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Report of a Tour through the Bengal Provinces/Umgá and Deo

From Wikisource

Umgá and Deo are two interesting places on and near the Grand Trunk Road from Shergháti to Benares; the description of the remains in these places is too long to be extracted. (I refer to the original papers in J. A. S., Bengal, 1817, page 656 et seq. and 1221 et seq.) I must add that since Kittoe’s time several additions to the list of remains in and about Deo have been made by Mr. Peppe, who has, I believe, taken photographs of the more interesting remains. At Cheon, eight miles north-east of Umgá, are old temples; to the east of the village, to the south of these, and to the east of a little hill, are mounds with statues; 300 yards west on another hill called Pachhár is a cave with a figure of Maya Devi inside; the cave faces south. A mile to the south is another cluster of hills within the boundary of the village Deokili, where there are numerous small caves. I did not visit any of these places.