Richard Nixon Presidential Daily Diary/1969/November/4

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Richard Nixon Presidential Daily Diary (1969)
November 4, 1969
3596439Richard Nixon Presidential Daily Diary — November 4, 19691969

The White House
President Richard Nixon's Daily Diary
(See Travel Record for Travel Activity)
Place Day Began Date (Mo. Day. Yr.) 
NOVEMBER 4, 1969
12:06 amTUESDAY


In Out Lo LD
12:06 12:07 P
The President talked long distance with Hobart Lewis in White Plains, New York.
12:08 12:11 P
The President talked long distance with C. G. Rebozo in Florida.
12:12 12:17 P
The President talked with his Assistant. H. R. Haldeman.
12:19 P
The President telephoned his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger. The call was not completed.
12:25 12:31 P
The President talked with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler.
12:32 12:37 P
The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.
12:37 12:40 P
The President talked with his Special Assistant, William L. Safire.
12:40 12:41 P
The President talked with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.
12:45 12:47 P
The President talked with his Special Assistant, Dwight L. Chapin.
12:48 P
The President telephoned long distance to Reverend Billy Graham in North Carolina and San Diego. California. The call was not completed.
12:50 12:52 P
The President talked with his Assistant. H. R. Haldeman.
1:12 1:16 P
The President talked with his Assistant for NSA. Henry A. Kissinger.
The President had breakfast.
The President went to his office.
The White House
President Richard Nixon's Daily Diary
(See Travel Record for Travel Activity)
Place Day Began Date (Mo. Day. Yr.) 
NOVEMBER 4, 1969
9:19 amTUESDAY


In Out Lo LD
The President met with the following members of his staff.
9:19 10:20
H. R. Haldeman, Assistant
9:36 10:25
Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary
9:36 10:55
Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA'
9:36 10:20
Jeb Magruder, Special Assistant
9:36 10:25
Alexander P. Butterfield, Deputy Assistant
9:36 10:25
Dwight L. Chapin, Special Assistant
9:41 10:27
Herbert G. Klein, Director of Communications
9:45 10:19
Patrick J. Buchanan, Special Assistant
10:45 10:55
Press photographers in to view telegrams received by the President.
9:34 9:36 P
The President talked with Vice President Spiro T. Agnew.
10:45 10:55
The President met with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler.
11:03 11:29
The President met with his Personal Secretary, Rose Mary Woods.
11:29 11:34 P
The President talked with U. Alexis Johnson, Under Secre­tary for Political Affairs.
11:35 11:54
The President participated in the promotion ceremony for Colonel Al Haig who was presented with the General's Star. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A".
11:55 12:06
The President met with:
Joseph S. Farland, U. S. Ambassador to Pakistan
Emil Mosbacher, Chief of Protocol
The President met with:
12:08 12:55
H. R. Haldeman, Assistant
12:22 12:24
Rose Mary Woods, Personal Secretary
12:30 12:50
Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA
12:57 P
The President telephoned Joseph Alsop. The call was not completed.
The President met with:
1:10 2:30
H. R. Haldeman, Assistant
1:10 1:20
Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary
1:10 1:20
Herbert G. Klein, Director of Communications
The White House
President Richard Nixon's Daily Diary
(See Travel Record for Travel Activity)
Place Day Began Date (Mo. Day. Yr.) 
NOVEMBER 4, 1969
1:02 pmTUESDAY


In Out Lo LD
1:02 1:05 P
The President talked with Joseph Alsop.
1:12 1:16 P
The President talked with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.
2:40 3:10
The President met with Assistant John D. Ehrlichman.
3:05 3:10
Press photographers in for second picture of telegrams received by the President.
3:08 3:10
The President met with:
Barbara Walter, TV star of the "Today Show".
The President met with:
3:15 3:52
Members of the Voluntary Action Group. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B".
3:40 4:15
William E. Brock, Congressman
3:40 4:15
William E. Timmons, Deputy Assistant
3:40 4:15
Harry S. Dent, Deputy Counsel
4:17 4:18 P
The President talked with the First Lady.
4:20 4:25
The President met with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.
4:25 5:16
The President met with:
Alastair Buchan, former Director, British Institute
of Strategic Studies.
5:16 5:47
The President met with:
Robert S. McNamara, former Secretary of Defense
Henry A. Kissinger. Assistant for NSA
5:50 5:51 P
The President talked with the First Lady.
The President met with:
5:51 6:06
Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary
5:55 7:05
John D. Ehrlichman, Assistant
5:56 6:05
The First Lady and Patricia Nixon went to see the telegrams the President had received.
6:06 6:37
The President met with:
Stephen Hess, Deputy Assistant for Urban Affairs
The White House
President Richard Nixon's Daily Diary
(See Travel Record for Travel Activity)
Place Day Began Date (Mo. Day. Yr.) 
NOVEMBER 4, 1969
6:23 pmTUESDAY


