Committee
The Public Service Sub-Committee
The Departmental Organisation Sub-Committee

6. On the 12th September 1962, the following motion was unanimously adopted by the Legislative Council of North Borneo:――

"Be it resolved that this Council do welcome the decision in principle of the British and Malayan Governments to establish Malaysia by the 31st August 1963, provided that the term of participation and the constitutional arrangements will safeguard the special interests of North Borneo and do accordingly authorise the following Members of this Council to represent North Borneo on the proposed Inter-Governmental Committee to prepare detailed constitutional arrangements which will be laid before this Council:――

The Honourable the Chief Scretary
The Honourable The Attoney-General
The Honourable the Financial Scretary
The Honourable O.K.K Datu Mustapha bin Datu Harun, O.B.E
The Honourable Khoo Siak Chiew
The Honourable D.A. Stephens"

7. On the 26th September 1962, the following motion was adopted without dissent by the Council Negri of Sarawak:——

"That this Council——

(a) Welcomes the decision in principle of the British and Malayan Governments to establish Malaysia by the 31st August 1963, on the understanding that the special interests of Sarawak will be safeguarded;
(b) notes that an Inter-Governmental Committee has been established to work out the detailed constitutional arrangements and the form of these safeguards, which will be laid before this Council;
(c) authorises the Chief Secretary, the Attoney-General, the Financial Secretary, the Datu Bandar Abang Haji Mustapha, Temenggong Jugah anak Barieng, Pengarah Montegrai anak Tugang, Mr. Ling Beng Siew and Mr. Chia Chin Shin to represent Sarawak on this Committee; and
(d) authorises the Governor in Council to nominate as additional members of the Committee or as members of Sub-committees thereof such unofficial members of this Council and such public officers as may be desirable."

8. The first Sub-Committee meeting was held in Jesselton on the 8th October, and the series of meetings concluded with Plenary meetings in Kuala Lumpur on the 18th, 19th, and 20th December. A list of the meetings held and the delegates who took part is at Annex D.

9. The recommendations of the Inter-Governmental Committee, in so far as they are not fully covered in the body of this Report are set out in Annex A, and with respect to the Public Service in Annex B.

4322352Malaysia, Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee, 1962 — Introduction1962Commission of Enquiry in North Borneo and Sarawak Regarding Malaysian Federation