Richard Nixon Presidential Daily Diary/1969/February/19
The White House President Richard Nixon's Daily Diary (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) | |||||
Place Day Began | Date (Mo. Day. Yr.) February 19, 1969 | ||||
THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. | TIMEDAY 7:15 a.m.Wednesday | ||||
Time | Phone |
Activity | |||
In | Out | Lo | LD | ||
7:15 | The President had breakfast.
| ||||
7:55 | The President went to his office.
| ||||
8:12 8:24 |
8:19 8:33 |
The President met with:
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8:35 | 10:00 | The President went to the Cabinet Room to attend the Bi-Partisan Leadership Meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A".
| |||
10:01 | The President returned to his office.
| ||||
10:03 | 10:06 | P | The President talked with John F. Williams.
| ||
10:06 | 10:26 | The President met with Henry A. Kissinger.
| |||
10:26 | 12:26 | The President accompanied by Henry A. Kissinger, went to the Cabinet Room to attend a National Security Council Meeting. For list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B".
| |||
12:26 12:26 12:26 12:26 |
12:40 12:40 12:40 12:54 |
The President returned to his office and met with:
| |||
12:59 | 1:30 | The President met with:
| |||
1:17 | 1:24 | P | The President talked long distance with Larry Macphail in Florida.
| ||
2:02 | 2:49 | The President visited the Department of Interior where he was met and escorted by Walter J. Hickel. For Scenario, See APPENDIX "C".
| |||
2:52 | The President returned to his office.
The White House President Richard Nixon's Daily Diary (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) | |||||
Place Day Began | Date (Mo. Day. Yr.) February 19, 1969 | ||||
THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. | TIMEDAY 7:15 a.m.Wednesday | ||||
Time | Phone |
Activity | |||
In | Out | Lo | LD | ||
2:55 | 3:06 | P | The President talked long distance with Thomas Gates in New
York City.
| ||
3:07 | 5:30 | The President went to the Cabinet Room for a briefing on his upcoming trip. For a list of participants and a briefing outline see APPENDIX "D".
| |||
5:30 | 5:47 | The President met with Henry A. Kissinger.
| |||
6;40 | 7:02 | The President went to the Mansion accompanied by Dr. Walter
R. Tkach, and Kenneth Riland.
| |||
7:40 | The President had dinner with:
| ||||
8:20 | Rose Mary Woods departed.
| ||||
10:30 | The President retired.
Bipartisan Leadership Meeting
Spiro T. Agnew
William P. Rogers
Melvin R. Laird
Richard Helms
Michael J. Mansfield
Everett M. Dirksen
Richard B. Russell
Milton R. Young
John C. Stennis
Margaret C. Smith
John W. Fulbright
George D. Aiken
John W. McCormack
Carl B. Albert
Gerald R. Ford
Leslie C. Arends
George H. Mahon
Frank T. Bow
L. Mendel Rivers
William H. Bates
Thomas E. Morgan
E. Ross Adair
Henry A. Kissinger
Bryce N. Harlow
John D. Ehrlichman
Herbert G. Klein
Kenneth E. BeLieu
William E. Timmons
Ronald L. Ziegler
Patrick Buchanan
February 19, 1969
Spiro T. Agnew
William P. Rogers
Melvin R. Laird
David M. Kennedy
George A. Lincoln
Earle G. Wheeler
Richard Helms
David Packard
Gerard C. Smith
Ellis H. Veatch
Clinton Conger APPENDIX "C"
Dwight Chapin Copy
At 2:00 p. m. you will arrive at the C Street (N. W.) entrance of the Department of Interior and will be met by Secretary Hickel, who will escort you to the Library adjacent to the lobby where you will be introduced to the following top Interior Officials:
Russell E. Train | Under Secretary | |
Dr. Carl McMurray | Assistant to the Secretary | |
Tom Holley | Assistant to the Secretary | |
Josef Holbert | Consultant to the Secretary | |
Edgar Kaiser. Jr. | White House Fellow | |
Lewis Helm | Consultant to the Secretary | |
Del Klaus | Assistant to the Secretary | |
Earl J. Thomas | Division of Compliance | |
Boyd Gibbons | Deputy Under Secretary | |
Ray C. Coulter | Acting Solicitor | |
Alex Troffey | Ass't to the Sec. & Dir. of Information | |
Clarence Lorentzson | Consultant | |
James ·Watt | Consultant | |
George E. Robinson | Deputy Ass't Sec. for Information | |
Directors and Bureau Commissioners: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | ||
Harold E. Crowther | Bureau of Commercial Fisheries | |
John S.·Gottschalk | Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Bureau | |
George B. Hartzog, Jr. | National Park Service | |
John F. O'Leary | Bureau of Mines | |
Robert L. Bennett | Bureau of Indian Affairs | |
Boyd L. Rasmussen | Bureau of Land Management | |
Mrs. Ruth G. Van Cleve | Office of Territories | |
Edward C. Crafts | Bureau of Outdoor Recreation | |
Joe G. Moore | Federal Water Pollution Control Administration | |
Floyd E. Dominy | Bureau of Reclamation Commissione: | |
William. T. Pecora | Geological Survey Director |
Two photographers will be present in the Library.
At approximately 2 :10 p. m. Secretary Hickel will escort you across the lobby to the Auditorium. You will enter from the rear of the Auditorium and will walk through the audience to the stage where a single stand-up microphone will be provided. Following introduction by Secretary Hickel, who will remain seated on stage with you, you will speak to approximately 600 top employees of the Interior Department.
It is expected you will speak approximately 15 minutes. You will be escorted through the audience by Secretary Hickel departing the Auditorium at approximately 2:30 p.m., returning to your motorcade (entry and departure through the audience will give you an opportunity to shake some hands, if you wish).
Press will be present in the Auditorium for your talk.
Wednesday, February 19, 3:00 p.m.
in the Cabinet Room
3:00 - 3:10 p.m. | Vatican | Mr. Stabler | ||
3:10 - 4:30 P.M. | France | Mr. Tauguy | ||
4:30 - 5:00 p.m. | International Trade | Mr. Greenwald |
State Department Participants
Secretary William P. Rogers
Assistant Secretary Leddy
Counselor Pedersen
Assistant Secretary Designate Hillenbrand
Acting Assistant Secretary Greenwald
Deputy Assistant Secretary Puhan
Country Director Stabler
Country Director Tanguy