In Out Lo LD
6:23 6:30 R
The President talked long distance with Governor Ronald Reagan in London, England.
The President met with:
6:40 7:05
Bryce N. Harlow, Counsel
6:42 7:05
Daniel P. Moynihan, Counsel
6:50 6:54 P
The President talked with Congressman James C. Wright, Jr.
The President went to the Residence.
7:51 7:52 P
The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.
7:53 11:08
The President hosted a stag dinner in honor of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "C".
9:14 9:17 R
The President went to the Usher's office to talk long distance with Gubernatorial candidate William Cahill in New Jersey.
10:46 10:51 R
The President went to the Usher's office to talk long distance with Gubernatorial candidate Linwood Holton in Richmond, Virginia.
The President went to the Residence.
11:16 11:19 P
The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.
11:30 11:34 P
The President talked long distance with David Eisenhower in Springfield, Massachusetts.
11:35 11:38 P
The President talked with his daughter, Julie Eisenhower.
11:38 P
The President telephoned Congressman Gerald Ford. The call was not completed.
11:40 11:43 P
The President talked with Congressman Rogers C. B. Morton.
11:46 11:47 P
The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.
11:48 P
The President telephoned long distance to Governor Nelson Rockefeller in New York City. The call was not completed.
The White House
President Richard Nixon's Daily Diary
(See Travel Record for Travel Activity)
Place Day Began Date (Mo. Day. Yr.) 
NOVEMBER 4, 1969
11:49pm TUESDAY


In Out Lo LD
11:49 11:53 P
The President talked with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.
11:56 12:02 P
The President talked long distance with Paul Keyes in Los Angeles, California.
11:58 P
The President called long distance to Governor Thomas E. Dewey in New York City. The call was not completed.


List of those present at General Haig's Promotion Ceremony in the President's Office - 4 Nov 69

The PresidentBrigadier General Alexander M. Haig

Mr. Kissinger

Mrs. Alexander M. Haig

Alexander P. Haig

Barbara E. Haig

Lt. General Alonzo P. Fox (USA-Ret.)

White House Staff

Bob Haldeman

Alex Butterfield

Ken BeLieu

Ken Cole

Colonel Don Hughes

Dwight Chapin

Anselmo Juanich

Kissinger Staff (contd)

Russell Ash
Captain R. C. Robinson
Lt. Colonel William Lemnitzer
Kissinger Staff

Lt. Commander Jon Howe

Tony Lake

Bob Houdek

Dave McManis

Jim Fazio

Muriel Hartley

Secretary Melvin R. Laird
Richard Helms
General Lincoln (OEP)
Colonel John Siegle (OEP)
Theodore Eliot (State)
Colonel Mike Dunn (Vice President's Ofc)
Congressman John. Marsh, Jr.
Colonel DeWitt Smith (JCS)
Dr. Fritz Kraemer (Ofc, Asst. Chief of Staff Army)
Bill Watts

Jeanne Davis

Pete Vaky (Viron P.)

Hal Sonnenfeldt

Hal Saunders

John Holdridge

Rogert Osgood

Lawrence Lynn

Colonel Robert Behr

Winston Lord

Colonel Richard Kennedy

Lora Simkus

Sally Dahler

Julie Pineau

Frank Chapin

Sven Kraemer


Meeting with the Voluntary Action Group. November 4, 1969.

George W. Romney, Sec of HUD

Charles W. Wilkinson, Special Consultant

Leonard Garment, Special Consultant

Max M. Fisher, Special Consultant

Robert F. Shea, Vice President of the American Natl Red Cross



Tuesday, November 4, 1969

at eight o' clock

The President

His Royal Highness The Prince Philip

Duke of Edinburgh

H. E. The British Ambassador

The Right Honorable John Freeman

Mr. James B. V. Orr

Private Secretary & Personal Aide to Prince Philip

The Vice President

The Chief Justice

The Secretary of State

The Secretary of Defense

The Secretary of the Interior

The Secretary of Commerce

Senator J. W. Fulbright (Arkansas)

Senator John J. Williams (Delaware)

Senator Alan Bible (Nevada)

Senator Jennings Randolph (West Virginia)

Senator James B. Pearson (Kansas)

Senator Thomas J. McIntyre (New Hampshire)

Senator Mark O. Hatfield (Oregon)

Senator Robert Dole (Kansas)

Senator Mike Gravel (Alaska)

Rep. Olin E. Teague (Texas)

Rep. Carl Albert (Oklahoma)

Rep. Tom Steed (Oklahoma)

Rep. E. Ross Adair (Indiana)

Rep. Frank T. Bow (Ohio)

Rep. Elford A. Cederberg (Michigan)

Rep. Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen (New Jersey)

Rep. Cornelius E. Gallagher (New Jersey)

Rep. Paul Findley (Illinois)

Rep. W. E. Brock (Tennessee)

Rep. David E. Satterfield, III (Virginia)

Rep. Robert Taft, Jr. (Ohio)

Hon. Dean Acheson

Former Secretary of State

Hon. Dean Rusk

Former Secretary of State

Admiral Thomas H. Moorer

Chief of Naval Operations Hon. Robert L. Kunzig
Admr., General Services Administration

Hon. Emil Mosbacher, Jr.

Chief of Protocol

Hon. James Keogh

Special Assistant to the President

Hon. Henry A. Kissinger

Assistant to the President

Hon. Daniel P. Moynihan

Assistant to the President

Hon. Roy L. Ash

Chmn., President's Advisory Council on Executive Organizations

Hon. Walter N. Thayer

Special Consultant to the President

Hon. Fred J. Russell

Dep. Dir., Office of Emergency Preparedness

Mr. James Farmer

Assistant Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare

Hon. John Hay Whitney

Former U. S. Ambassador to Great Britain

General Emmett O'Donnell

McLean, Virginia

Major General George H. Olmsted

Arlington, Virginia

Mr. Robert H. Abplanalp

Bronxville, New York

Colonel Frank Borman

Seabrook, Texas

Dr. Kingman Brewster, Jr.

New Haven, Connecticut

Mr. J. Carter Brown

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Hugh Bullock

New York, New York

Mr. William J. Casey

New York, New York

Mr. John Chamberlain

New York, New York

Mr. George Champion

New York, New York

Mr. Otis Chandler

Los Angeles, California

Mr. Frank Cormier

Fairfax, Virginia

Mr. James Crosby

New York, New York Mr. Richard G. Danner
Washington, D. C.

Mr. Ralph de Toledano

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Roscoe Drummond

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Mark Evans

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Russell W. Freeburg

Alexandria, Virginia

Mr. Manuel Garcia

Tampa, Florida

Mr. Charles L. Gould

San Francisco, California

Hon. Robert Keith Gray

Washington, D. C .

Mr. Charles J. Greene, Jr.

Washington, D. C.

Mr. William Randolph Hearst, Jr.

New York, New York

Mr. John W. Heffernan

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Christian A. Herter, Jr.

New York, New York

Mr. Bob Hope

North Hollywood, California

Mr. Herbert Kaplow

Falls Church, Virginia

Mr. Donald M. Kendall

New York. New York

Mr. Carroll Kilpatrick

Washington. D. C.

Mr. Bernard J. Lasker

New York, New York

Mr. Robert Lee

Pompano Beach. Florida

Mr. Max Lerner

New York. New York

Mr. Hobart D. Lewis

Pleasantville, New York

Mr. Art Linkletter

Los Angeles, California

Mr. Daniel Lufkin

New York. New York

Mr. Charlton H. Lyons, Sr.

Shreveport. Louisiana

Mr. David J. Mahoney

New York, New York

Mr. J. Willard Marriott

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Paul L. Martin

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Jerem.iah Milbank, Jr.

Washington, D. C.

Hon. Malcolm C. Moos

St. Paul, Minnesota

Mr. William D. Mounger

Jackson, Mississippi

Mr. John A. Mulcahy

New York, New York

Mr. H. Ross Perot

Dallas, Texas

Mr. J. Howard Pew

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mr. Charles G. Rebozo

Key Biscayne, Florida

Mr. Charles S. Rhyne

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Robert B. Semple, Jr.

Washington, D. C .

Mr. Hugh Sidey

Bethesda, Maryland

Hon. George Smathers

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Howard K. Smith

Bethesda, Maryland

Mr. Merriman Smith

Alexandria, Virginia

Mr. Jack Steele

Washington, D. C.

Mr. W . Clement Stone

Chicago, Illinois

Mr. Michael W. Straight

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Nicholas P. Thimmesch

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Thomas Wakefield

Miami, Florida

Mr. Philip H. Watts


Mr. Mike Wallace

New York, New York

Mr. William S. White

Washington, D. C.

Mr. Richard L. Wilson

Washington, D. C.





FROM: Bryce N. Harlow
DATE: November 4, 1969

Please clear the following Congressional Members for a breakfast meeting with the President in~·the State Dining Room for tomorrow, November 5 at 8:30 a.m.:


Howard Baker

Caleb Boggs

Norris Cotton

Carl Curtis

Paul Fannin

Cliff Hansen

Roman Hruska

Karl Mundt

George Murphy

Strom Thurmond

John Tower

John Williams

Bob Dole


Les Arends

Frank Bow

Bill Brock

Bob Dole Jerry Ford

Jim Fulton

Glen Lipscomb

Rog Morton

Louis Wyman.-Tonie to Ed?

Clark McGregor-Tonie to Ed?

Att General John N. Mitchell

Copies Sent To: E-1 A-4 B-4 G-3 658 Bob Newbrand


November 4, 1969

TO: Dwight Chapin
White House Police
Usher's Office
Secret Service
FROM: Office of John C. Whitaker (illegible text)
RE: Cabinet Meeting, Cabinet Room,
Wednesday, November 5, 1969
10:00 to 12 Noon
  1. The President
  2. The Vice President
  3. Secretary of State, William P. Rogers
  4. Secretary of Treasury, David M. Kennedy
  5. Secretary of Defense, Melvin R. Laird
  6. Attorney General, John N. Mitchell
  7. Deputy Postmaster General, Elmer T. Klasson
  8. Secretary of Interior, Walter J. Hickel
  9. Secretary of Agriculture, Clifford M. Hardin
  10. Secretary of Commerce, Maurice H. Stans
  11. Secretary of Labor, George P. Shultz
  12. Secretary of HEW, Robert H. Finch
  13. Secretary of HUD, George W. Romney
  14. Secretary of Transportation, John A. Volpe
  15. Budget Director, Robert P. Mayo
  16. UN Ambassador, Charles W. Yost
  17. Dr. Arthur Burns
  18. Hon. Donald Rumsfeld
  19. Mr. Bryce N. Harlow
  20. Dr. D. P. Moynihan
  21. Hon. Rogers C. B. Morton
  22. P. J. Buchanan
  23. C. S. Blair
  24. L. A. DuBridge
  25. J. D. Ehrlichman
  26. P. M. Flanigan
  27. H. R. Haldeman

Copies Sent to: E-1, A-4, B-4, Bob Newbrand

  1. James Keogh
  2. H. A. Kissinger
  3. H. G. Klein
  4. P. A. McCracken
  5. C. B. Wilkinson
  6. Ron Ziegler
  7. John C. Whitaker

And, the following political and/or personnel representatives from the Departments (from 10:00 to 10:30 A.M. only):

Wil Hastings (pol.)
Bert Rein (pers.)


Don Webster (pol/person)


Carl Wallace (pol/pers)
(Bob Froehlke, the personnel man, is out of the country)


Kevin Phillips (pol)
George Revercomb (pers)

Post Office:

Paul Carlin (pol)
Henry Albert (pers)


Ron Walker (pol)
Barry Dunn (pers)
Bill Galbraith (pol)
Fritz Behrens (pers)


Tony Chase (pol/pers)


Bill Gifford (pol/pers)


Pat Gray (pol)
Alan May (pers)


March Miller (pol/pers)


David Hays (Pol)
Frank Coy (pers)
Joe Bosco






FROM: Bryce N. Harlow

DATE: November 4, 1969

Please clear the following Congressional Members for a meeting with the President in the Oval Room Pres's Office at 5:00 p.m., November 5:

Beall, Glenn

Camp, John "Happy"

Coughlin, Larry

Dennis, David

Fish, Ham

Foreman, Ed

Frey, Lou

Goldwater, Barry, Jr.,

Hansen, Orval

Hastings, Jim

Hogan, Larry

Landgrebe, Earl -

Lujan, Manuel

McKneally, Martin

Mizell, Vinegar Bend

Ruth, Earl

Sebelius, Kieth

Weicker, Lowell

Whitehurst, William

Wold, John

Also present: William E. Timmons,
Deputy Assistant

Copies Sent To: E-1 A-4 B-4 Bob Newbrand

71 + Usher 4-5/pm (illegible text)